Chapter 194 Brother Chu, Gao!


On the way to the restaurant, Tang Yao’s tactical watch shook.

Tang Yao saw that it was a message from Yuan Zhan, with only two words.


After reading it, Tang Yao smiled slightly.

After arriving at the restaurant, the three of them found a seat by the window and ordered a few dishes.

Later, Tang Yao looked at Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi sighed and said bitterly: “Actually, the story is very old-fashioned. Although the strength of the Yuan family is not bad, it is only a second-rate family in the capital base. Moreover, in the second-rate family, it is only a middle-level family. The strongest person in the family is the previous Patriarch, and also my grandfather, the 6-star God of War.”

“The head of this term is my uncle, the 3-star God of War. For the strength of the Ascension family, my uncle figured out a way a month ago, which is to make alliances with stronger forces. I have come in contact with him several times. The first-class family in the capital base was selected, the Chu family.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao frowned.

The first-class family Chu family in the capital base?

Isn’t that Chu Jian’s family?

What happened today is a bit evil by coincidence!

Yuan Xi continued: “The way of alliance is marriage. The Chu family’s most outstanding child is Chu Jian. However, how could the Chu family marry Chu Jian and Yuan’s woman? In the end, the Chu family chose the marriage. The candidate is Chu Jian’s twin Little Brother, Chu Fei.”

“But Chu Fei is a dude, ignorant of learning and skill, and bullying men and women. Compared with his Big Brother Chu Jian, Chu Fei is a muddy mud that can’t support the wall. Even so, Chu Fei can’t help. He is a direct descendant of the Chu family.”

“Correspondingly, if the Yuan family wants to marry, they must also have a direct daughter. Naturally, my uncle did not want his own daughter to marry someone like Chu Fei, so he put his attention on me. After learning about this, of course I Disagree, but it’s useless.”

“With the help of my aunt, I escaped a week ago. At that time, when the university started school, I hid in the capital war palace and never came out. The uncle and they dare not arrest people in the capital war palace, so I can insist. Until now.”

“However, I can’t hold on for long. The wedding date set by my uncle and the Chu family is October 1. Before the wedding date, the family will definitely try to take me away. Even if the Yuan family is afraid of the Beijing War Palace, in the end, Chu The family will definitely intervene.”

After listening, Han Shuyao patted Yuan Xi’s shoulder distressedly, and said nothing.

Obviously, Han Shuyao knew about this.

Tang Yao frowned and said, “Hiding is not a long-term solution. Is your grandfather unable to get through?”

Yuan Xi shook his head and said, “Back then, my grandfather forcibly separated my aunt and loved ones, and used my aunt as a tool of marriage to marry the heir of an old second-rate family in the capital base.”

“With the support of that veteran second-rate family, the Yuan family stabilized its strength at the level of the second-rate family. Grandpa supported the decision to marry the Chu family. Even if I went to find him, it was useless.”

“And my aunt, I have been unhappy all these years. It is precisely because of this tragic experience that my aunt will spare no effort to help me. I don’t know how my aunt is now? I violated my grandfather and uncle’s orders, My aunt will probably be punished by the family.”

After speaking, Yuan Xi dropped his head worriedly.

A trace of contempt flashed in Tang Yao’s eyes.

By sacrificing the happiness of the family girl, the strength of the Ascension family is achieved through marriage.

This Yuan family is really rubbish!

I can’t worry that Yuan Zhan wants to leave the Yuan family. If it were me, I would have to stay far away.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao said, “Wait for me.”

After speaking, Tang Yao got up and walked to a corner.

Immediately, Tang Yao dialed Chu Jian’s communication.

Soon, the communication was connected, and Chu Jian’s figure appeared in the light curtain.

Chu Jian looked at Tang Yao suspiciously, and asked, “Junior Brother Tang, what’s the matter?”

Tang Yao nodded and smiled: “Brother Chu, I have something to ask for.”

“Come on, what’s the matter?”

“Senior Brother Chu knows about the marriage of the Chu family and the Yuan family, right?”

Chu Jian condensed his eyebrows, nodded and said, “I know.”

Tang Yao said, “Since Brother Chu knows, then I won’t go around in circles. The person the Yuan family marries with your Little Brother is Yuan Zhan’s pro-Little Sister. However, the little girl is not willing. So, can you invite Brother Chu? Help, dissolve this marriage. If Brother Chu is willing to help, I, Tang Yao, will have a good return.”

Chu Jian’s brow furrowed deeper, and he took a deep look at Tang Yao.

After a while, Chu Jian sighed, and said, “Junior Brother Tang, I know who I am from Little Brother. I really don’t like his many deeds. But after all, he is my Little Brother. I can’t come forward. To ruin his marriage.”

“Also, although I am valued by the family, I cannot change the decision of the family arbitrarily. Moreover, the person currently in charge of the Chu family is my father. I don’t want to categorically question the decision he made. Therefore, Junior Brother Tang , I’m sorry, I can’t help you.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded.

Tang Yao had already guessed about Chu Jian’s reaction.

Contacting Chu Jian, Tang Yao just wanted to give it a try, without much hope.

Tang Yao came up and wanted Chu Jian to dissolve his Little Brother marriage contract, which was already a bit rude.

If Chu Jian could say that, it was already considered to Tang Yao’s Face.

Tang Yao said: “I understand Brother Chu’s difficulties. I also know that my request is a bit rude. Please forgive me. I’ll think of another way about this matter. Then don’t disturb Brother Chu. Goodbye.”

When Tang Yaogang wanted to hang up the communication, he heard Chu Jian’s voice.

“and many more!”

After Chu Jian pondered for a while, he said, “Junior Brother Tang has made up his mind to help Yuan Zhan’s Little Sister?”

Tang Yao nodded.

Chu Jian said: “Junior Brother Tang, people don’t speak secretly. With your talent and potential, plus the importance of Curator Wan and Curator Jiang to you, I don’t want anything to happen between the Chu family and you. conflict.”

“I don’t want any enmity between you and me. If you can persuade the Yuan family to retire, I can give you a guarantee that the Chu family will never embarrass Yuan Zhan’s Little Sister. In this way, the Yuan family’s breach of contract is first, Chu The family will not lose its credibility.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “The Chu family will certainly not lose its credibility, but it will lose its Face. I’m afraid, won’t let it go, right?”

Chu Jian said, “I know a little bit about the relationship between Yuan Zhan and the Yuan Family. Junior Brother Tang, you want to help Yuan Zhan and his Little Sister. As for how the Yuan Family can calm the anger of the Chu Family, it has nothing to do with Junior Brother. Besides, the Yuan family’s loss of some strength will benefit you, Junior Brother, without any harm.”

Tang Yao gave Chu Jian a playful look, then nodded.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Brother Chu, Gao!”

Chu Jian smiled, then hung up the communication.

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