Chapter 184

Seeing Tang Yao’s dazed appearance, Yi Qingxuan’s eyes were smiling, she gave Tang Yao a blank look, and turned away.

At this moment, Yi Qingxuan was completely different from her previous performances. There was a striking beauty with a sharp contrast.

Yi Qingxuan’s cold appearance in the past was firstly affected by her talent abilities, and secondly because of the constant threat of Death and too much pressure.

After receiving the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King, the huge pressure that had been accumulated in her heart was released, and Yi Qingxuan’s nature began to recover.

After all, she is just an 18-year-old girl.

Before awakening the Frozen Ability, Yi Qingxuan was still a carefree young girl in Wu You.



At this moment, Tang Yao’s heart was beating wildly, his cheeks were hot, and his eyes straightened.

Tang Yao didn’t slow down until Yi Qingxuan walked out of the room.

Depend on!

This little girl is really… really beautiful!

Daddy…you don’t like this little girl, right?

As soon as this thought appeared, a figure suddenly popped out of Tang Yao’s mind.

This figure is not as beautiful as Yi Qingxuan, but the gentle and quiet temperament, every time she sees the comfortable feeling that rises in her heart, it makes Tang Yao a long time unforgettable.

Ying Miao Miao!

Tang Yao’s heart moved, and a happy and sweet smile gradually appeared on his face.

Suddenly, Tang Yao violently fought a cold war.

Tang Yao, you are the man who wants to stand on the top of the Sky Lantern Star, how can you be so decadent?

Depend on!

Sure enough, women are all stumbling blocks on the road to cultivation.

Actually want to tempt to corrupt my pure heart!

It is impossible!

Not to mention the mind, even the flesh. Body is not good… right?

I really… have the courage!

If the museum owner knew that I arranged his daughters in this way, it would not have been 30 years since I had struggled, I am afraid I would be a scum.

It’s better to cultivate it!

Shaking his head, Tang Yao turned and walked towards the cultivation room.

However, Tang Yao could not provoke a whisper in his heart.

It seems… really good!


At 9 o’clock in the morning, Tang Yao, who was cultivating, suddenly moved in his heart.

Tang Yao’s face was happy, his face was full of expectation.

It has been 5 days since the breakthrough warlord, and the change of talent ability finally subsided.

I don’t know what new features have been added to the copy ability this time.

Tang Yao immediately stopped cultivation, and Lotus Position sat on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao closed his eyes and began to perceive carefully.

After sensing the changes in Mental Energy, Tang Yao nodded secretly.

Mental Energy has increased a lot, originally copying a skill requires 15% of Mental Energy to be consumed.

Now, about twelve percent is enough.

Counting it down, the mental energy needed to replicate talent abilities has dropped from 40% to about 30%.

In other words, when the consumption of mental energy does not exceed the critical point of 60%, I can copy up to 5 skills or two talent abilities at a time.

There are a lot of Ascension!

Later, Tang Yao began to perceive the charm and healing abilities.

The healing ability originally only had the effect of continuous healing. It consumes 5% of Mental Energy and can double the recovery speed of the physical body for 1 hour.

Now, in addition to this continuous treatment effect, there is also a short-term rapid treatment effect.

Consuming 10% of Mental Energy, the physical recovery speed is increased by five to five times for 10 minutes.

Although the consumption is doubled and the duration is much shorter, it is definitely a trump card that can be used to save lives in an emergency.

Very practical!

Tang Yao is very satisfied with this new effect!

There is no change in the fascination ability, just a little stronger.

Tang Yao frowned, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood.

It should be that my previous use of the charm ability has come to the fore, and I have found the right direction for the development of the charm ability in advance.

The new effect has been found and used in advance by me, and naturally there will be no new effect after promotion.

It seems that more research needs to be done for the development of talent abilities.

If new effects are developed early, they can be used and benefited early.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao was looking forward to perceiving his main ability and copying it.

10 seconds later, Tang Yao opened his eyes, with a look of surprise in his eyes.


After breakthrough to the general, the newly added function of the copy ability turned out to be fusion.

Niucha plus!

After thinking about it, Tang Yao took out a pen and paper and wrote lines of text on it.

Intermediate nursing skills can be integrated!

Advanced vehicle driving skills can be integrated!

Intermediate vehicle maintenance skills can be integrated!

The basic combat shuttle driving skills can be integrated!

Perfect heat weapon proficiency, can be fused!

Intermediate crystal armor repair skills can be integrated!

Level 6 medicinal material identification skills can be integrated!

Level 7 genetic medicine preparation skills, can be merged!

Primary pupil technique, can be fused!

Beginner listening and debating position, can be integrated!

Primary vitality extraction, cannot be merged!

Intermediate corpse, can not be merged!

Primary Secret Art, cannot be merged!

Intermediate astrology, cannot be merged!

Talent ability: Charm, not fusion!

Talented ability: Healing, can be merged!

After writing, Tang Yao began to use arrows to connect each of these skills and talents.

Intermediate nursing skills and healing powers are connected together.

Advanced vehicle driving skills, intermediate vehicle maintenance skills, basic shuttle driving skills, perfect thermal weapon proficiency, and intermediate crystal armor maintenance skills are connected together.

The 6th-level medicinal material identification skills and the 7th-level genetic medicine preparation skills are linked together.

The elementary pupil technique and the elementary listening position are connected together.

After connecting, Tang Yao looked at the paper in front of him and smiled.

This new fusion function is really powerful, not only can fusion between skills and abilities, but also between skills and talent abilities.

It should also be possible to blend between talented abilities and talented abilities, but the charm and healing abilities I have now cannot be blended.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao condensed his eyes and made a decision.

To be on the safe side, let me first combine the level 6 medicinal material identification skills with the level 7 genetic medicine preparation skills.

Even if there is an accident or loss of these two skills, I can find pharmacists of all levels to copy them again.

The goal is clear, and the remedy is relatively simple.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

In an instant, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 20%.

At the same time, the 6th-level medicinal material identification skills and the 7th-level genetic medicine preparation skills have disappeared, replaced by a skill called the primary alchemy.

Elementary alchemy (incomplete), cannot be merged!

Seeing that the integration was successful, Tang Yao felt relieved a lot.

It seems that alchemy should be an upgraded version of medicinal material identification skills and genetic medicine preparation skills.

However, my medicinal material identification skills and genetic medicine preparation skills have not yet been upgraded to level 9, so I will be disabled.

Although the name of the skill has changed, I still have the level 6 medicinal material identification skill and the 7 level genetic medicine preparation skill.

If you want to make up for the incompleteness, you still have to copy and upgrade first-level first-level.

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