“Ten thousand people, he ranked 9827? Isn’t this the countdown.” Huo Tianci somewhat disdainful of Song Junjian’s ranking, because it is the countdown.

But Dong Daudao is brow beaded with sweat, because Huo Tianci got it wrong, and then he hurriedly explained: “My lord, the population of Great Liang Nation can be as much as 1.3 billion, Body The martial artist of Refining Realm has at least 100 million people, ranking 9827th out of 100 million people. Is this still low?”


As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianci’s heart was shocked, because he hadn’t noticed this just now. He only noticed that out of 10,000 people, it ranked 9827, but what he didn’t notice was, The total number of people is hundreds of millions.

Finally, he stammered and replied: “This…is really not low.” Huo Tianci suddenly woke up.

The Body Refining Realm martial artist of Great Liang Nation, speaking of which, is more than 100 million people. Huo Tianci estimates that 400-500 million people will not be able to stop, among 400-500 million people Ranked in the top ten thousand, this is indeed not simple.

Afterwards, Dong Boldly talked about the benefits of entering the Ranking List with Huo Tianci.

After Huo Tianci finished listening, it was a constant surprise, because there were so many benefits, even the Profound Pill Profound Artifact was available, but at this moment, the system hinted.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for accepting the task of “Domination Vanguard”.

The “Ding” [Making the Domination List] mission is opened, now you enter the 1st Stage and break into the list.

“It turned out to be a big task!” After hearing the words 1st Stage, Huo Tianci was completely excited, because the appearance of these words often indicates that he has taken the big task. The rewards for big tasks are absolutely expensive.

The task of breaking into the list: the host can enter the Fanban, you can complete it, and you will get rewards after completion [Character Card: Promise Sword Master]

“It turned out to be a reward for the Character Card !” Huo Tianci eyes shined, but what makes his eyes shine even more is that the hero of this character card is still a swordsman!

Up to now, Huo Tianci has drawn a total of four or five prizes. However, the character card has only appeared once. This is enough to show that the character card is difficult to capture by the lottery machine. After all, it is a powder reward. what.

However, the character card is particularly easy to use. Huo Tianci knows this very well, because the poodle, also known as the Proud Stalker Rengar, has helped him many times before.

“This sword Saint card, must be obtained!” Huo Tianci clenched his fists, whispered himself.

Afterwards, in order to know how to be on the list, Huo Tianci asked Dong Bold a lot of questions.

“My lord, since you have defeated Song Junjian, it is absolutely not a problem to enter the list.” Dong said boldly and bluntly, and then he introduced some rules for entering the list to Huo Tianci.

As it approached noon, several people came outside the gate of Pinxuan Tower.

Dong went out boldly to take a look, and he really came to ask for someone, including Song Family, Zhou Family, and Xu Family.

Headed by the Great Elder of Song Family Inner Sect, Song Tianheng, he has a biological brother relationship with Song Tianzong, the owner of Song Family.

“I have seen Mr. Dong.” Now that I see Dong Bold, even if it is Song Family Patriarch Song Tianzong, he has to condescend to salute, let alone Song Tianheng.

“Elder Song is here, what’s the matter?” Dong Bold to ask a question, when already knows the answer.

This makes Song Tianheng a little bit confused, because Dong Daudao’s son was also involved in this matter, and I heard that he was knocked out by Huo Tianci. This kind of hatred, is it possible? Is Dong Bold not going to report?

“is it possible that inside…” Song Tianheng is not stupid, so he pulled Dong Daou aside, secretly asked him, “Master Dong, is it possible That kid, has a big background?”

Song Tianheng guessed a little bit, but he doesn’t know how big the background is, so he wants to ask if it is really big enough for him to Song If Family can’t fight back, then he can only give up, but if it doesn’t, then they Song Family will have to take revenge, because Song Junjian is Song Tianzong’s son, Song Family’s Young Master.

It stands to reason that Song Junjian had an accident. Song Tianzong, as Lao Tzu, should have come here, but Song Tianzong was looking for treasure in the forest of beasts at this time. He probably didn’t know that Song Junjian was seriously injured.

But now, Song Tianheng has sent someone to deliver the news. After all, this is a major event.

Dong Boldly looked around, and when he saw that there was no silhouette, he said: “He is from Fuzhou City and has a relationship with Lord Wan Peng, and from the looks, it seems that Wan Pengdu I respect him very much and dare not neglect a bit, so you should bear it.” Dong said boldly.

“Wan Peng? Is it the Profound Master Wan Peng? In Fuzhou City, Sir Deacon of the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe?” Song Tianheng asked several times, because if it was really that adult, Then their Song Family can only give up, because Wan Peng alone is enough to flatten their Song Family.

Black river fort speaking of which is actually not too big. The highest expert in it is the Patriarch of the Song and Wu family. Both of them have the strength of the 9th layer of the profound practitioner Peak, so it is a profound master. , It is enough to flatten them, not to mention, Wanpeng is still the identity of the Chamber of Commerce deacon.

Finally, Dong boldly nodded, acquiescing to Wan Peng’s identity.

“Many thanks, Mr. Dong reminded me that this is a little bit of my heart, and I hope you will accept it.” Song Tianheng was sweating in his forehead, because if this moves Huo Tianci, then they Song Family, To be completely finished, fortunately, he witty and boldly asked Dong about the background of Huo Tianci, which made him somewhat relieved.

“This is not so good.” Dong boldly took a sneak peek at the denomination of the bank note, and he was instantly delighted, because it was 100,000 taels, but he still had to pretend to be Acting as if there is no merit, he pushed the bank note forward.

“There is nothing wrong with it. If it weren’t for Mr. Dong, you reminded us that our Song Family would be a disaster.”

“In this case, then I will accept it. “

In this way, the Song Family and the whole group all withdrew back, and the other two saw that Song Family had withdrawn, and they all left.

“Elder Song, how did you go?” After returning, the other two Patriarchs did not understand, because Huo Tianci is in the Pinxuan building. Just ask Dong Boldly to pay someone. What’s more, didn’t Dong Bold and that kid also have hatred.

“That kid has something to do with Wan Peng, we can’t move! We can only think of another way.” Song Tianheng’s head is about to explode, and now he can only wait for Song Tianzong. Come back, and then discuss together to find a way.

“What? Wanpeng! This…”

This result made the other two Patriarchs somewhat didn’t expect. It’s no wonder that his son was beaten by Dong Dauda , Didn’t do it, it turned out to have such a big background.

“In this case, I’ll just wait.” Except for Song Junjian’s serious injury, no one else has any major problems. In the end, these two Patriarchs suffered a dumb loss as their sons. Peng, they simply cannot afford to offend.

Song Tianheng had also expected such a result earlier, because this group of goods are hard to eat.

“Then I won’t send it.” After getting colder, Song Tianheng turned his head, and the two leaders saw this and left in a panic.

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