The Crazy Corpse Valley Disciple headed by Zeng Liang and the others can’t wait to devour meat raw, because they spent hundreds of years of work to obtain the treasure, but in an instant, it was stolen by Zeng Liang and the others. Going away, do you think they can get mad like this?

“Senior Brother Zeng is over, what should we do now?”

“How do I know, hope, there will be a miracle, eh~, it’s also to blame me, I can’t bear it Living in this temptation, but who knows, the most unremarkable thing is the most precious treasure.”

Zeng Liang at first thought so, just pick up a little thing and come here. , It shouldn’t be embarrassing to them, but what I didn’t expect is that this misstep is an eternal hatred.

Even the best baby came out, and in the end this led to the martial artists of the Crazy Corpse Valley. They were chasing them one day, one night.

Seriously, if it weren’t for this Magical Artifact small bottle gourd, the theory of Crazy Corpse Valley would probably be forgotten, but there’s no way, you just won the bid. Finally, you said Bright, is this good luck or bad luck?

Anyway, Zeng Liang feels a bit want to cry, because this TM is too embarrassing.

However, at the time of the discipline of Crazy Corpse Valley, I was preparing to kill people to regain treasure.

Suddenly, another team suddenly appeared on the ravine.

“Damn, this is a two-sided attack!”

Zeng Liang thought to himself that he is definitely going to die today, but after he took a closer look, he saw The look of despair on this boy’s face suddenly changed to the rest of his life after the disaster.


Because the comer is his savior, Huo Tianci!

What’s more, those martial artists on Huo Tianci side also have the realm of Xuanzun. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that there are as many as six people. This fuck, that Afraid of feathers.

So, Zeng Liang raised his head and chested out, and began to pretend to be forced: “If you have the ability, come over and get it!”

Zeng Liang turned the Magical Artifact in his hand. Small bottle gourd, while speaking to the headed Crazy Corpse Valley discipline.

The appearance of Magical Artifact small bottle gourd also attracted the attention of Huo Tianci, because there are only 18 things in total.

At the same time, Huo Tianci also fully understands why so many Crazy Corpse Valley disciplines are chasing after Zeng Liang and the others. It turned out to be for this black wind bottle gourd baby.

Also, a single strand is enough to have the formidable power of Heavenly Grade’s top magic weapon. Can this not make people jealous.

What Huo Tianci doesn’t know is that this is actually Zeng Liang and the others, that’s all stolen from the crazy corpse valley discipline, in other words, this is actually Zeng Liang and the others jealous, not those of Crazy Corpse Valley’s discipline jealous.

But there is one sentence that is very good, that is, the righteous demon is not at the same time, stealing from the enemy’s hands, then can this be regarded as stealing, and what is more, what can you do if you steal it?

Have the ability to hit me?

If Zeng Liang pretended to be like this before, it is estimated that he was beaten to death by the discipline of Crazy Corpse Valley, but now.

Looking at the six Xuanzuns who suddenly appeared in front of them, this time it’s the turn of those crazy corpse valley disciplines, you look at me, I look at you, looked at each other in blank dismay, and Plus shiver coldly got up.

Because of the sudden appearance of these six Xuanzuns, it was a bit too scary. In the end, I saw the disciplines of the Crazy Corpse Valley, all of them slowly retreating, because the treasures can still be obtained. This is the only fate.

“Count you ruthless, this time, it’s your good fortune, we withdraw!” Before leaving, the headed Crazy Corpse Valley discipline, even pointed at Huo Tianci and the others, said This sentence came out.

However, Huo Tianci just wanted to say—Is Lao Tzu let you go!

Also, did Lao Tzu allow you to act like that? Good luck for you guys, really hehe of TM!

“Stop them for me!”

Finally, Huo Tianci waved his big hand, and the six Profound Venerables headed by Hao Hongzheng immediately surrounded the ravine with a six-pointed star. The ground surrounded the crowds.

Seeing this, the discipline of Crazy Corpse Valley didn’t know what to do. Finally, they held weapons in their hands and curled up back to back, and then shiver got up coldly.

“You…you guys, do you know who we are!” The headed Crazy Corpse Valley recipe was still clamoring.

“We are the people of Crazy Corpse Valley, if you dare to do it to us, when the time comes our valley powerhouse, then you all have to die!”

For Therefore, Huo Tianci only said one sentence: “Who knew you were killed by us?”

However, this is very embarrassing.

Because this is indeed a big problem.

For a while, I saw the disciplines of the Crazy Corpse Valley, their expressions were all stiff, because here, it is not their endless Western Regions, and another thing that is not good, they risked being decent martial The risk of the artist’s killing, the Bafang Star Sea that came to him, and finally in order to capture the black wind Saint’s died during meditation Golden Core, now you an Outsider dare to pretend to be so, isn’t it an early death?

(Longshan Sea Territory, within the Bafang Star Sea; and this Crazy Corpse Valley, comes from the hundred thousand Desert, and the hundred thousand Desert, located within the endless Western Regions)


The Endless Western Regions are equal to the land of Hundred Sects; while hundreds of thousand Desert are equal to the Bafang Star Sea; the two forces border each other and are on a continent, but they are divided into two factions. , Have been fighting each other continuously.

The geographical location of Longshan Sea Territory is closer to the corner of the hundred thousand desert, like a protruding piece, and above that piece, there happens to be Crazy Corpse Valley and Rakshasa Sect, these two A Grade 2 Demon Sect.

On the Bafang Star Sea side, there are Senluodian and Heavenly Dao Alliance, these two Grade 2 authentic sects.

Because of this, at first, Crazy Corpse Valley and Rakshasa Sect are just secretly dispatching the discipline to come here to hunt for treasure on Black Wind Island.

Although they were discovered later, Crazy Corpse Valley and Rakshasa Sect were reluctant to die during meditation Golden Core, so in the end, the two of them, Grade 2 Demon Sect, followed Senluodian and Heavenly. Dao Alliance, these two Grade 2 authentic sects, made a big fight.

This fight lasted for nearly a hundred years, and until the next Black Wind Island opened, everyone stopped. During the period, there were countless casualties, and neither side could do anything about it.

Finally, because they couldn’t tell the result, the Heavenly Dao Alliance of the Heavenly Dao Alliance and the Crazy Corpse Valley and the Rakshasa Sect reached a tacit understanding with each other, that is, every hundred years, everyone will come to the Black Wind Island. The life and death struggle among the juniors finally distinguishes the victory and defeat between the right and the evil.

But that’s what I said, but every time Crazy Corpse Valley and Rakshasa Sect’s discipline come, they are all in a dare. After all, this is the site of a decent martial artist. Fortunately, Decent martial artists are more honest and don’t speak contradictory words.

But now that your TM is so pretending, it’s a bit too much!

Return to the powerhouse in the valley!

Huo Tianci just want to say, there is a kind of you TMD let them come!

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