Hao Hongzheng, who knows the matter best, said to everyone like this, because he happened to go to the Black Wind Island a few days ago.

Don’t say so, he also saw that there are many people who are not afraid of death, and have begun to force the taboo of Black Wind Island.

The result is self-evident, almost instantly annihilated, because although the taboo formation is already quite weak, you have to know that it was built by Black Wind Saint with his own semi-sacred power Great array.

But this is still unstoppable, everyone’s desire for the treasure within.

Afterwards, due to Huo Tianci sound transmission, Hao Hongzheng also returned to Clear Sky City. In the end, he was extremely excited that Huo Tianci actually refined a batch of top grade Five Dragon Pills. I came with a group of top grade Jiulong nurse Soul Pill and sent it to them.

In this way, their strength has undergone a qualitative change. By that time, they will go to Black Wind Island and the chance of surviving will be greatly increased.

I have to say that Huo Tianci at this time has helped them a lot.

“By the way, master, are you going to Black Wind Island?” When Huo Tianci asked, everyone guessed something.

Huo Tianci slowly nodded, and then replied like this: “It’s only once in a hundred years. Now since it happens by chance, I’m ready to go in and have a look. Otherwise, I will feel a little bit It’s a pity.”

“The master said, if you don’t go inside, you will definitely leave regrets. What’s more, the true treasure of Saint Black Wind has not been found yet. In other words, we have the chance to win the treasure, especially after this surge in strength.”

Lifeng is also nodded. At the same time, he also stares his eyes on Huo Tianci gave him the top grade Nine Dragon Soul Pill. If they can use the power of the top grade Nine Dragon Soul Pill in Black Wind Island to successfully break through the Supreme Xuan Zun, then they, But it is absolutely sweeping everything.

At that time, looking for the treasure of the black wind Saint, isn’t it like a fish back in water?

In fact, it’s not just Lifeng, other people also think so at this time, because they do have it now, to compete for the strength of the real treasure.

However, all of this has to be attributed to Huo Tianci, because it is Huo Tianci that brought them medicine pill.

Don’t say so, Huo Tianci also helped them solve a lot of troubles, helped Lijia take back the entire Li Tian City, helped Pegasus Mountain Village, unified the entire Sixth Ring Island, and helped Haojia. With all the monopoly in the business, almost all of the hostile forces of the Hao family have been abandoned and fled, because now everyone knows that the Hao family may have a lot of friendship with the Huo master and also have business cooperation.

You are now in conflict with the Haojia, isn’t it just another conflict with that Huo master? Because of this, the Haojia has almost taken charge of the entire Clear Sky City during this period of time.

You said these people, now I am not grateful to Huo Tianci.

Not to mention, Huo Tianci now gave them the top grade Five Dragon Pill and the top grade Jiulong Nurse Soul Pill.

“Master, I and others, now I look forward to your head!” In the end I saw Li Feng, Feng Nine Heavens, and Hao Hongzheng, all of them cup one fist in the other hand, with a slight figure Bow, and said this sentence to Huo Tianci.

Seeing this, Huo Tianci is also very pleased, because he didn’t misunderstand the wrong person. At the same time, this also shows that Huo Tianci’s vision is quite good.

In the end, Huo Tianci took the eight half-sovereign experts and went around the Black Wind Island first.

Clear Sky City flies to Black Wind Island, it only takes two hours for a half statue, but with the “cumbersome” Huo Tianci, everyone will spend an extra hour, but it is not harmful. .

Looking down, at this time Black Wind Island is all around. It has already stood in great numbers. Large and small. There are nearly 100 Yu Family camps. Not to mention, there are some more powerful forces. In this all around open space, some small markets opened for business, and even more so, the Auction House.

I have to say that these people are quite capable of seizing business opportunities.

As for Huo Tianci’s satisfaction building, of course it’s not in it. Because the power level is too low, only Grade 5 or so. On the other hand, the martial artist, Profound Sect, walks all over the floor, half-respected for Tianyou. In the end, even the Xuanzun and Huo Tianci saw several people.

And these Xuanzuns, most of whom are seniors in Great Influence, are now leading their junior disciplines, ready to enter the Black Wind Island expedition guide.

Of course, they won’t go inside Black Wind Island, just those juniors who helped them come to that’s all outside Black Wind Island. At the same time, they are also warning other people, if so If I saw my discipline and junior in Black Wind Island, it’s best not to be swayed, otherwise, when the time comes, I will kill you all.

“Heavenly Dao Alliance of Bafang Star Sea is here!”

“Everyone, get out of the way!”

“My God, that’s the first The man who has Xuanzun’s 9th layer peak realm unexpectedly, it seems that Heavenly Dao Alliance is preparing for a big training this time!”

Just after everyone exclaimed, I saw another team. From the opposite direction, Yukong arrived.

“It’s the people of Senluodian!”

“I rely on, this TM comes around, how do you let me get out?”

“That’s right, I hide from the left, the Heavenly Dao Alliance will have an opinion on me, I hide from the right, and the Senluodian must feel that I look down on him again, this is so special.”

“Stupid. Forcing things, you just land. Isn’t it all right?”

Seeing that this man is not enough IQ, there is a kind person on the side, so he immediately reminded him.

In the end, I saw the Senluodian and the leader of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, facing each other in the air. Although neither of them did not do anything during this period, the collision between the spirit strength was already between the two. In the meantime, giving tit for tat is a hundred times.

It lasts like this. Time it takes to drink a cup of tea. It is estimated that there is no result, so these two people just gave up.

After that, I saw the Senluodian man on the left hand side and said first: “Yeah~, isn’t this the Chinese brother of Heavenly Dao Alliance? Why is there such a Yaxing this time? I personally brought the disciple inside the door. Come here, this little Longshan Sea Territory is here?”

On the opposite side, Hua Wuye replied his arms and chest: “Just like you, I have nothing to do in my spare time, is it possible that, brother Leng is here, There are other important things that can’t be achieved?”

Hua Wuye thought to himself, your skills of such a routine were outdated 800 years ago.

Seeing Hua Wuye asking like this, Leng Feng was stunned for a moment, because he came here and really has something important to do.

But he won’t say what it is.

On the other side, of course Hua Wuye is also, otherwise, the sect does not need their top experts at all, and come to this Longshan Sea Territory in person.

When I saw that no one wanted to say anything, the scene suddenly stopped, and there was absolute silence.

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