God Level Demon

Chapter 652

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

The next second, Xia Ping and the others immediately appeared in a plain among, weeds everywhere, stretched for hundreds of miles, as far as the eye can see.

“Here is Heavenly Monster battlefield?!”

Elite Student was shocked, stood up and looked at all around and found that the sky was a blood-colored, fiendish aura, seemingly filled with negative aura of Death, Slaughter and so on.

If you have been in this place for a long time, I am afraid that Soul will be polluted and become an irrational Devil.

Fortunately, they have Monster King Symbol, and they have three months of energy, which guarantees that they will not survive the safety of these fiendish aura’s Corrosion within three months.

However, if you haven’t gone out after three months, you will probably die in Heavenly Monster battlefield among.

“It’s not a battlefield. It really went through a battle of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.” Elite Student felt.

Because he found that on the grassland, there are ruins and broken walls everywhere, a huge crack, stretching for dozens of kilometers, and some become Abyss, deep and unmeasurable, a stone falls, after ten minutes I heard the sound.

There are also huge holes in each and everyone on the ground, and the scene is amazing!

Some are a huge palm print, the pothole contains a lot of fiendish aura, huge, and 2-3 kilometers in diameter.

Some of them are a footprint. It seems that there is a huge creature Void. When you step on the hole of 4-5 kilometers, you can’t imagine how big the battle’s creature is.

There are also potholes lying on a bone, height several kilometers, each bone is like a big tree, running with the power of rune, even after the countless years, these bones do not seem to be weathered, as if permanent ancient not change.

If you dare to approach, you will immediately be invaded by the fierceness of this skeleton, destroying Soul.

Many Elite Students are extremely shocking and unimaginable. The ancient times are such a terrible thing about those Monster Races. If humans came in that era, it is estimated that they are only killed.

“Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is also very rich.”

Xia Ping’s eyes flashed, he also felt that this is indeed a grotto-heaven and blessed land, Spiritual Qi is a hundred times more intense than the outside world, under such environment, it is estimated that a lot of spirit medicine will be born.

“Since it’s time to Heavenly Monster battlefield, then let’s say goodbye.”

“Yes, Life and Death are destined to find Treasure, just look at their good fortune.”

“You take care.”

“Can survive, we drink again.”

After seeing the environment of the surrounds, many Elite Students have come back. They are all hand-in-hand, interrupted and went to the Heavenly Monster battlefield to find Treasure.

Behind them, they all stood in the Great Clan. They were amazing and well-informed. They also knew from their respective channels that Heavenly Monster battlefield could get Treasure.

Therefore, they will not waste time in this place, they are immediately heading towards their long-awaited destination.

Feng Qiudao and the others are very decisive. They seem to have had their own destinations. Every and everyone is leaving, very quickly, and soon disappears into the eyes of everyone.

“Hmm? ”

Original Xia Ping also wants to go immediately to a mysterious valley, looking for the White Spirit Ginseng Fruit mentioned by Qiu Xue, but his Spiritual Power spreading all around, suddenly felt the sound coming from afar.

“Hey hey, follow me. I used to spend a lot of money before, and I bought a message with a Core Student, knowing an unknown valley hundreds of miles from the grassland, with a Spirit Spring inside.”

The speaker is Tu Haojie. He is very proud at this time: “The Spirit Spring is very secretive and contains a lot of Spirit Liquid. If we arrive at that place and find ten kilograms of Spirit Liquid, it is with no difficulty.”

“Of course, there is a formidable Guardian Beast in the valley, and you need to help.”

“But once it’s successful, we don’t have to worry about the Mission not being able to complete, so feel free to hunt for the treasure at Heavenly Monster battlefield.”

He uses Secret Technique, Secret Transmission.

Everywhere is Elite Student, Lian Zhengshun, etc. Step into the top of the Expert, after hearing this news, they are very moving, heart-warming.

“There is Spirit Spring? It’s a rich man.”

Xia Ping’s eyes are broken, he didn’t expect that he actually overheard such a secret. It is estimated that this brat thinks Secret Transmission, so that others will not overhear their secret.

The same is true for in reality. With this Secret Technique, basically even if the wall has ears, it cannot be heard.

The problem is that the world has a freak like Xia Ping, Spiritual Power doesn’t know how much more than the Rank Expert formidable, and cultivate the Peerless Sound Wave Cleaning Technique like Heavenly Dragon’s Octave and Heavenly Poem.

This also makes him extremely sensitive to all kinds of sounds, even if the sound like a mosquito, as long as it is no more than three kilometers, can not hold his ears.

It is estimated that this is similar to the legendary among the legend.

“Brother Tu, didn’t expect that you actually took this big news out and shared it. It’s really broad-minded.”

“Yeah, thanks to Brother Tu’s support, if we get the benefits, we will naturally not forget Brother Tu in the future.”

“In the future, we will follow Brother Tu to eat delicious food and drink hard liquor, and take Brother Tu as the leader.”

Lian Zhengshun and the others are boot-licking, flattering.

This is also a matter of course, people have come up with such a big news to share, may get huge benefits, get rich in one night, say a few flattering words and what counted.

If someone wants to give you hundreds of millions of pocket money, it is estimated that you will be called Father.

“Polite, polite, and everybody’s help, we can survive in the Heavenly Monster battlefield, and fly into the sky.” Tu Haojie feels very refreshed.

He took out the news, of course, not only to get rid of these Elite Student, but also because the place savage beast formidable, need help, so they will be invited to go.

However, at the same time, I am grateful to these Elite Student’s and get friendship. It is definitely a great benefit for his future development. This is a multi-pronged strategy.

“Good guys, this is a group of children who have to send money, they must follow up, fish in troubled water.”

Xia Ping touched his chin. Anyway, White Spirit Ginseng Fruit stayed in the valley, and no one could find it in a short time. It doesn’t matter if it is temporarily placed there.

Therefore, it is better to follow this group of Elite Student, and get a lot of Spirit Liquid by the way. It is not too late to find the white spirits. Anyway, there are still three months and a lot of time.

And like this kind of ride, he never refuses.

“There is not much to say, let’s go now.”

Tu Haojie was in a good mood at this time. With a big hand, he immediately led his team to leave and headed for the northern part of the grassland.


Seeing this group of people acting, Xia Ping also seems to be ghost-like, with speaking, just follow up.

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