When said so, Song Junjian became speechless, because if there is really no speed advantage, Huo Tianci punches, it is enough to let him stand does not raise.

But compared to the disabled Shadow Step, this Clone Technique, is even more shameless, desperately desperate, Song Junjian finally broke up four or five fake Avatars, and as a result, Huo Tianci got a knot in his fingers and seven or eight Avatars came out again. This fuck, even if you let him play When he died, he couldn’t finish it.

“Why don’t you speak anymore? Didn’t you say that you are going to dignified and fight in a duel with me? Now I give you a chance to fight with me, whoever retreats and who loses, in the end you , And dare not, let me say what you are, and, I think the word “counsel”, now it matches you well, hahahaha.” Huo Tianci ridiculed constantly.

On the other hand, Song Junjian鈥檚 humiliated nose blushed, because of Huo Tianci鈥檚 this slap, but the so-called fiercely slapped him on his face, and he almost beat him, even his mother I don’t know him anymore, because he offered to fight Huo Tianci dignified in a duel, but now, he dare not anymore, because he has no chance of winning directly against boxing power.

At this moment, everyone next to you is also pointing fingers.

“Song Junjian is probably scared, because the Little Brother is definitely a winning ticket if he compares his boxing strength.”

“Song Junjian is sure to win the game? I don鈥檛 think it鈥檚 possible, then Song Junjian will be graded. 9 Martial Skill, Qingfeng fist, there is a trace of profound energy in that fist, how can it be lost.”

“Even if it is profound energy, then he will lose, at first I guess you didn鈥檛 see the scene, Song Junjian completely hit the Little Brother with two punches, but the Little Brother, nothing happened, and then Little Brother punched it out, even if Song Junjian completely resisted it, then he The blood was spit out, so that trace of profound strength, under the overwhelming brute force, has no effect at all. This feeling, when killing an ominous beast, you should all have experienced it, ominous beast With his powerful brute force, his profound strength can鈥檛 be resisted sometimes, and even one foot can trample the profound practitioner into meatloaf.”

The person thought about it, and finally slowly Nodded, because this person’s analysis is indeed, but he is a bit unbelievable, Huo Tianci can use that absolute brute force comparable to ominous beasts, because this is too exaggerated, ominous beasts are all several meters tall and huge, so It should be a huge force, but Huo Tianci is more than 1.7 metres tall and has a weak body. Can this make a huge force comparable to an ominous beast?

He couldn’t believe it anyway.

Seeing onlookers saying that he was scared, Song Junjian felt a little bit frustrated. After all, he was an expert in Fanbang and one of the duo of the Black River Fort, the son of Song Family Patriarch Song Tianzong. One Heaven’s Chosen Child. Of course, the most important thing is that Huo Tianci is still younger than him, and his realm is even lower than him.

If this is not a fight, it is estimated that more people will look down on him in the future, saying that he is a bullshit,

“MD! Actually forced me to make a trick!” Song Junjian is ready to fight , Because he has nowhere to retire now. Fortunately, in addition to Qingfengquan, he has cultivated a unique trick. This is also what Wushi rewarded him after he became an expert in Fanbang.

“Okay, I promised it, it’s like a punch, whoever backs, even loses!” After making up his mind, Song Junjian shouted to Huo Tianci.

Immediately, seven or eight Huo Tianci were reduced to one in an instant. After that, the two of them opened the distance and prepared to determine victory or defeat with one punch.

“Boy, I will show you today, what is a mysterious skill!” That’s right, what Wushi rewarded Song Junjian was a mysterious skill, a white-level Grade 1 mysterious skill.

What? Mystery!

As soon as these words came out, the people around were surprised, because the true mysticism can break through the mountains and rocks and overwhelm the ocean. Compared with the martial skills that can only be displayed with strength, the formidable power of mysticism is at least improved. Ten times more than that, because profound strength is ten times different from ordinary strength.

“Mystery?” Huo Tianci frowned, because he, who has used Cloud Parting Palm, is very clear about the gap between mystery skills and ordinary martial skills, as different as heaven and earth. , That’s not an exaggeration.

Of course, Huo Tianci is not afraid, then he looked up at Song Junjian and said: “I really want to see and see.”

Huo Tianci is not going to use Cloud Parting Palm One is that it is not necessary at all; the other is that he wants to use it now, but it can’t be used, because the previous use of Clone Technique has consumed a lot of his energy.

Furthermore, the dragon and elephant fight together, that’s enough! If it still doesn’t work, the wolffang wind and wind fists are all out, and the dragon, elephant and wolf are trinity, no matter how mysterious it is!

“Come on then!” After a violent shout, Huo Tianci started the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique.

“Then take me this move!” Song Junjian, who was opposite, also drank out violently, gathering momentum for himself, and suddenly, I saw him turning his fists into claws on the fingertips, showing off one’s The ability produced five white rays of light. The rays of light were as long as his knuckles. Looking around, they looked like nails between his fingers. They were not vivid.

During the period, he moved his five fingers, the rays of light moved, his fingers bent, and the rays of light bent, which made people feel a little bit magical.

“This is Bone Spur! White Grade 1 mystery, Bone Spur!” Some people with great vision have already screamed its name.

The mysterious techniques and secret techniques in Takeshi can be learned as long as they are listed as martial artists. So it鈥檚 not surprising that someone has seen this bone spur and can recognize its name.

The last five fingers of Song Junjian merged into a hand knife, like a poisonous snake jumping in the air, fiercely moved towards Huo Tianci’s body stabbed in the past.

“Last time I went to hunt an ominous beast with a mysterious expert, he used this bone spur. As a result, an ominous beast of the first level of a mysterious expert was instantly given to him by his five fingertips. It pierced the body, and in the end even the spine of the ominous beast was pierced into two pieces by him, but it is not so powerful.”

“Bone spur is a trick to gather all your energy. The mystery between the five fingers is normal. It鈥檚 a bit hard to tell if you win or lose. I really don鈥檛 know if that kid has any powerful tricks that I haven鈥檛 used.”

Lastly look forward to it. All of them looked at Huo Tianci’s body, because they all believed that Huo Tianci had even more powerful moves at hand.

Of course, Huo Tianci didn’t let them down. Just when they were attentive, the vigorous dragon elephant’s two heads were suspended above Huo Tianci’s fists, the dragon head and the elephant head. , Faintly discernible, if you don鈥檛 pay attention, you can鈥檛 see it at all.

The dragon elephant hovered out with both heads. Huo Tianci, who was in a posture, folded his hands together again, showing the appearance of a wolffang wind fist. Finally, the dragon head was on the left and the wolf head was in the middle. The elephant’s head is on the right, showing a dragon-wolf elephant, in a trinity posture.

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