“This should be the black wind Saint, which was deliberately arranged to prevent the high tide and the sea water would flow into it.” The thin man was still smart, and he guessed it all at once.

Because he didn’t know what the opposite was, whether it was dangerous or not, so the thin man just waited for the bald boss and the fat pig to come down before discussing.

After a while, I saw the two people staggering, and finally got here.

While coming down, the two goods kept chirping in their mouths.

“Damn, it turned out to be that simple. Did you say it earlier? I was so scared that I tied Eighteen with a rope, and now I can’t solve it.”

“Boss You are stupid, can you just cut it directly.”

“You are so stupid. After you cut it, how can I get up safely! By the way, how did you get down?”

“Of course I climbed down. After all, I am not as greedy and fearful of death as the boss.”

“I am…, for safety, safety first understand.”

Skinny sees these two people ink marks, that’s also a good idea.

“Damn, can you hurry up? If TM is so dily-dallying, the baby is gone.” The thin man finally couldn’t help but spit out.

When the bald boss and the fat pig guy heard this, they immediately put down their mouths, and then trot forward.

“Where is the baby?” Finally, I saw these two goods, and asked the thin man with excitement.

The thin man pointed to the front: “It should be inside.”

“Inside?” After the two touched their hands in, they immediately laughed with open eyes.

“The air wall!”

“Then what TM is still doing, go straight in.” The bald boss thought to himself that there is such a secret hole in such a place. There is also an air wall as a defense. There must be a heavy treasure in it. Otherwise, how could Black Wind Saint be stupid, and he has made such a big name here.

“Didn’t I wait for you to be together? As the saying goes, we share blessings and share difficulties.” The thin man is not smooth, but the truth is that he is a little scared and dare not walk in alone. .

After hearing these words, the bald boss made a look of self-blame, because he almost killed this thin man just now.

So, the bald boss immediately apologized to the skinny man: “Skinny, the boss was really sorry to you just now, I promise, this time, this is the last time.”

“This time? Is it the last time? What happened just now? Wait a minute, boss, boss…”

The word “Farewell” has not been spoken yet, but the style of painting has changed suddenly. Immediately, I saw the bald boss who looked sorry just now, raised his legs and feet, fiercely glared at the thin man.

The thin man’s ass was heavy, and the whole person fell forward. In the end, due to the principle of inertia, the bald boss kicked forcibly into the air wall.

On the way to the dump, the skinny man was stunned, because of this fuck, it was too routine.

In the end, the helpless thin man had to be forced by these two teammates again, and was pitted again.

“Boss, why are you always cheating on the thin brother and not telling me? Is it possible that, is I stupid and sweet?” The fat pig thought to himself, but the boss is good to me.

“Stupid your sister Bai Tian, ​​you are so fat, can I kick you, so stupid.”

“It seems I can’t lose weight anymore. “


Just waited outside for about five minutes. After seeing the thin jade token of life and death, it was not broken, the bald boss and the fat pig waiting outside Man, I also settled my mind, because this shows that the thin man is not dead, and the thin man is not dead, it means that it is safe inside.

“I have to say, this move is very useful.” After murmured, the bald old man followed the fat pig and stepped into the air wall.

The scene inside the air wall, compared with the previous black cave, it is like the day.

Just when the bald boss and the fat pig were preparing to feel the magical work of Black Wind Saint, they saw the two of them in front of them again, their excited expressions suddenly stopped.

“Big brothers, in fact, we…we, we just passed by…” Because at this time, besides the thin man, there is another large group of people.

As for who this large group of people are, it is naturally Huo Tianci.

“Master, are you talking about the three of them?” Li Feng at first is still a little unbelievable, but now it seems that Huo Tianci’s awareness should be true.

Huo Tianci at first didn’t actually notice it, until he entered the cave and scanned with [Clairvoyance and Wind Ears], and finally didn’t scan anything else, but found these three trailing behind” mouse”.

In the end, Huo Tianci let everyone stay here and wait for it.

“Will you conceal the cultivation technique?” Along the way, everyone has the ability to turn on awareness, to find out if anyone is following all around. During the period, someone is detected, and Huo Tianci and The others were killed, but the three of them completely concealed themselves, and escaped the search of 17 half experts, so Huo Tianci was very curious about how they did it.

“This little brother, if I tell a secret, can you promise to let us live?” The bald boss was completely scared and stupefied at this time, because the fuck looked over , The whole TM is a half.

Only Huo Tianci is the only one who seems to be bullied.

However, what he didn’t know was that Huo Tianci who was the most bullied was actually the head of these half-sages, and the boss.

“Well, I can consider it appropriately.” Huo Tianci said casually, as if the lives of these people were completely unnecessary for him.

“Don’t, little brother, we really just happened to be passing by.” The bald boss was already crying blind at this time, because what he didn’t expect was that Huo Tianci’s routines were deeper than him, and it was here. , And wait for them to come walking right into a trap.

“Damn, I won’t go to routines to get thinner anymore.”

In the end, in order to survive, this bald boss had to name the three of them and be able to hide completely. The secret of breath has come.

“little brother, this is the jade pendant that can hide the breath. It was obtained by accident when we were exploring other places.”

This, Huo Tianci and the others did not find them along the way. Afterwards, it is estimated that Huo Tianci and the others disappeared, and the three of them also put away the jade pendant. As a result, they were just caught The Huo Tianci below, used [Clairvoyance and Windy Ears], which was unexpectedly swept.

“little brother, then we can go…” After putting down the hidden jade pendant, the bald boss turned around, closed his eyes tightly, and moved towards the air wall Went outside.

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