So in order not to disturb these Outer Elders, Song An chose to assassinate. Also, Song Wuyan didn’t want him to reveal his identity. Otherwise, killing Huo Tianci would be a minor, so he could give Wu Jia a story. It’s in trouble.

Because according to the previous agreement, the losing party must withdraw from Baili Town. Now it’s fine if you don’t withdraw. If you still assassinate my people, then the Wu family will use this Song Family, if you can’t, I will make the matter big on excuses. When the time comes, the unreasonable Song Family will definitely make concessions.

By then, Song Family Patriarch Song Tianzong is bound to be angry. The final outcome of this series of chain reactions will inevitably be to find someone to take care of all this. And this Song An is this ghost for the dead, Song An knows very well, so this time’s assassination is only allowed to succeed, not to fail. This can be considered his only chance to make up for it.

The neck was held by a knife, and the Huo Family family member was too scared. In the end, he was afraid of death. Without even thinking about it, he told the position of Huo Tianci: “Home…home, Patriarch, in…in…in the main courtyard.” However, this family did not expect that even if he said, Song An still did not let him go. Finally, with the blade light flashed, a hot flash The blood splashed four steps away, before finally closing his eyes completely, he fell directly to the ground and never stood up.

Looking around, there is a somewhat deadly look in it.

“Who!” At this time, in the master bedroom of the main courtyard, Huo Tianci suddenly noticed an abnormal movement outside the door.

Immediately, clairvoyance and ears, open!

Suddenly, all the movements in the entire Huo Mansion were collected in his eyes and all sounds were collected in his ears.

“Song An!” Even though Song An covered his face, Huo Tianci’s eyes still see through, because clairvoyance has the ability to see through.

Boom~ collapse!

At this moment, the door of the room was punched and flew away. At last I saw a masked man with black and white hair, flying in, and this man, Song An, was seeing Huo Tianci was indeed behind this room, holding a sharp long knife in his hand, directly moved towards Huo Tianci and slashed past.

To tell the truth, fortunately, Huo Tianci was prepared. Just now, with the magical powers of clairvoyance and wind ears, he was aware of Song An in advance, otherwise, this sudden sharp stab would definitely kill him.

Because of Song An, he is a real expert, and his class has reached the 2nd layer of the mysterious. Its speed and power can be said to be a complete abuse of Huo Tianci. If it was Huo Tianci just now Without noticing him, maybe this blade has already been cut on him.

Fortunately, Huo Tianci noticed it, and he reacted immediately, and finally saw a dark black dagger appeared in Huo Tianci’s hands, and then he was holding the dagger. He directly moved towards the long knife and clashed over.

镪~! ! !

The unique sound of iron hitting appeared, but this sound only appeared for an instant, because in the next second, the sound of breaking came out.

Om~, break~clang!

The cracking sound is a bit harsh, and in the end I saw the long knife in Song An’s hand, which instantly changed to two knots. I have to say, although clairvoyance is smooth. Supernatural powers are very tasteless, but at this critical time, it can indeed save lives, and that is, this mysterious dagger is really powerful.

“What!” Seeing that the long knife in his hand was cut off by a small dagger in an instant, Song An was shocked, because his long knife had the ninth class His grade was just one step away from that yellow weapon, but now, he was cut into two pieces instantly by a small dagger like cutting vegetables, which made him not surprised.

But then, Song An came out in ecstasy again: “haha, this magic weapon dagger is mine!” Song An thought, as long as Huo Tianci is dead, then this magic weapon dagger, no Is it his.

When I thought of this, my desire to kill Huo Tianci was deep in one’s heart in Song An, and it became stronger.

“Boy, pay me with your life!” Five fingers folded into a fist, and a light-colored breath visible from naked eye instantly wrapped around Song An’s fist. No need to think about it. The light aura is the unique profound energy above the realm of the profound disciple.

After the profound energy appeared, Huo Tianci only felt the surrounding air, and they trembled a bit.

“It turns out that this is the real strength of the profound apprentice!” The heavy punches that condensed profound energy, invisibly, gave Huo Tianci tremendous pressure, compared to Wu Dingtian, who had just stepped into the profound apprentice. , Song An’s strength, but the so-called is stronger than him several times.

What’s more, Song An is an expert in the 2nd layer realm of a mysterious disciple. He is an old oily man. He has been immersed in the mysterious disciple stage for many years, and his control of profound energy is at least a hundred times stronger than that of Wu Dingtian. , So to speak, to Wu Dingtian, simply is not a person of the world. Even Huo Tianci has such a feeling that Song An’s this fist can kill Wu Dingtian instantly without any as easy as pie.

This is the real strength of the mysterious apprentice!

Just as Song An’s fist was about to swing at the crucial moment, Huo Tianci’s mind suddenly heard the system prompt, which turned out to be the silver lottery of the previous round. It’s over, this makes Huo Tianci’s heart happy, because if he can get a good reward, then he can have a greater certainty and kill Song An.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations on your reward-the technique of water escape and mist hiding.

“Okay!” With the sound of the system hint falling, Huo Tianci immediately yelled out the word “good”, and finally as the dot starlight merged with Huo Tianci’s mind, the system hint sounded, Appeared again.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations on your successful learning-the technique of water escape and mist hiding.

Suddenly, all the information of the technique of mist hiding was integrated into Huo Tianci’s mind. In another instant, Huo Tianci completely comprehended this water-dance ninjutsu.

In another breath time, Huo Tianci’s ten fingers quickly beat back and forth between his palms, making various peculiar gestures, and finally condensed into a seal.

Finally, with another violent drink, an extremely dense mist completely filled the room.

The technique of water escape and mist hiding!

“This what the hell is that thing!” The sudden thick fog instantly made Song An lose his target. In the end, I saw Huo Tianci, who was less than two meters away from him, completely disappeared. In this thick fog, it can be seen that the thick fog is so dense that it is not an exaggeration to say that you can’t see people when you look up, and you can’t see five fingers.

“MD!” After a second stunned, Song An still slammed out this powerful punch containing profound power, but Huo Tianci had already disappeared in place.

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