Wild horses have split manes!

The speed is extremely fast, even if Song Junjian, who has a shadow on his body, didn’t expect Huo Tianci to turn from defense to offense immediately, and even rush to him in an instant.

“Can’t catch up!” Song Junjian did not react, because this move came, which surprised him too much. Of course, he can put up a defensive posture, resist this move, and finally move his arms Protecting him, he showed a smug smile, because Huo Tianci’s this fist is about to be completely defended by him.

Unfortunately, he somewhat underestimated Huo Tianci’s strength.

This point, when Huo Tianci’s fist touched his body, he already felt it.

“What!” At this second, Song Junjian only felt that he was facing an ominous beast, because only an ominous beast would have such a crushing force.


The power of the fist was so powerful that it made a wave of air in the air. Some of the less powerful spectators around were affected. They swayed from side to side and almost fell to the ground without standing firm. .

As for Song Junjian, he was punched directly by this huge force and flew out more than ten meter away. What was unexpected is that he stabilised his figure in the air, and finally turned several backflips. Later, with one hand and two feet, they fell on the ground.

At this time, a trace of blood was exposed at the corner of his mouth. Although it was not completely hit, the brute force of the fist spread to his internal organs. It is conceivable that Huo Tianci The power of the fist is great.

“If this is killed by bombing, um~hiccup…” After swallowing in fear, Song Junjian was a little bit afraid to think about it, because it was too terrifying, he was really unimaginable, This turned out to be only a 15-16 years old boy. The fists he slammed were terrifying. They were all the same as an ominous beast he had encountered before. They were so powerful that he could not Fight back.

Fortunately, Huo Tianci is not really ominous beast, besides, even if it is really ominous beast, there are weaknesses, and Huo Tianci’s weakness is that the speed is too slow. His martial skill attacked him, but as long as Song Junjian focused a little bit, he would definitely be able to dodge the wild horse just now.

After wiping the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, Song Junjian has full confidence that he can defeat Huo Tianci.


The onlookers all exclaimed at this time, because this little-known wild boy actually repelled Song Junjian with a single blow, not to mention it, even beat him out of blood.

“Who is this wild boy?” The people who have lived in the Black River Fort for a long time have never seen such a ruthless character like Huo Tianci again, because such geniuses must be well-known to everyone. Everyone knows, but looking at Huo Tianci’s face, they all shook the head because they didn’t know each other.

“I haven’t seen him again. If no surprises, he should be an outsider, but he seems to be particularly powerful at the moment.” I thought this fight would It was a downside-down passer-by. After seeing the blow of Huo Tianci just now, suddenly, he was full of expectations for Huo Tianci.

“Great is great, but no matter how great, you may not be able to beat Song Junjian. If nothing else, the secret technique and shadow step are enough for that kid to drink a pot.”

“Drink a pot? You really laughed at me, is it possible that your eyes are not good? The Little Brother just now repelled Song Junjian in an instant. In my opinion, the speed of that Little Brother , Definitely not under Song Junjian.” Some people are more optimistic about Huo Tianci, because the blow just now completely surprised them.

But the person who supported Song Junjian was a bit dissatisfied: “The afterimage step, but the Yellow Grade Grade 1 secret technique, Song Family is the secret technique in the black river fort hundred or so years without falling. , Dominate the world, now you say that the speed of that kid can be faster than Song Junjian? Humph, really stupid!”

I was said to be stupid, the person who supported Huo Tianci, his temper came straight up: “Dog stuff, dare to call me stupid? In that case, do you have the courage to gamble with Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu doesn’t have a lot of money, but TMD has a lot of money, so I’ll bet 10,000 tael of silver. I ask you if you dare? “

As soon as the bet of 10,000 tael of silver was released, there was a sudden burst of cold absorption on the streets along the way, because the bet was a bit big.

The person who supported Song Junjian also didn’t persuade: “Since you want to give me the silver for nothing! Then I just laughed at it. This is a gold ticket of one hundred tael of gold, which is equivalent to ten thousand. Tael of silver, I’ll bet this one with you!”

After taking out the gold ticket, this person did not forget to add: “Forgot to tell you, Song Junjian can use it not long ago. That shadow step secret technique, I fought with a mysterious expert of the first level, and did you think that kid can beat a mysterious expert? Hahaha! 10,000 silver taels got it!” The man laughed wildly.

On the other hand, the person who supported Huo Tianci was stunned, because he really didn’t expect that Song Junjian would be able to compete with the expert of the Profound Realm Realm.

“It’s over, it’s up, what should I do this time?” This person suddenly panicked and regretted it, but there was no way. The big talk has been released and the bet has been put down. Whatever, it is too late.

“Boy, you have to fight for my breath.” In the end, this man can only put all his hopes on Huo Tianci, hoping that he can create miracles.

But is this possible? When he thought that Song Junjian could fight the Xuantu expert, this man suddenly felt guilty. Because of the gap between the Body Refining Realm and the Xuantu Realm, it was a gap between heaven and earth. Since Song Junjian was able to fight the Xuantu expert, there must be truth. means.

But Huo Tianci, does he have one?

“MD, my 10,000 tael of silver.” Of course, this person didn’t believe that Huo Tianci had it. Finally, he continued to look up to the front and continue to watch Huo Tianci and Song Junjian fight.

At this time, Song Junjian, who was shocked by a punch, has wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and then he looked up at Huo Tianci in front of him and said: “Boy, your martial skill is indeed very difficult to deal. With, I don’t deny this, but the secret technique is even more powerful!”

Song Junjian started running. If you look closely, you will find that there is something behind him. The shadow exists, which is the illusory shadow that appears when the speed reaches a certain level.

“Is it possible that Song Junjian has already practiced the afterimage step to Great Accomplishment!” After seeing this, the surroundings exclaimed again and again.

“No, it shouldn’t have been. This should be the brought to the point of perfection of Small Accomplishment! It’s only a step away from Great Accomplishment. Even if that’s the case, it’s not allowed Underestimate, I feel that Song Junjian’s current speed should have reached 14 steps per second, or even 15 steps per second, his eyes can’t keep up, and illusory shadows appear, which is normal.”

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