Chapter 187

Looking at Tang Yao who was sitting opposite, Chu Jian smiled.

Chu Jian asked: “Junior Brother Tang has ever thought about why Curator Wan hasn’t looked for me?”

Tang Yao said, “Is it because of Brother Chu’s family?”

Chu Jian nodded and said, “Yes, although the strength of the Chu family is not as good as the three major martial arts halls, it is also a first-class family in the capital base. If I really become the chief curator of the Juntian martial arts hall in the capital base, I will inevitably be affected by the family. Constraints.”

“Not only will the hostile forces of the Chu Family guard against the Juntian Martial Arts Hall and increase the distance from the Martial Arts Hall. Even inside the Martial Arts Hall, when I deal with things, especially matters related to the Chu Family, I will inevitably have doubts in my mind.”

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Brother Chu, with the strength of Juntian Martial Arts Hall, even if some forces are on guard, it does not matter. As long as you don’t directly attack them, the problem is not big. As for those who dare to question you in the Martial Hall, you will be convinced. That’s it. Being the chief curator is not to be a Sage, there is no need to make everyone like you.”

“Even the current Director General Wan, when dealing with problems, he will inevitably be biased. After paying so much and under so much pressure, even if he really seeks some benefits for those close to him, he should of.”

Chu Jian smiled, this guy was kind of domineering.

Chu Jian said, “What you said makes sense. However, the biggest reason why I am not suitable to be the chief curator is because of my personality. My Chu Jian acts like a sword in my hand, going straight forward.”

“And as the largest base of Xia State, the Beijing Base is the absolute core of Xia State. Various forces are intertwined and intricate. As the helm of the martial arts hall, it is inevitable to mediate between the various forces. If I were to lead it. Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Beijing Base, I’m afraid…”

“I can be a fierce general, but the commander-in-chief, I can’t. I’m afraid, this is also the fundamental reason why General Manager Wan chose you instead of me.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded.

This is really a problem.

After a pause, Chu Jian continued: “In this world, there is no shortage of fierce generals, but the commander is hard to find. Moreover, it is even more difficult to find a commander suitable for the capital base. Director General Wan can choose you, but not including The others, including God of War, show that in his heart, you are the most suitable candidate.”

“As a member of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall of the Beijing Base, Junior Brother Tang, I hope you can carefully consider the proposal of Director Wan. Director Wan has paid a lot in the past few years. If he can be promoted to God of War as soon as possible, It can be considered to have lived up to his efforts.”

“Furthermore, Junior Brother Tang, your talent is similar to mine. If you become the chief curator, I will approve it. If it is someone else, to be honest, I may not be convinced. I hope that one day, I can stand shoulder to shoulder with Junior Brother Tang. Fight.”

Tang Yao shook his head helplessly.

I came to persuade you, but you persuaded me in turn.

However, it doesn’t matter.

I came to Chu Jian to talk about this, that is, scrabbling rabbits, incidentally.

Become the best.

Nothing, nothing.

As long as my main purpose is achieved, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao smiled and asked, “Brother Chu, if one day I really take over the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in the capital base, would you follow me?”

Chu Jian shook his head and said, “As a member of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in the capital base, if you really become the chief curator, I will obey your command according to the rules. I will recognize you, but want me to surrender, now You are not qualified enough.”

Tang Yao smiled, this guy is really straightforward.

This temperament is really not suitable for being a commander in command.

Tang Yao stood up, looked at Chu Jian and said, “surrender, you don’t have to. However, I am looking forward to being a comrade-in-arms with Senior Brother Chu. It must be very happy to kill the enemy side by side.”

“I also look forward to that day.”

“However, Brother Chu said that I am not qualified, I really want to learn it. After I control the strength of Ascension, I want to compete with Brother Chu, the first student in the genius training camp. I don’t know what Brother Chu thinks?”

“Even if you control Ascension’s strength, your level is still inferior to mine. I won’t do anything that won’t win, Chu Jian. If one day your level catches up with me, we can fight.”

“In this case, I am afraid that this station will be held in the God of War training camp. Then we have a deal, and it’s a deal.”

After speaking, Tang Yao stretched out his right hand and raised his palm.

Chu Jian smiled and said: “Junior Brother Tang is sure to catch up with me before I get promoted to God of War. He is really confident. However, we are quite talented. When you control the strength of Ascension, I am afraid I have already been promoted to the 7-star warlord. We have entered the God of War training camp. Brother Tang, you have to come on. I am also looking forward to a battle between us. A word is for sure!”

As he said, Chu Jian also stretched out the palm of his right hand.


Slap your palms together.

In an instant, Tang Yao sensed Chu Jian’s talent.

Talent ability: Thunder Sword, can not be copied, can be replaced, can be merged!

Tang Yao’s heart was overjoyed, and it was indeed possible to merge.

Moreover, it can still be fused with the frozen ability that was just obtained from Yi Qingxuan.

Tang Yao moved in his heart and chose Fusion without hesitation.

In an instant, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 30%.

After the fusion, Tang Yao’s frozen ability disappeared, and a new talent ability appeared.

Tang Yao was not eager to perceive the new talent abilities, but after retracting his palm, he cupped hands to Chu Jian and said, “Brother Chu, then I will leave first.”

Chu Jian nodded and sent Tang Yao to the door.

Tang Yao waved his hand at Chu Jian and left.

After walking out of the student accommodation area of ​​the Beijing Base, Tang Yao stood on the road, closed his eyes and began to perceive.

Talent ability: Five Elements (incomplete), can’t be merged!

Tang Yao is a little puzzled, why is it the Five Elements ability?

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao figured it out.

That’s right, thunder is the upgraded attribute of metal in Five Elements, and ice is the upgraded attribute of water.

It is also normal to merge into the incomplete Five Elements ability.

Immediately, Tang Yao was ecstatic.

Five Elements ability!

That’s it!

Although there are only two effects of Frozen and Thunder Sword, the potential is huge!

In the future, as long as it is related to Five Elements, it can be integrated into this ability.

Moreover, the effect of the newly acquired Thunder Sword ability is also very powerful.

Thunder is violent and swift, and his sword is sharp and good at attack.

The combination of the two, whether it is attack or speed, will have a great Ascension.

With the lightning sword, you can attack from a distance.

If you can use this ability on yourself, you can fight melee.

You can try it out!

It’s a bit dangerous, Lei still has to be careful.

It still doesn’t work, let’s wait until I fully control the strength of Ascension.

Tang Yao smiled satisfied, and then walked towards the gate of the training camp.

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