Because in the moment just now, Huo Tianci’s strength has increased dozens of times.

And this kind of power blessing, he was unheard-of, unprecedented before, and was so scared at the end, it still belongs to reason.

But after careful observation, I saw the ghost with a panic face before, and there was a trace of disdain at the edge of his mouth, because this is just a group of ants. .

Since this is the case, what is he afraid of! !

“Boy, don’t scare people, don’t think I don’t know, in fact, your fundamental strength is only the same as Profound Sect! Although I don’t know, why can you be so many times Increase your strength, but the ant will never become that elephant!!!”

When the words fell, the ghost only felt that he was relieved a lot, and he was Wei Xuanzun, why bother to be so undervalue oneself, to grow the ambition of others, to destroy one’s own prestige, and finally to fear a little Profound Sect.

But Huo Tianci’s moves really scared him a bit, because it was so weird, it got him into such an unknown place.

But the ghost believes that as long as he kills Huo Tianci, then this move will definitely be self-defeating.

It’s a pity that he thinks too much, because first, he simply can’t kill Huo Tianci, since he can’t, then simply won’t have the second point afterwards.

Apart from this, ants, it is true that they cannot become elephants, but there are many examples of ants killing elephants, let alone a group of ants.

“One Profound Sect can’t kill you with one level, but fifty, one hundred, or even two hundred!”

Huo Tianci just wanted to say, Are you still alive?

As for how to get two hundred Profound Sect people, it’s very simple.

Multiple Shadow Clone technique! ! !

Boom…Boom…Boom…Boom…Boom…! ! ! ! !

In an instant, two hundred white smoke-like explosions appeared up and down the ground and sky in this different space. After all the white smoke dissipated, one after another Huo Tianci appeared there. Before the eyes of the ghost.

Of course, this is not two hundred Huo Tianci of the first level of Profound Sect, because Super Saiyan one can only increase the battle strength of the caster fifty times, and now there are two hundred This, obviously, is shrinking.

But Huo Tianci, there is another trick available.

Drink~~aaaaaah…! ! ! !

With both fists clenched, Huo Tianci’s body bowed slightly, and then, a frantic roar, roared out of Huo Tianci’s throat, making Huo Tianci the original On the body surrounded by Chijin Qi, something strange appeared again.

In the end, I saw a red breath erupting outward, like tulle battle clothes, once again blessed on Huo Tianci’s body.

Quadruple Realm King Fist! ! !

Boom…swing! ! !

In the next second, only two hundred Huo Tianci’s bodies were seen, suddenly, all bursts of red aura power emerged, looking around, it was like fire red fireworks , Almost concealing half of the sky in this different space, at the same time, the power of the breath rippling from the eruption of power also caused this different space to be constantly roaring, and the air trembled again and again.

In the end, I saw the Huo Tianci in the sky above the ground, all rushing out, attacking the ghost without hatred.

Dayu spiral Duolian pills! ! !

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms! ! !

Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique! ! !

Great Heaven and Earth Shift! ! !

Myriad Sword Returning to Origin! ! !


At the same time, as long as he can use all the moves, Huo Tianci has also used them all.

As for the main body Huo Tianci, it is hiding behind, bending five fingers in the palm of the palm, and condense fires of different colors.

On top of the thumb, there is the Source Fire that burns fruit, and between the index fingers is the purple beast inflammation associated with King Amethyst Wings Lion in “Breaking the Sky”. Then, there is the intersection of cold and heat. , In the list of different fires, the bone spirit ranked eleventh is cold, and finally, it is Huo Tianci not long ago, just cultivated, above the flame crystal mother-the red flame.

This Flame Crystal mother was originally a spirituality excavated by Huo Tianci among the volcanoes.

In the previous words, the cultivation speed was very slow. Fortunately, the Fire Attribute Spirit Stone on Huo Tianci had a lot of them. In the end, they were all used as nourishment and fed to this fellow.

After getting the Heaven Wielding Bottle, it has a magical green liquid. So the cultivation speed of this Little Brat is as fast as sitting on a rocket, and it goes up in a hurry. In the end, there are no counts. On the moon, there was a fire on the stone, and the flames began to appear.

It’s just that the distance has turned into a different fire, and there is still a lot of gap, but occasionally with the help of the formidable power of the red flame, it should be more than enough.

This time, Huo Tianci tried, but the result, just as he thought, do as one pleases, free control, too. After all, Huo Tianci, but this Little Brat’s Dad, now I use the light to use it. Isn’t it possible to have a temper?

Condensation! ! !

Finally, under the control of Angry Buddha Lotus Flame’s moves, I saw these four different colors, but all the formidable power out of the ordinary flames, hovering like one An invisible force was absorbed into Huo Tianci’s palm, and finally, it merged into one.

It feels like a man-made rainbow, so cool and beautiful.

Afterwards, with the control of the power, gradually, the Fire Lotus, which looks like a lotus, slowly began to show its clues, and finally it bloomed completely like that iron tree blossomed.

As for the addition of Divine Fire of Six Ding, Huo Tianci felt a little overkill. After all, it was just killing a slag that’s all that had just stepped into the Xuanzun and would not use the power of space guidance.

Seriously, if this ghost does not hate and will use the power of space guidance, then Huo Tianci must use the Divine Fire of Six Ding.

Because Xuanzun, who knows the power of space guidance and the power of space guidance, has two completely different concepts. This is like a pistol with bullets and a pistol without bullets, the latter There is no bullet, there is definitely no slight threat, so Huo Tianci did not use Divine Fire of Six Ding, because of this, there is simply no need to waste an opportunity to use Divine Fire of Six Ding.

Apart from this, the display of Angry Buddha Lotus Flame has not ended yet, because there is a foreign body between the fifth finger, that is, between the little finger.

The color of the foreign body is dark and its rotation is erratic.

As for what it is, everyone must have guessed it now, yes, it is the black cold wind that Huo Tianci has just found not long ago.

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