“I didn’t see it, just relying on a girl’s nonsense, you believed it! Are you stupid? I asked you, are you stupid? Besides, I’m fine with idle pain in the balls. Just rush in and smash your things without saying?” Huo Tianci, who was sullen in his heart, directly raised his leg and kicked him.

When I got here, things were almost clear.

In the end, Wan Peng looked at the female second with a cold eye, and said: “I haven’t actually recruited it yet!”

The female second was scared to the soul flew away and scattered, and finally puffed. She knelt on the ground with a bang, and directly begged Wan Peng for forgiveness: “The little girl had eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai just now. She accidentally collided with the Young Master. The little girl was really not. Intentional.”

Seeing that the female second is still arguing and saying that he is not intentional, Huo Tianci is angry: “Okay, I don’t care if you are unintentional! But then you reverse right and wrong and cover up The truth is, what is the meaning of hid the sky with one hand saying that I came in to make trouble? And what does it mean to let Dong Bold, kill me directly on the spot? is it possible that, these all are unintentional? Or me, then Can’t talk nonsense?”

Faced with Huo Tianci’s question, the female elementary girl didn’t say a word, but was trembling all the time, because she already knew she was finished.

After that, Huo Tianci continued.

“I came in for dinner. If you didn’t entertain me, that’s fine. After I booked a seat, you laughed at me for not being able to afford it. Then I opened the package and prepared to pay for the money and show it to you to prove that I can You can afford it, but you are afraid that I will dirty your counter, and you said I can’t afford it if it is dirty, so I just broke it, to prove that Young Master, I can Can afford to pay the money! But what about you, you turned right and wrong and insisted that I came in deliberately to make trouble, and finally let people come and kill me, it is really snake-hearted!” After these words, Huo Tianci face changed and turned his head. Looking at Dong Boldly: “By the way, how much is the counter worth? Is 10,000 taels enough? Or, 100,000 taels?”

Speaking, Huo Tianci took out ten from the package. A silver ticket of 10,000 taels denomination, and then it was thrown on the ground like garbage.

“Isn’t that enough?” Huo Tianci dropped ten more.

After that, there are ten more.

After the 100,000 taels banknotes were dropped this time, Dong Bold, who came back to his senses, immediately picked up all the banknotes on the ground, and then returned them to Huo Tianci on his knees: ” Little Brother, the broken counter, it’s worthless, and the money, you can take it back, and the thing just now, the villain is really deceived, it’s all this bitch!”

Dong Daudao really even regrets his intestines, because he was too anxious when he dealt with this matter just now. He simply didn’t listen to Huo Tianci’s excuse, and that is, the female second, too I was able to fan the flames, and in the end, she was her own lover, so Dong Daudao chose to believe her, but who would know that the root cause of this incident turned out to be like this.

“Dong shopkeeper, save me, save me.” Seeing that the situation is over, the female second pleaded for Dong Dafang, but how dare Dong Dabao speak out to protect her, because he now even owns himself Can’t keep it.

In the end, there was no way. The female second was clutching her belly and crying at Dong Daudao: “Dong Daudao, I am your child in my arms, can’t you just die like this? “

As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianci was shocked. After all, the child was not guilty, just when he was about to spare the second girl.

Dong boldly got up suddenly, and then shot her to death with one palm. This result was unexpected to everyone.

“Are you crazy!” Huo Tianci hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation of the female second, but unfortunately, she was already powerless.

“Dong shopkeeper, this is too cruel, the woman is pregnant with his child.”

“That is, the tiger poison still doesn’t eat the child, in order to preserve I don’t even care about my position. These very ruthless methods really make me wait and feel extremely cruel.”

Faced with the cold words of the diners, Dong Daobao just said: “Lao Tzu Three years ago, there was no fertility function! I was pregnant with my child! Who did you lie to!”

Wake up the dreamer!

Immediately, the spearhead turned to the female second.

“This femme girl is really scheming, otherwise, we will have to be deceived by her a second time!”

“The most poisonous woman’s heart, this sentence, really That’s true.”

Huo Tianci was also amazed. The second female second had to say that she really died cannot wipe out the crimes. In the end, Huo Tianci ignored her. After all, she is dead.

“Throw it to Chaotic Burial Mound!” Dong boldly gestured to the two guards, and immediately after this, he knelt down at Wan Peng’s feet: “My lord, the villain is really blinded by that bitch. Otherwise, even if you give the little one a hundred courage, the little one would not dare to abuse his power and do such a deed.”

Wan Peng didn’t say a word, just gave Dong Boldly After a wink, the knowing Dong Bold, immediately knelt and moved his head in front of Huo Tianci: “Little Brother, I am really blinded, I will kowtow to you, I will make amends for you, I beg you, just go around Pass me this time.”

Seeing Dong Daudao and Huo Tianci kowtow to apologize, the onlookers all discussed spiritedly and guessed Huo Tianci’s identity.

“Is it possible that this kid, you know Master Wanpeng?”

“Look at this look, it’s absolutely right, I really can’t tell, this kid has this and the The others, even the Master Wan Peng of Tianhe Chamber of Commerce knows.” This person sighed.

“In fact, I feel that even Master Wan Peng treats him politely, is it possible that, that kid is the Eldest Young Master in Fuzhou City?”

” The young and old of Fuzhou City!”

After hearing these words, everyone sucked coldly, because this status is so much more valuable than them, no wonder Wan Peng treats him politely. plus.

At this time, someone also took a picture of Huo Tianci’s flattery: “Should I say, this Little Brother, whose appearance is dignified, and whose appearance is out of the ordinary, must be a giant amongst men, how could it be possible? It will be the troublemaker who came here to make trouble, and so are you. Isn’t it bad to dress, that’s poor and poor status? That’s low-key! Low-key understand?”

“That’s right, this man Young Master, it is low-key and connotative, how can it be with our general vision.”

Being so touted, Huo Tianci is actually a little ecstatic.

“It is good to have a hard identity, and it can be walked unhindered.” Huo Tianci thought with joy, and then he looked down at Dong Bold, who was still begging him for mercy.

At this time, he was thinking about how to deal with this product, and finally he touched the chin and said: “It’s true that the one who doesn’t know is not guilty.”

, Dong Daudao was as excited as Dawn saw the dawn.

“However, the death penalty is forgiven, and the living sin is inevitable!”

This sentence is like letting him fall into an endless ice cave. It makes him chill. Finally, Dong Boldly bitter, self-whispered: “I said, Lord, can you finish it in one breath, the heart of the villain is a bit unbearable, the ups and downs are too big.”

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