Moreover, compared with the effectiveness, the big dragon BUFF is also full pressure. Although the bonus of ten oxen’s power is missing, this big dragon BUFF has the powerful effect of instantly improving the host’s three-level realm. It is indeed an orange reward, but This duration is a bit too short. After all, Huo Tianci starts in one hour at least, and can still insist on not “venting”.

Because the Baron鈥檚 hand BUFF rewarded by orange has been taken away by Huo Tianci, so this round of lottery must be re-crawled, taking a glance at the remaining scum reward, Huo Tianci I don’t want to watch it.

“ding” system hint: Please reserve a reward for the host.

“Of course, the lotus flower is reserved.” Huo Tianci didn’t even think about it, so he kept the lotus because other rewards could not be seen at all.

The “ding” [Lianhua] skill is retained, and the remaining eleven rewards will be re-grabbed when the host next lottery.

After the bronze rewards were drawn, Huo Tianci immediately moved his mind, and immediately the scum bronze lottery machine instantly turned into a silver light gleaming white.

Looking at the tall silver lottery in front of him, Huo Tianci was in a good mood, because the rewards in the silver lottery completely exploded the bronze slag.

From the top down, the first reward is the Cloud Parting Palm that Huo Tianci previously took away.

Cloud Parting Palm (in the wind and the cloud, step Jingyun moves), system comprehensive evaluation: Yellow Grade Grade 1 mysterious skills; move level: intermediate. Proficiency: 0/50;

Cloud Parting Palm at first is only White Grade 9 mysterious skills, but after Huo Tianci used the advanced skill stone, this breakthrough reached Yellow Grade Grade 1. Not to mention the qualitative change of the formidable power, it also has the magical effect of absorbing Heaven and Earth Profound Qi. Otherwise, that palm is absolutely impossible and will directly kill Wu Dingtian, who has already broken through to the profound practitioner.

Of course, this is also related to Wu Dingtian鈥檚 just breakthrough to the Xuan Disciple. Wu Dingtian is still not familiar with the magical use of profound energy, so he died under the palm of Huo Tianci.

Because the Cloud Parting Palm has been taken away by Huo Tianci, the color of the reward icon is grayed out, and even more marked with an “X”.

The second reward immediately below it is a skill icon, which looks like a full-moon sickleblade with a six-pointed star-shaped dot in the lower left corner.

Yes, it’s Sword Soul’s move in DNF.

Moreover, it also has a more domineering name, slashing!

Draw the sword instantly to condense sword energy, and then quickly all around, send out an oval deep blue sword energy slash, sword energy plunders all directions, gathers points into one, and can slash all around. All enemies.

Just looking at the introduction of Pulling Dadaozhan, Huo Tianci has already fallen in love with it deeply, because this trick is very difficult to deal with. Of course, this is not the point, the point is, handsome!

If you think about it, you can produce sword energy just by drawing a sword, and then that sword energy can also plunder and traverse everything, just think about it, and this force has already come out.

Thinking about it, Huo Tianci covered his mouth and laughed.

Continue to look down. The third reward is a medicine pill. This pill is called Life Replenishing Pill. It is as effective as the name suggests, that is, you can continue your life when people die. Let you survive forever.

“A life-saving thing, if you get it, it’s not bad.” Huo Tianci thought to himself, after all, you can have everything if you are alive. When you die, you will have nothing. Huo Tianci said, The sentiment is very deep, because he does not think that he can be lucky enough to cross the second time.

The fourth reward, good or bad, bad and bad, how to say, it is like the medicine pill, it is something you can buy with money, but it is more than medicine pill. More valuable.

It is a black stone, and depending on the appearance of the icon, there is more than one piece, at least, four or five pieces.

Xuanshi is something that can be bought in this World. If lottery is drawn, it is actually quite a loss, because the reward of overwhelming majority is not available in this World. As the saying goes, things that can be solved with money are not things, so Huo Tianci said that this fourth reward is good or bad, and bad.

Speaking of something absolutely nothing, then this fifth reward fully explains all of this.

In fact, when I saw this reward, Huo Tianci couldn’t believe it, because it is something you can see everywhere in online games.


Yes, it is indeed a disintegrator. I believe anyone who has played online games knows that the function of a disintegrator is to disassemble the useless equipment, because it is sold directly or It鈥檚 lost, and it鈥檚 all quite a loss, but after it鈥檚 decomposed, a variety of materials can be decomposed.

In this regard, Huo Tianci also studied it, and finally Huo Tianci discovered that this is a business opportunity, and it is also a huge business opportunity.

Because the disposal of discarded equipment in the Kowloon Continent is smelting, that is, throwing broken swords into the furnace to melt, and then solidify into iron blocks, and finally give it to the Refiner Master to rebuild new equipment .

It must take a lot of time to melt iron products, but with this decomposing machine, this fuck, just throw it in, just click to do it, and the material will come out. I guess it takes a few seconds. No use.

When I think of this, Huo Tianci is silly. Of course, this is just Huo Tianci鈥檚 own fantasy that鈥檚 all. After all, he hasn鈥檛 obtained this decomposition machine yet, so the specific method of use, Huo Tianci is also unknown, but Huo Tianci felt that this should be pretty close to his imagination.

“I really want to try it out.” Huo Tianci is looking forward to this decomposition machine.

However, compared to the more anticipated fifth reward-the decomposition machine, the next sixth reward is more pitted.

Ten thousand points of cultivation base value!

After seeing this reward, Huo Tianci’s face instantly pulled down, because of the value of the cultivation base, he is the least lacking, and there are only 10,000 points, which is a little bit less. Huo Tianci even suspected that this was something system deliberately made to fool him.

But when he saw the seventh reward, Huo Tianci’s mood suddenly improved again.

Behead the big knife!

It is the weapon of Naruto that will never be cut, and it is also known by the world as a big sword that will always cut, and every time it is cut, it will reinforce its formidable power.

Because it can absorb the blood of the enemy from the battle, thereby repairing itself, and then strengthening itself again.

It is the weakest sword among the seven Ninja swords. Similarly, it is also the strongest.

Finally, system gave it the first-class evaluation of Huang Qi. Although it started very low, it has a very strong attribute called-growth!

In other words, this decapitation knife can also be upgraded and breakthrough like a martial artist. Although it is only a yellow weapon, it has a heart of Divine Item.

“Being behind is also pulling the wind.” After laughing, Huo Tianci shifted his gaze to the next reward.

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