Chapter 163

Behind Tang Yao, at the moment Tang Yao activated the charm ability, a moment of confusion appeared in the eyes of the corpse king.

The corpse king’s attack and speed were reduced a lot, and his body began to fall straight down.

Upon seeing this, Wan Polu’s eyes flashed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Wan Polu immediately mobilized his own flame ability, and a huge fireball instantly formed and shot at the corpse king.


The fireball hit the back of the corpse king and immediately exploded.


The corpse king’s back was splashed with blood and flesh, and his body hit the ground heavily, knocking out a big human-shaped hole.

When the corpse king was hit by a fireball, Tang Yao, who had shot into the dense forest, broke a big tree, and then reeled on the ground for a few laps before stopping.

Tang Yaoqiang supported him and didn’t immediately pass out.

Looking up, Tang Yao looked outside the dense forest.

Tang Yao didn’t see the corpse king, but saw Wan Polu’s smiling face.

Upon seeing this, the tense string in Tang Yao’s heart loosened and his head drooped.

Immediately before he fell into a coma, Tang Yao exerted his only strength, and raised a…middle finger to Wan Polu with difficulty!

Wan Polu smiled, didn’t care, just took a deep look at Tang Yao who was already in a coma.

The skin of Hob Meat is not as thick as usual.

At this time, Wan Polu frowned.

The corpse king actually didn’t respond, shouldn’t it!

Wan Polu flew over the big hole where the corpse king hit, and saw that there was no corpse king inside.

At the bottom of the big hole, there is an opening towards the dense forest.

Wan Polu smiled coldly, and slammed a punch at the middle of the big hole and the dense forest.


The ground exploded, and a figure sprang out from the exploded ground immediately. It was the corpse king who was covered with scars.

After jumping out of the ground, the horrified Corpse King flew towards Tang Yao at great speed.

But the Wanpo prisoner who has been staring at it, how could he give it this opportunity.

Facing the corpse king, Wan Polu punched out.

At close range, the speed of the corpse king is much different from that of the Wanpo prisoner, and he can’t avoid the Wanpo prisoner’s attack at all.


Wan Polu banged his fist on the right arm of the king of corpses, and the right arm of the king of corpses burst instantly, and the flesh and blood flew.

The corpse king was hit by the right side, and his body was thrown away to the left.

The corpse king was bombarded again on the ground, and a large human-shaped hole appeared on the ground.

Wan Polu followed closely and shot three fireballs in succession at the corpse king in the big hole.

Wan Polu deliberately avoided the head of the corpse king, and three fireballs hit the corpse king’s left arm and both legs.




Three explosions sounded almost at the same time, and the left arm and legs of the corpse king also exploded with the fireball, turning into blood and minced meat flying all over the sky.

At this time, the corpse king had no limbs and turned into a stick.

At this moment, Wan Polu felt a violent energy fluctuation on the body of the corpse king.

Wan Polu raised his eyebrows.

Depend on!

I want to catch a live one!

Looks like it’s not working!

Want to blew up?

Want to be beautiful!

If you die, you have to leave the corpse crystal to daddy.

With a wave of his hand, Wan Poluo shot out a long arrow of flame, shot in from the back of the head of the king of corpse, and drilled out of the center of the eye of the king of corpse.

In an instant, the violent energy fluctuations on the corpse king disappeared.

The corpse king was motionless, and he lost his breath.

Afterwards, Wan Polu jumped down from the big human-shaped hole and dug out the corpse crystal in the head of the king of corpses.

Whether it is a zombie or an upgraded beast, once you reach the king level, there must be corpse crystals and beast crystals in your mind.

This is different from that only 10% of the zombies and upgraded beasts under the king level have corpse crystals and beast crystals.

Putting the corpse crystal into the Interspatial Ring, Wan Po was in front of Tang Yao.

In fact, the corpses of king-level zombies are also very valuable.

It’s just that Wan Po is not bad for money, and he is not interested in collecting the corpse of a crippled junior corpse king.

Seeing Tang Yao’s miserable appearance, Wan Polu smiled, not worried at all.

Because, in Tang Yao’s body, Wan Polu felt a strong breath of life.

Tang Yao who had taken the essence of life, it was only a matter of time before he recovered from his injury, he could not die.

In fact, at the last moment, even if Tang Yao didn’t make a move, Wan Polu was sure to stop the Corpse King’s attack on Tang Yao.

However, Wan Polu wanted to see how deep Tang Yao really was.

When Wan Polu saw Tang Yao for the first time, Tang Yao was still very weak, and when something went wrong, he needed Jiang Changhai to solve it for him.

Wan Polu was also entrusted by Jiang Changhai and came forward to help Tang Yao solve the troubles of the Capital War Palace.

After that, Wan Polu was injured and entered the Juntian Wuguan Headquarters Hospital for treatment.

There, Wan Polu heard about Tang Yao’s brilliant record of 1 pick and 52.

At the second meeting, Tang Yao took back the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King under the melee of the Corpse King, the Beast King and the Demon King, and also helped Wanpo prisoners.

Today, just before the appearance of the corpse king, Tang Yao swiftly killed a human Practitioner at the level of a high-level general.

After the corpse king appeared, Tang Yao evaded the stone attack of the corpse king for the first time.

After discovering that the King of Corpse had shot him, Tang Yao not only didn’t run away immediately, but also stood there and waited.

In the latter half of the pursuit, thinking of Tang Yao’s performance at that time, Wan Polu also noticed something abnormal.

Wan Polu guessed that Tang Yao still had a back hand, and it was a back hand that might work against the corpse king.

After Wan Po was warned, Tang Yao, at the very beginning of his escape, showed a speed that exceeded the speed expected of a 9-star warrior.

Since then, Tang Yao’s speed has doubled even more strangely.

Even if Tang Yao burned the energy in the cells, even if Tang Yao had life essence supplements, he shouldn’t have such a fast speed.

Putting it all together, Wan Polu was very interested in Tang Yao.

Wan Polu wanted to see what other methods Tang Yao had hidden.

As for whether Tang Yao would be injured by using hidden means, Wan Polu didn’t really care too much.

Tang Yao has the essence of life in his hands. As long as he is not killed instantly by the corpse king, it will be difficult for Tang Yao to die.

Some injuries are nothing, there is the essence of life, and it will soon be healed.

Moreover, Wan Polu also came here when he was young.

When Wan Polu was still a general, he was used as a bait to get rid of the corpse king and the people of the Saint League.

It was also when all the means were exhausted and when Death was approaching, the powerhouse of Juntian Martial Arts Hall took action and killed the corpse king.

At that time, Wan Polu suffered much more serious injuries than Tang Yao.

Moreover, at that time, there was no healing sacred object of life essence in the hands of Wanpo prisoners.

The concept of Ying Jun, the master of Juntian Martial Arts Hall, is to support war through war, and this concept is also permeated in the practice style of Juntian Martial Arts Hall Practitioner.

Therefore, Wan Polu didn’t really care too much about Tang Yao’s injuries.

Picking up Tang Yao, Wan Polu flew towards the Karen base at great speed.

Seeing Tang Yao’s face in a coma, Wan Polu was amazed.

This kid really surprised me again and again.

I can’t guess the reason for his weird speed.

But in the end, the sudden attack on the corpse king should be a talented ability.

This kid is only a 9-star warrior!

His talent ability can actually work against the junior corpse king!

It is incredible!

This kid has been hiding awkwardly. Judging from his performance, I am afraid that Chu Jian’s talent is not as good as his.

Below the same level, Chu Jian would not be his opponent.

This kid is an evildoer!

Thinking of this, Wan Polu rolled his eyes.


I have to think of a way to snatch Tang Yao from that bastard Jiang.

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