There is a gap in strength, apart from this, and the two kinds of poisonous smoke, purple and yellow, are irresistible.

Finally, due to this, everyone had no choice but to give up.

Huo Tianci also wants to give up, but he has no choice but to do it. What makes him even more helpless is that this task is still a breakthrough task, that is, no matter what, Huo Tianci must be completed, otherwise, it would be impossible to break through in a lifetime.

The specific requirement of the mission is that the seventeen Black Mountains have been explored. That is to say, Huo Tianci will go down and take a look at the magic cave under the feet.

As for how to proceed, Huo Tianci thought of two methods. The first, of course, is breaking the formation, but the negative effects of breaking the formation are really too big, so Huo Tianci You can only give up and use the second method.

As for the second method, it is of course no different from everyone’s guess-[Character Card: Card Master Drizzt].

Use the card master’s R skill destiny directly to “fly” in.

But this second method, which is to use [Character Card: Card Master Drizzt], has a fatal weakness, that is, the duration of continuous use is only half an hour, which means , Huo Tianci will finish exploring the whole magic cave under the feet within this half an hour. Otherwise, if the time comes cannot come back, it will be trapped inside.

This is extremely risky and extremely dangerous.

Looking at the Ghost Sect walking all over the ground under the feet, Huo Tianci swallowed a deep sip of water, because the obstacles alone are enough for him to suffer. Come on.

“Master, you… why don’t you leave?” When Huo Tianci stared at his feet and looked out of his mind, Hao Hongzheng was a face of doubt, because they don’t want to look out of doubt. , Even if it is staring for a few seconds, the back is always have one’s hair stand on end, because the scene under the feet, like the Eighteen Levels of Hell, is really scary.

“I want to go down and take a look.” Just when everyone thought that Huo Tianci was too scared to move because of the scene under his feet, Huo Tianci suddenly said this sentence. .

And this can make Hao Hongzheng and a group of people, making it a big bash.

Because of this, how to go down?

This is a big problem.

“master, is it possible that you want to break the formation?” Lifeng is a bit untenable, because they all know the consequences of breaking the formation. Talking about other things, they probably couldn’t handle the two poisonous smokes, purple and yellow.

What’s more, no one knows what’s underneath. Maybe, there’s nothing. It’s just a giant pit. Just waiting for you to jump down. Then let these monsters be released. , But it is absolutely unimaginable, plus the disaster of extinction.

It is precisely because of this that Lifeng and the others hope that Huo Tianci should be cautious, because although the baby is good, life is more important.

However, how could Huo Tianci not know this.

So Huo Tianci said again and again like this: “So I can go down alone.”

“Go down alone????”

After listening to Hao Hongzheng and the others, it was even more puzzled, because the magic cave and the Qianzhangmu Hall were separated by the black wind Saint with a special Formation.

It seems that apart from breaking the formation, there is no second method to get in, right? What’s more, even if you get in, how do you guard against the two poisonous smokes in the magic cave?

For this, Huo Tianci certainly has a way, otherwise, Huo Tianci would not be stupid, just go in so stupidly to die.

As for what this method is, it is the [Ghost Valley Spit Nashu] previously drawn by Huo Tianci.

【Ghost Venoms Immunity】: During the month of the domestic animation Qin Shiming, the moves of the strategists (Ghost Valley Sect) can enable the user to Hundred Venoms Immunity during operation.

The character card of the card master, coupled with the Hundred Venoms Immunity’s vomiting technique, to be honest, Huo Tianci is still confident that he can break into the magic cave under his feet.

What’s more, the power of monsters lies in the brute force of fleshy body. For this, Huo Tianci’s Hulk character card, and the high-level armor inscriptions drawn before, can be used Great use.

Apart from this, monsters are also extremely afraid of fire and thunder, let alone the Evil-Warding Divine Thunder in Huo Tianci’s hands.

Before coming to Black Wind Island, Huo Tianci had cultivated Heavenly Thunder Bamboo to Golden Lightning Bamboo. Not to mention, he used Golden Lightning Bamboo to refine six Golden Lightning Bamboo. The sword, with Golden-Lightning Bamboo Leaf, refined more than ten Golden Star Exterminating-Devil Divine Thunder.

I have to say that this preparation has finally come in handy now.

I just want to completely wipe out the countless monsters under this magic cave. To tell the truth, this is still a bit rare, but to make a fortune and explore for self-protection, Huo Tianci heart Think, this shouldn’t be a problem.

“Master, you can…you can go in alone?” Seeing Huo Tianci say this, seriously, Hao Hongzheng and the others, it is getting more and more confused, but they all know The magic of Master Huo will always exceed their imagination.

“There should be some special method for master.” It’s just this method that Lifeng and the others can’t guess.

Finally, under everyone’s eyes, I saw a circle of red, blue and yellow light beams appearing. Numerous playing cards were surrounded by Huo Tianci, and the others were preparing to exclaim, this is When there was a move, only a sound of “pata” was heard, and Huo Tianci, who was still in the same place, suddenly disappeared.

Then everyone immediately looked down. It turned out that Huo Tianci had penetrated the isolated Formation and entered the magic cave under their feet.

“What a magical move!!!”

And this also amazed everyone, Huo Tianci’s magical and powerful move, because this is a half Saint, arranged Array Ah, as a result, Huo Tianci, a little Xuan Huang, broke instantly, and entered it. Invisible, everyone no longer… once again sighed, the master of Huo Tianci is magical and powerful.

“The master knows the trick of thunder and lightning, and the green power blesses him. I think, what is the big problem with this It shouldn’t be.” Feng Nine Heavens made a simple analysis, but this A seemingly simple analysis, but hit the nail on the head, because these methods of Huo Tianci specialize in these demonic path ghosts.

Haohong is nodded with Lifeng.

Then Hao Hongzheng continued and said: “Apart from this, the master’s armor piercing tool is also a super defense against these monsters, but if at the end, the master really misses, then What should we do?”

Haohong is preparing for the worst, because he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

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