“If this is the case, then you should urge the return to the city as soon as possible to leave.”

In the end, I saw everyone and took a return to the city, because this is indeed a dead end. , As long as one foot is empty.

As for the people of Senluodian and Heavenly Dao Alliance, they didn’t dare to go to the platform of sanctification. First, they just came and didn’t know what it was. Second, there are still people. From this sanctification platform, fall down.

So they don’t know whether they should follow.

But they all know that this way, they either go back the same way or fall directly from the top, that is to say, they just have to wait for the rabbit.

“Boy, you can’t run! Now hurry down and die for me, when the time comes. If Young Master is in a good mood, maybe one can leave you a whole body! As for yours Friends, if you surrender now and then hand over all the treasures to us, then we will absolutely not move you anymore, how!!!”

Li Haoxuan was so tempting and threatening,

Just when he thought that Feng Nine Heavens and the others would eat this set, after all, he promised not to kill them. In the next second, I saw Feng Nine Heavens and the others except Huo Tianci. People, all of them squeaked in place, completely disappeared in their eye sockets.

“What’s going on!”

As soon as this scene came out, it scared many people present because they thought it was a sanctuary The above mechanism appeared, and then completely swallowed Feng Nine Heavens.

In the end, it was precisely because of this that the adventurous martial artists who came forward and were ready to become the holy platform, all stopped at this time and never dared to step forward.

Because this is so horrible and terrifying.

Finally, until two other groups of people came over and stepped on the sanctification platform, everyone dared to try again.

As for the other two groups of people, they are naturally Vast Ocean Sect headed by Zhang Jian, and Soul Sect headed by ghosts.

“Really didn’t expect, this turned out to be the platform of sanctification!!!”

Zhang Jian is not hostile to ghosts. At this time, it is so-called shocked, because sanctification The formation of the platform must be forged with the power of Saint’s power, or the power of semi-sage.

The power of Saint is so great that ordinary Xuansheng can’t do it.

Of course, the power of Half Saint is also, that is to say, Half Saint Realm of Black Wind Saint, among the Half Saint, belongs to the top existence.

In the end, if you have such power, you will be qualified to forge this sanctification platform, and the complete formation of the sanctification platform requires the forge, blood, and blood essence of your own life, that is to say , The formation of a sanctification platform, it is bound to fall a Saint, or a semi-holy.

And this sacred platform, if you speak more accurately, it can be called a semi-sacred platform, because the strength of the black wind Saint was only half-sacred.

As for the role of the sacred platform (semi-sacred platform), everyone who knows actually knows it. It is very simple to check whether a martial artist has become a semi-sage or a true mysterious sage. Qualifications.

It’s not easy to forge the Sanctuary, but the urging is even more difficult. It can’t be said to be difficult, but it should be said to be harsh.

A total of 81 pieces of top grade Spirit Stone are needed to set up the array, and five of them must have Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements Attribute.

That is top grade gold attribute Spirit Stone, top grade Wood Attribute Spirit Stone, top grade Water Attribute Spirit Stone, top grade Fire Attribute Spirit Stone, and top grade Earth Attribute Spirit Stone.

It is precisely because of this that a test of the sanctification platform requires hundreds of thousands of contribution points within a general Rank Sect.

And what is the concept of the sect contribution point number of hundreds of thousand points? A general martial artist can take twenty years to obtain it.

It took 20 years to test whether I have the qualifications to become a semi-sage or a mysterious sage.

In the minds of normal martial artists, this is no less than on the earth, a family who has just stepped into a well-off family, buying a BMW sedan is so out of reach, and dare not to be extravagant.

But now, the free opportunity is right in front of you. You said Zhang Jian has no hatred with that ghost, can you not be so excited?

What’s more, while testing, there are still many babies waiting for them. In the end, the two parties have reached a tacit understanding for the time being. We will finish the testing first.

Of course, the detection of the sanctuary is not absolutely absolute, but pretty close is.

As for the previous martial artists who stepped on their feet and finally fell from the platform of sanctification, yes, it was a manifestation of complete failure.

At the same time, the higher you climb on the Sanctuary Platform, the more it shows that your Martial Dao has great potential. As for falling directly, this is almost equal to that, completely ” Hopeless.

In the end, someone calculated that if you can climb more than 60%, that is, all 60% of the steps, you can be considered qualified, that is, if you have a chance, you can become a semi-sage or a mysterious sage.

If you reach the top, 100%, of course impossible is absolute, 99%, then there is definitely nothing wrong.

Because of this, in the end, Zhang Jian and the ghost are not hostile to the crowd. They immediately moved towards the platform of sanctification and set off.

“Look, there are some people who are not afraid of death, and went to climb the stairs.”

“I guess I just didn’t know it, this thing is weird.”


“Anyway, I don’t dare to go up anymore. After all, you didn’t see it just now. It was a thirteen-fourteen big living person. But in the end, it just squeaked like that, and all disappeared. .”

Although this person said so now, there is one sentence that is more correct, that is, slaps, always in the next second.

“Hey~, they are all right!”

“Moreover, they have climbed dozens of steps, is it possible that, just by accident.”


“In my opinion, it must have happened by accident. By the way, there seems to be a person who survived before. It was the Little Brother who cracked the game of the holy platform.”

In the end, everyone looked at Huo Tianci in the middle of the sanctification platform, because Huo Tianci at this time had already climbed half of the sanctification platform.

Neither disappeared nor fell. Seeing this, those adventurous martial artists who dared not climb the platform of sanctification were untenable.

“Look, that Little Brother is almost halfway through the climb! And it seems that there is nothing at all.”

“Fuck, what are you waiting for, hurry through the level Ah, if it’s a step too late, there will be no baby in there.”

So, all the adventurers who had been on the sidelines before, all of them were beaten up and started again. Rushed up.

However, the person who should fall will still fall directly from the steps of the Sanctification Platform.

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