In other words, Huo Tianci now has the power to fight Wang Tuotian. After all, no matter how bad, Huo Tianci can directly open Eight Sects to his hard anus, but if Huo Tianci is an anus, The other Vast Ocean Sect disciple on the side is sure, and inevitable, and will not sit idly by.

So, Huo Tianci can only endure first, and then let him pass this period of time.

As for the later, that can only be said later.

“According to the previous agreement, now I have broken this array, then the baby inside, that is, it is all mine now.” After smashing that 12 layers Formation Defensive Array, Huo Tianci is like this Said to the sword.

Zhang Jian didn’t speak, just waved his hand and motioned to the Vast Ocean Sect group to leave with him.

On the way away, Wang Tuotian looked very unconvinced.

“First Senior Brother, is it possible that you are really going to give him all the treasures in it? If it is one of them, there is another wisp of cold black wind, or even a token of black wind, then We are not going to lose out.” Wang Tuotian thought, what kind of promise is still kept, because the baby is more important, so if you kill Huo Tianci directly, it will be better, of course, this sentence He didn’t dare to say it, because before that, he had already lost his face.

For this, Zhang Jian laughed calmly: “If the cold wind of the black evil spirit is intact, I will naturally not give up, but this is just a wisp, and what’s more, it’s not necessarily inside. Yes, as for the Black Wind token, we have already obtained one of them. Even if Huo Tianci finds all the rest, if there is no one of us, then he is also useless, so let it not, for us , There is no big difference, because the initiative, in the end, forever, and certain, will be in our hands.”

Zhang Jian’s this remark, that is what made Wang Tuotian wake up from his dream. It turned out that their First Senior Brother had already thought about everything, it was just him, that’s all.

“It turned out to be like this. It really deserves to be our First Senior Brother.” In the end, Wang Tuotian was nodded and stopped talking.

“At the same time, I can still pay back the favor. Why not do it.” Zhang Jian thought, if it wasn’t for paying back the favor, how could he let this kind of baby go? .

Finally, under Huo Tianci’s eyes, Zhang Jian and a group of people, without looking back, left the sixteenth Black Mountain.

Seeing Zhang Jian and the others walk away, Hao Hongzheng and the others, who had been hiding behind the giant stone before, can finally walk out with their probes, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the three words “Vast Ocean Sect” alone are enough to scare them all day.

“hu~, really scared me to death.”

“How come these Vast Ocean Sect people come to our Longshan Sea Territory? is it possible that, is it true for that The destruction of Yuchi Villa?” The clothes on the back of Lifeng were almost soaked. They were all scared.

However, Huo Tianci’s answer made his heart suddenly collapse.

“That sword was indeed here for the Yuchi Villa, but he seemed to mean not at all to kill me, so if I didn’t say that, I also said that he wanted to pay back my two favors. I don’t understand, forget it, because anyway, he is not at all malicious.”

“What? He is Zhang Jian!” As soon as Zhang Jian came out, I saw Li Feng’s expression. It was like falling into an ice cave, but when Huo Tianci said that the sword was not at all malicious, Lifeng was also relieved, too, because Zhang Jian wanted to be malicious, they estimated, early Are already dead.

“By the way, master, that sword, how did you return your favor?” Li Feng asked curiously.

For this, Huo Tianci turned his head and pointed to the mountain tunnel leading to the 16th Black Mountain, replied to him like this: “He gave me the baby inside , Let’s get the treasure now, and then go to the last Black Mountain.”

However, it is a little helpless that the treasure in the seventeenth Black Mountain has long been taken away by Zhang Jian’s group. In the end, Huo Tianci was completely empty.

It’s just that Huo Tianci doesn’t know, this is what Zhang Jian took.

After all, Black Wind Island has been around for thousands of years. Even if it’s only opened once in a hundred years, it has been opened a hundred times before and after. In a hundred times, anything could happen, and finally the baby inside was taken away. To be honest, this is simply not strange.

“ding” system hint: The seventeenth Black Mountain, the exploration is complete.

Fortunately, the requirement of the mission is not for Huo Tianci to find the treasure inside, but just to explore all of the Black Mountain. In the end, Huo Tianci is only in the tenth place. After a stroll on seven Black Mountain, the mission was completed.

“Ding” all Black Mountain exploration is completed, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the Xuanhuang 8th layer breakthrough task.

“Ding” congratulates the host realm, and successfully promoted to the 9th layer realm of Xuanhuang.

“Ding” EXP is full, the breakthrough mission of Xuanhuang 9th layer is opened, the host needs to set foot on the holy platform to the top level to complete this breakthrough mission, the task reward-breakthrough Xuanhuang, arrive at Profound Sect Realm! An extraordinary lottery coin! A special lottery coin fragment!

“Step onto the highest level of the Sanctification Platform!”

Huo Tianci thought, since this is the biggest task in the Profound Emperor Realm, the difficulty of this task is naturally, definitely It will not be small.

The “ding” advanced mission is opened. If the host is the first person who steps on the highest level of the sanctuary, you can get an extra piece of special lottery coin fragments.

“Fuck, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up.”

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci, who received the task, immediately took Hao Acer and all the people, moved towards the Central Zone of Black Wind Island, set off.

However, in the middle of the walk, suddenly, Feng Nine Heavens, the owner of Pegasus Mountain Village, suddenly stopped Huo Tianci and the others.

“Master, and everyone, please wait a moment.” Because in addition to City Lord Lifeng from Tian City and City Lord Hao Hongzheng from Clear Sky City, he is the owner of Pegasus Mountain Village Feng Nine Heavens also has a little secret.

Li Feng told Huo Tianci, the Underground Medicine Garden, which is the location of the Eight Diagrams Palace, and Hao Hongzheng told Huo Tianci, the hiding place of the 17 Black Mountain.

As for Feng Nine Heavens now, he is planning to reveal a quarry to everyone.

“The stone mines are all around, full of mazes, danger lurks on every side. If you get lost in it, there must be no return, but if you successfully enter it Hehehe, the rare and exotic stones in there can be softened by your hands. Of course, this needs to be cracked first. The Formation Formation covered on it will work. This was when I explored Black Wind Island 300 years ago. I found it by accident. In the end, I had good luck and got a piece of water to break gold, but it is a pity that that piece of water is only half the size of a fist. It is simply not enough to refine and create a weapon. What’s more, the water breaks the gold grade, but it has the Heavenly Grade eighth grade, which requires a Refiner Master of the seven-star silver grade to build the refining, but now there is a master. I think that all of this is It will no longer be a problem.”

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