But the clever Wu Si thought otherwise: “Huo Brother, I think that Song Family will not let you go. Otherwise, they will not send Song An over to assassinate you, but during this time, you Don’t worry, because Song Family often haunts the deepest part of the Forest of Beasts during this period, and it is said that they are almost reaching the peripheral zone of the Dark Forest. Finally, someone guessed that the Song Family was hunting for treasure, so this period Time, they won’t come to trouble you again.” When Woo Si brought him into the Black River Fort, he told Huo Tianci some of the gossip he heard.

“Treasure hunt? What kind of treasure?” Huo Tianci frowned slightly. It’s no wonder that Song Family didn’t take him seriously, it turned out to be looking for treasure.

Of course, the Huo Family does not have this capital, and it can attract enough attention from the Song Family. After all, the entire Huo Family does not have a xuan expert. Such a small family, to be honest, is not enough for the Song Family. Interdental.

Of course, if Song An was killed by Huo Tianci, it would be different if it spread out. Fortunately, Huo Tianci cleverly found someone to make a wedding dress.

Looking at the two Wujia Elders in front of him, Huo Tianci was relieved.

However, the crisis is not over, because when the news of Song An’s death came out, Song Family Patriarch Song Tianzong was very angry. After all, he was an Outer Elder, but because he was busy looking for the “treasure”, He has no time to care.

Furthermore, assassinating a child can reveal his identity. Even if he is dead, the Wu family puts pressure on the other side, saying that Baili Town is already their territory, you Song Family The person who assassinated me in the past had to give an explanation and so on. Finally, helpless Song Tianzong had to forget it.

Of course, they didn’t know that Song An died by Huo Tianci, because when Wood and Woes went back to report, not at all mentioned Huo Tianci, because Song An, Both of them killed it.

Otherwise, Song Family will desperately come and kill Huo Tianci, because these enchanting evildoers must be strangled in the cradle, otherwise, it will definitely be a time bomb.

As for Song Wuyan who asked Song An to assassinate Huo Tianci, Huo Tianci had already met him just now, when he was in the iron shop.

Yes, the man in the cloak who ordered a thousand iron picks is Song Wuyan.

He ordered a thousand iron pickaxes, of course, to dig out the real treasure hidden in Baili Town, the vein of black stone.

Of course, Song Wuyan saw Huo Tianci when he was in the ironware shop, but he did not see it, because his current purpose is not to kill Huo Tianci, but for the black stone ore veins. , And that is, if he kills Huo Tianci, Baili Town will be in chaos, when the time comes, maybe the black stone veins will be exposed.

So just pretend not to see it, it’s best, anyway, his purpose is to find the black stone veins, then dig out some to take away, and finally fly far away that’s all. As for how powerful Huo Tianci is, Song Family What happens in the end, to be honest, it has nothing to do with him, because now he just wants to be a quiet treasure digger.

“What specific treasures, we are not quite clear, anyway, Song Family is busy and happy.” Wu Si shook the head.

The Wood next to him cursed directly: “I wish them most of the dead and wounded, but they still couldn’t find the treasure!” Of course, this curse really worked, because Song Wuyan sent the Treasure Map. , Was originally fake, of course, this is also something to follow.

“hehehe, then I hope they can’t find the treasure.” Huo Tianci also black-belly.

No words for a night, 2nd day early in the morning.

“Master Patriarch, you have to be careful along the way.” In front of the Huo Family gate, Fifth Elder and the crowd were sending off Huo Tianci.

“Um~.” After nodded, Huo Tianci asked Heizi to mount as well: “Heizi, let’s go.”

Huo Tianci is going to the Black River Fort, except for the purchase In addition to the equipment weapons of rank seven or eight, he still has another task to do. He glanced at his third leg, Huo Tianci really didn’t want to lose it.

“It’s really a fucking task.” Huo Tianci wanted to curse when he thought of this. Huo Tianci had received a gifting task earlier, that is, within three months, a gift Give Wu Qiushuang the Mysterious Grade weapon. Otherwise, you will lose Ding Ding. Huo Tianci is only 15 years old and he is also a little virgin. He doesn’t want to practice Sunflower Treasure Scripture at such a young age.

Also, I have been lazy in Baili Town without leaving. I was a frog in well all my life. Huo Tianci wanted to go out and have a look, to see how much the world outside is. wonderful.

The town of Baili is far from the Black River Fort. If you ride a horse, it will be one day and one night if you ride a horse, and two days and one night if you are slow.

Finally, before the sun set behind the western hills, Huo Tianci and Heizi, who had been on a long journey for a day, stopped at a roadside Inn because they were not going to rush overnight.

Inn is very simple, only divided into upper and lower two levels, but even so, it can not hinder its good business, because this way, Huo Tianci only found this Inn.

After stepping in, as expected, there were a lot of people sitting inside, tall, short, fat and thin, all different.

“Why are you staring at me?” Huo Tianci frowned, because there was an instant just now, everyone in this Inn aimed their eyes at him, although it was only an instant , But the vigilant Huo Tianci still noticed it.

At this time, a second person in the Inn greeted him with a smile: “Two little guests, do you want to stay in a restaurant?”

Taking means to eat on the way A light meal, and then you have to leave after eating; and staying in a shop means literally, staying.

“Eat first, then stay in the store. By the way, come to a pot of tea to quench your thirst.” Then, Huo Tianci took Heizi and found an empty place to sit down. Then he was curious, So he was ready to listen to what other people said, why he was staring at him when he entered the door just now.

“Okay~, the younger one will prepare now.” With that, the shop Xiaoer went to pour tea.

And Huo Tianci is opening the ears of Shunfeng, listening to all the sounds in the Inn.

At the corner, two robust men with big swords on their backs: “It turns out that there are two brats, but I think it is another piece of the pie.”

“Don’t tell me, so do I, look, how many people are there now, when the time comes, just those cold moongrass, how can we divide it, maybe we have to fight at the end, when the time Those of us who have no background come can only watch, we can’t even drink the soup.” Another robust man put down the knife behind him, while complaining with a frown. It looks like he should be just To.

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