Except for Zhang Jian, Dongfang Xue’s expression also showed a lot of surprise at this time, but Dongfang Xue knew that this was just because the Xuanzun had not learned to master the power of space guidance, otherwise, Even if Huo Tianci goes against the sky, it is absolutely impossible to do so.

As for the others, most of them are watching jokes.

Among them, Wang Tuotian, after all, has been scorned by Huo Tianci several times before, and now he sees that Huo Tianci is about to be killed by the soul Sect person, he is laughing, because of this Firstly, it saves him that he will go directly to do it, and at the same time, he will not be discovered that he did it. Thirdly, their entanglement with Soul Sect will also come to an end. After all, the murderer is not They, it’s so fun.

“That kid deserves it.” Finally, I saw Wang Tuotian, and said this frivolously for a while.

“Wang Tuotian, are you taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune like this!” The next second, Meng morning sun, who had a pretty good impression of Huo Tianci, immediately choked off this sentence.

Because Huo Tianci will make you lose people and lose face, but at least you are a decent person. Now demonic path disciple, if you want to kill a decent person, you don’t need to help. Still yelling at taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune that deserves it. This is the martial artist in Upright Sect, what should be done?

Meng morning sun is not angry anyway.

Immediately afterwards, Dongfang Xue, who rarely spoke, first shook the head to Wang Tuotian, and then said softly to everyone: “Let’s save people first and talk about it.”

Although the language is very concise and easy to generalize, everyone can hear Wang Tuotian’s disregard for Wang Tuotian, because Wang Tuotian did something too wrong and should not be done.

After all, this is in front of the great righteous and wrong of the enemy of Zhengma, and now you say it like this, but you have committed an absolute taboo, even if you are no longer dissatisfied with Huo Tianci, but you should never say Come out these words.

At this time, Wang Tuotian seemed to be aware of this. It was that he had said something wrong, but the words had been exported, just like the spilled water, which can no longer be collected.

Zhang Jian is also speechless to him, because this guy is simply a pig teammate.

But it’s not too late to remedy it now: “What Dongfang Junior Sister said is, then we should hurry to save people now. By the way, Junior Brother Wang, you were hit by a ghost and injured. See, you don’t have to come forward now.”

In the end, Zhang Jian helped Wang Tuotian round the game. After all, the same sect senior and junior brothers, apart from this, led Zhang Jian to Vast Ocean Sect. Elder Wang of Wang Tuotian is still the uncle of Wang Tuotian. Although Zhang Jian has another Master now, he has never remembered the introduction of great grace, and this is why Zhang Jian always speaks for Wang Tuotian, otherwise. , To be honest, Zhang Jian didn’t want to care about these messy things, especially the matter just now, after all, it was a big taboo.

“Thank you Senior Brother Zhang.” And Wang Tuotian will also cooperate. After saying this, he clutched his chest on the spot and coughed a few times pretending to be injured, because he is now asked to help Huo Tianci, isn’t this a bit of humility, like acting like a show, so Wang Tuotian can’t go there for the sake of face or whatever, now that he has this excuse, it can be a relief for him.

Otherwise, he will be contaminated with sewage and can no longer be cleaned.

On the other side, all the ghosts who rushed out of the nest did not hate the crowd. They thought that they would be able to get it easily, that is, they killed Huo Tianci, but they became holy after they stepped up a hundred steps. When I went up, the abnormality appeared.

I saw the double coercion on the platform of sanctification, which directly slowed their movement speed by more than half. What’s more, many of the disciplines even went straight to the air afterwards. Fiercely fell off the sanctuary.

For this, the ghosts who did not fall are not angry, but they are not surprised, because this is the result of the failure, not the cause of who, if you want to blame, you can only blame themselves Disappointing, not high with talent.

But this is also enough to see that the disciplines in a Rank Sect are so strong, because compared with other casual martial artists and passers-by martial artists, until now, the ghosts of Soul Sect are not against the crowd. There were only three people who failed to break through to become the holy platform.

In contrast to those martial artists, until now, there are only two or three people who have reached this level. It has to be said that Grade 1 is a major concentration of geniuses.

“It turned out to be the double suppression of spirit strength and the brute force of the fleshy body!!!”

Like Huo Tianci, Gui Buqiu discovered this in an instant, so he Immediately gathered the spirit strength in the Sea of ​​Consciousness and the Spiritual Qi in the dantian to fight against this double suppression.

Because it is a dual purpose, and it is the dual operation of spirit strength and Spiritual Qi, the movement speed of the ghost and the others is much slower.

“This kid, why doesn’t the speed decrease.” Looking up at Huo Tianci, who is’far ahead’, the expression on the face of ghosts is becoming more and more serious, because compared with them, Huo Tianci is It’s just like climbing a mountain, but it’s just a little bit difficult, that’s all. On the other hand, they have blue veins on their foreheads, heavy eyebrows, and on their backs, it’s like a hunch over a hill. Their waist.

“Look, everyone, there seems to be a baby!”

Just when the ghost is secretly envious, suddenly, a Junior Brother behind him suddenly surprises Made a sound.

Gui Buqiu turned his head and took a look, only to see a few small white porcelain medicine pill bottles floating out of thin air.

“Hurry up and get it!” It is estimated that the baby will be disappeared, so Guibuqiu is the impatient calling everyone.

When the discipline of Soul Sect heard it, it was a probing hand that immediately stretched out and held these small medicine pill bottles suspended out of thin air in his hand.

Finally, when I opened it, I found that these small white porcelain medicine pill bottles contained about four or five high grade Celestial Venerable Pills.

“First Senior Brother, it is Celestial Venerable Pill, and it is still high grade!” When I see this, the disciplines that break Soul Sect are all boiled, although they have also received Celestial before. Venerable Pill, but those Celestial Venerable Pill are no more than middle grade at most.

The difference between middle grade and high grade must be at least one to one hundred. That is to say, the value of one high grade Celestial Venerable Pill is exactly equal to one hundred middle grade Celestial Venerable Pill.

“How many bottles are there in total!!!” Guibuqiu impatient asked.

After that, everyone quickly took it out and counted them. In the last inventory, there were nineteen bottles.

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