“Whatever you do, you must persuade me to come back! Otherwise, I will… I will, I will choke you to death!” Li Steward danced and scared Huo Tianci.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for triggering, [regret marriage] task, task request, help Dongfang Xue, regret the marriage contract of Tianyishan, task reward-a special lottery coin.

“Li Senior, I think you are right. Since this is all my fault, then I have to take responsibility. Didn’t Yishan get five places in exchange for Dongfang Xue that day? , Then when the time comes, can’t I just take out six.” Huo Tianci thought, doing business with Lao Tzu, playing routines, aren’t you courting death? Of course, he didn’t treat Dongfang Xue as Goods are just an example.

Seeing that Huo Tianci suddenly changed his temper, he seemed to be a different person. Then Li Steward was a little bit stupid, because this kid was terrified and over-cautious before, and he was afraid of trouble. It looks like, but afterwards, I don’t know what’s going on. It’s like being beaten up, I can’t wait to help and do everything.

Although I don’t know why, since Huo Tianci is willing to help this, then Li Steward is relieved.

“you brat when the time comes, don’t break your promise, otherwise, the old man will say you and belittle our Young Lady. At that time, the Dongfang Family will chase you down. It will definitely take your life.” Li Steward is also smart, and directly directed Huo Tianci with both soft and hard.

And Huo Tianci.

“Don’t Li Senior, I didn’t even touch my hands. You just call me frivolous, it doesn’t seem very good, or…” Huo Tianci started. It’s a joke.

“You dare!!!!” And Lee Steward, he really took it seriously: “If you dare to touch our Young Lady, then I will chop off your hand.”

“Anyway, anyway, you must help me to persuade Young Lady, because she really can’t go to that place.”

“If I say it, then you must If you can do it, don’t worry. Lee Steward, by the way, Lee Steward, what’s the matter with the Hidden Dragon List, can you tell me something.” Huo Tianci wants to inquire, the Hidden Dragon List’s Matters.

Of course, Li Steward knows everything and talks endlessly, because now he is relying on Huo Tianci to let Dongfang Xue “to get back on the right path”.

“It is said that the people on the Hidden Dragon List this time can go and explore something about a profound emperor’s Great Secret Realm. I also rely on this to hold down Young Lady, otherwise If so, Young Lady will definitely set off tomorrow to go to the Lingdu battlefield, so during this period, you brat, you must help me persuade Young Lady.”

“ding” system Hint: Congratulations to the host for triggering, [Hidden Dragon List] task, task requirements, the host needs to be on the Hidden Dragon List list, task reward-Naruto, a random move, S-level ninjutsu.

“S-level ninjutsu!” Huo Tianci just wanted to say, this reward is bright, because the S-level ninjutsu in Naruto almost has the ability to destroy heaven extinguishing earth.

For example, where the sky is exploding, Shenluo Tianzheng, they all exist in a large area every second.

“Li Senior, besides Hidden Dragon List and helping Dongfang girl, is there anything else you need my help?” Huo Tianci just wanted to say, let this task be triggered, come Let’s be more violent.

“I, you? You help me, hahahaha.” On the other hand, Li Steward laughed wildly on the spot, because Huo Tianci, a little Profound Sect, how could he have the ability to help To get his semi-sage, it should be him to help Huo Tianci, that’s almost the same.

“Li Senior, don’t underestimate people. Although my current realm of strength is not too high, it’s not like I’m talking about other places. You are 30%.” Huo Tianci also said not low-key.

However, what Huo Tianci said is indeed the fact, because in this World, refining, Huo Tianci is invincible, pill concocting, Huo Tianci is invincible, as for making amulet, there is now a triple pill method Of course, Invincible must be a bit exaggerated, but Huo Tianci is still very sure of the abuse of one and a half saints.

“Strengthen me by 30%? I want to see how you have the ability to be stronger than me by 30%.” Being underestimated by Huo Tianci, Li Steward is a semi-sage, of course his face I can’t help it.

However, when Huo Tianci took out three things, his face was a little bit awkward, and even Li Steward, who was a little temperamental, came to him, he was relieved and opened in an instant, because of the kid in front of him. , It turned out not to be boasting skin.

“Seven-star silver Alchemist Badge! Seven-star bronze Refiner Master badge! And this six-star gold Array Master badge! My Heavens! This…this…this, this is all Is it yours?”

The appearance of these three badges made Li Steward dumbfounded. Of course, he was not surprised at how high the stars are. Because let alone these seven stars, even if he is an eight-star professional master, he has seen a lot of Old Li.

But the professional master who can combine Alchemist, Refiner Master, and Array Master to such a degree, Li Steward honestly, this is the first time I have seen it.

It’s not easy to be single-minded, let alone doing two things at the same time, and even doing three things at the same time, because doing three things at the same time The result of this is likely to become the half-hearted, in the end, nothing can be achieved, but Huo Tianci completely overthrew all of this, because he did it, achieved the three major occupations, almost all of them are proficient.

“This is still the previous professional badge. Now, my professional level should be even higher than this.” Then, Huo Tianci Sea of ​​Consciousness condensed his own. The huge spirit strength was released instantly.

“Rank 65!!!”

Li Steward was shocked, because Huo Tianci’s spirit strength is almost the same as his, and Huo Tianci’s realm is just It’s just that Profound Sect, on the other hand, it’s a half Saint.

For this, Huo Tianci would like to add one more sentence, if I cultivation some three-element pill method, the spirit strength breakthrough 70 steps, simply not too with no difficulty, yes, this is Huo Tianci, Have not cultivation the spirit strength class of the Three Element Pill.

If it’s cultivation, you will definitely get another sublimation again, just like the kaleidoscope writing round eyes previously obtained.

“Li Senior, in terms of realm strength, I may not be able to help you, but when it comes to pill concocting, I am still very confident.” After taking back his spirit strength, Huo Tianci Said to Lee Steward like this.

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