Chapter 173

Just when Tang Yao wanted to play the killer, the 3-star God of War referee from Guangming Martial Arts Hall made the shot.

The referee appeared in front of Vikvari in a flash, and knocked Vikvari to the ground with a single blow.

Looking up, looking at the referee’s cold eyes, Vikvari finally replied with a hint of clarity.

After dispelling the ability, Vikvari’s figure returned to normal.

With a vicious look at Tang Yao, Vikvari looked ashamed and walked unwillingly towards the camp of God of War.

Tang Yao looked at Vikvari who was dingy and fucked, and smiled.

Good luck for you!

If the referee takes a shot late, daddy will turn you into a corpse.

Attack me against the rules and kill you. There is nothing to say about God of War.

At this time, the referee announced: “Tang Yao, win!”

With a salute to the referee, Tang Yao turned and walked towards the camp of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

As Tang Yao moved around, the eyes of everyone present moved with him.

The hearts of everyone is also inexplicably shocked.

The appearance of an awakened person in a battle is already very interesting, and now there are two.

Moreover, it seemed that Tang Yao’s abilities were also Kevikvari’s abilities.

It can only be said that Vikvari’s luck is too bad.

If he were to be someone else, even if he was an awakened one, Vikvari would not necessarily lose.

Everyone also understood what Tang Yao could rely on to kill the high-ranking generals of the Saint League.

Several God of War martial arts gymnasts looked at Vikvari who looked sad, and frowned secretly.

In this competition, not only Zalusok was killed in battle, but Vikvari was also hit hard.

However, they don’t care too much.

As a top genius, if he can’t bear even this bit of blow, then Vikvari will be abolished.

All of them took a deep look at Tang Yao, secretly admiring the good luck of Juntian Wushu, and they actually recruited such a potential genius.

After Tang Yao sat down, Willard, the chief curator of the Guangming Martial Arts Hall, stood up.

Willard said: “This competition is over here. The first place in the combat class is Juntian Wuguan Tang Yao, the second is God of War Wuguan Vikvari, and the third is Guangming Wuguan Bowen. Dylan of Guangming Martial Arts Hall is the first place for 3-star generals, Flacoy of God of War is the first for 4-star generals, and Chujian Juntian is the first for 5-star generals.”

“The first place of each level will each get a chance to enter Ruins No. 10. Vicvari and Bowen, you two will each accumulate a half-time chance. When you accumulate once, you can also enter Ruins No. 10. .”

“Remind you, if you don’t have the strength of God of War, don’t enter the ruins easily. Otherwise, you will die forever. The leaders of Juntian Martial Arts Hall and God of War Martial Arts Hall, please stay, everyone else, let go.”

Hearing that, everyone in the field got up.

In the Juntian Martial Arts Hall, except Liang Shaohui left, the rest returned to the Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

On the way, Tang Yao looked at Wan Polu and asked, “Senior, what are the ruins?”

Upon hearing Tang Yao’s questioning, Yuan Zhan and the others all looked at Wan Polu.

Except for Chu Jian, he seems to have some knowledge of the ruins.

Wan Polu laughed and said: “118 years ago, Tian Lan Xing suffered a catastrophe. While bringing about a huge crisis, it also brought huge opportunities. The energy of heaven and earth is rising rapidly, and with the energy of heaven and earth, the human physique becomes more and more important. The coming stronger and stronger, many diseases have disappeared. Now, the energy of heaven and earth is still rising, but compared with the first few years, the speed is much slower.”

“From the third year of the catastrophe, the ruins began to appear one after another. According to the order in which the ruins appeared, we named the number one ruins. At present, there are 15 ruins in the world. The corpse king controls 3 The beast king controls 3, the sea king controls 5, and the human controls 4.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “So it seems that the Sea Emperor’s side is the strongest?”

Wan Polu shook his head and said, “The Sea Emperor controls the 5 ruins because they are all in the sea. There are too many sea beasts. It is basically impossible to compete with the Sea Emperor for the remains in the sea.”

“Although there are many sea beasts, the top combat power is not too strong, and it is almost the same as humans, zombies, and upgraded beasts. Therefore, the strength of the sea emperor is not the strongest. It is because the sea emperor controls all the relics in the sea. , It will not interfere with the ruins on the land. Once it is released, it will be targeted by humans, the corpse emperor and the beast emperor.”

At this time, Yuan Zhan asked: “Wan senior, how did the ruins come into being?”

“How the ruins are formed, no one knows. But what is certain is that the emergence of the ruins requires a certain concentration of energy from the heavens and the earth. The earlier the ruins appear, the lower the energy concentration required, and the less effective they are. Even the first ruin No. 1 is a huge treasure house.”

“Senior, what are the ruins that we humans control?”

Wan Polu said: “For a period of time after the catastrophe, humanity was weak, and the first few relics were not snatched. It was not until the appearance of the No. 5 relic that we won the first relic belonging to the human race. The second human relic. The ruins are the No. 8 ruins, the third is the No. 10 ruins that you qualified to enter today, and the fourth is the No. 13 ruins.”

“Every time a relic appears on the land, although the Sea Emperor will not take action to snatch it, the human, the corpse king, and the beast king will fight fiercely, even tragically. Every time a fight, whether it is a success or a failure, it will be There are countless ancestors who have fallen. Under the advanced God of War, there is no way to get involved. Among the strong shots, there is even an existence above God of War.”

“3 years ago, I took over as the chief curator of Juntian Wuguan in the capital base because the previous chief curator fell during the battle for the No. 15 relic. That is an awakened who is about to be promoted to God of War. , I am even better than I am now. But in the battle for the ruins, I fell straight away.”

Speaking of this, Wan Polu’s mood was a little low.

Taking a deep breath, Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao and the others, and said with a smile: “Little guys, take a good cultivation, cherish the present! This is the life of countless ancestors! Don’t let down your talents. , And don’t disappoint the ancestors.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded solemnly.

After a while, Tang Yao asked: “Senior, tell us about the No. 10 ruins!”

Wan Polu smiled and said: “Although Ruins No. 10 is not the most powerful ruin controlled by mankind, it is the most important and the most important ruin for human beings. Under God of War, including God of War, as long as the physique is strong enough, there is no hindrance to promotion.”

“But if God of War wants to break through to God of War, it is very likely to fail. And the biggest role of the No. 10 relic is the success rate of God of War breakthrough at the peak of Ascension.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao and the others frowned.

The pinnacle of God of War is too far away from them.

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