Chapter 157: Forging Memories

Tang Yao dismissed the second primary zombie leader and called up the third primary zombie leader.

This time, Tang Yao tried to forge a memory.

After casting the charm ability on the third primary zombie leader, Tang Yao slowly Ascension the output of Mental Energy.

When the third primary zombie commander reached the critical point of confusion and struggle, Tang Yao maintained the output of Mental Energy while using additional Mental Energy to start instilling a scene into it, and induced it through the charm ability.

A scene where the first primary zombie leader and the third primary zombie leader continue to fight.

Tang Yao instilled very detailed and accurate information, and even the details were as perfect as possible.

With dual use of Mental Energy, Tang Yao’s consumption of Mental Energy has accelerated a lot.

After half a minute, Tang Yao took back Mental Energy.

After dispelling the charm ability, the primary zombie leader in front of Tang Yao did not show any abnormal behavior.

Obviously, Tang Yao’s forgery of its memory failed.

Tang Yao shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Mental Energy consumes 20%. Although the speed of finding the critical point is much faster this time, under the dual effect, if you want to forge memory, Mental Energy consumes much faster.

Counting the previous consumption, a total of nearly 55 percent of Mental Energy has been consumed.

I can still hold on for a while, but the resistance of the primary zombie leader has begun to weaken.

Obviously, its consciousness is beginning to suffer, and it doesn’t make sense to stick to it.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao had a general guess.

In fact, 20% of Mental Energy consumption should be almost enough.

But the consciousness of the primary zombies commander is too weak, and their ability to accept information is also weak, which led to the failure.

It seems that the leader of the intermediate zombie must be changed.

After dismissing the third primary zombie commander, Tang Yao began to rest.

The consumption of Mental Energy has reached 60%, and if it is consumed, there will be adverse reactions. Tang Yao must first restore Mental Energy before continuing the experiment.

After five and a half hours, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy all recovered.

During the period, Tang Yao received two trophies brought back by the leader-level zombies, both corpse crystals and beast crystals.

Tang Yao called up the leader of the first intermediate zombie and continued the experiment.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao directly activated the charm ability at the intermediate zombie leader in front of him.

The consciousness of the middle-level zombie leader is more perfect, and the resistance to the charm ability is also much stronger.

For the first test of the intermediate zombie commander, Tang Yao’s purpose was to find out the critical point of the intermediate zombie commander.

Although the critical point of each zombie is different, the difference of the same level is not too big.

After consuming 20% ​​of Mental Energy, Tang Yao almost touched the critical point of the intermediate zombie leadership.

After taking a rest for another two hours and filling up the consumed Mental Energy, Tang Yao started the experiment on the commander of the second intermediate zombie.

When the leader of the second intermediate zombie reached the critical point, Tang Yao maintained the output of Mental Energy while using additional Mental Energy to instill information into it, and induced it with charm ability.

When Mental Energy consumed 50%, Tang Yao discovered that the second intermediate-level zombie commander’s originally suppressed consciousness began to fluctuate violently.

Tang Yao was overjoyed and it was done!

Tang Yao immediately withdrew Mental Energy, and the charm ability failed.

In an instant, the blue vertical pupil of the leader of the second Intermediate Zombie that had not been suppressed was filled with an expression of anger.

When Tang Yao did not exude the breath of a corpse king, the second intermediate zombie commander turned around and went straight downstairs.

Soon, Tang Yao heard the sound of fighting and the angry roar of zombies coming from downstairs.

Tang Yao smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

No need to look, Tang Yao knew that the one who was fighting each other must be the first intermediate zombie leader and the second intermediate zombie leader.

Because the message Tang Yao instilled in the second intermediate zombie leader was the enmity between it and the first intermediate zombie leader.

After about five minutes, the battle downstairs was over.

The leader of the second intermediate zombie was stronger and killed the leader of the first intermediate zombie.

Tang Yao ignored it, he was slowly recovering Mental Energy.

Five hours later, Tang Yao, who had fully recovered from Mental Energy, began an experiment on the leader of the third intermediate zombie.

After consuming 47% of Mental Energy, success!

After another 5 hours of rest, Tang Yao started the experiment on the leader of the fourth intermediate zombie.

After consuming 43% of Mental Energy, success!

Immediately, Tang Yao called up the last primary zombie leader on the 5th floor and tried it out.

After consuming 16% of Mental Energy, the actions of tempting the other party to tell the secret and bewitching the other party succeeded.

Afterwards, Tang Yao secretly concluded while restoring 59% of Mental Energy’s consumption.

It seems that my assumption of the direction of the charm power is no problem.

Now, after repeated trials, it is possible to tempt the other party to tell secrets, confuse the other party’s actions, and forge the other party’s memory.

Moreover, with the ascension of proficiency, the consumption of mental energy is also decreasing.

However, the consumption of Mental Energy will not always decrease, and there must be a minimum value.

According to my speculation, the mental energy that needs to be consumed to make the opponent fall into a sluggish moment is defined as 10.

Then tempt the other party to tell the secret, and the mental energy that needs to be consumed is 5.

To confuse the opponent into action, the mental energy that needs to be consumed is 10.

To forge a memory, the mental energy that needs to be consumed is 20.

This ratio should be the various applications of the charm ability, which needs to consume the lowest value of Mental Energy.

There is one final experiment, which is to erase the fake amnesia.

When my Mental Energy is restored, I will use the fourth intermediate zombie commander whose memory has been forged by me, and just try again.

Three hours later, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy recovered 30% and reached 70%.


Tang Yao roared and called the only fourth intermediate zombie left on the fifth floor.

The other three middle-level zombie leaders have all died in battle.

Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Talented ability: Charm!

It was easy for Tang Yao to erase his forged memories.

After consuming 10% of Mental Energy, Tang Yao did it.

Tang Yaogang wanted to use the majesty of the corpse king to kill the fourth intermediate zombie leader. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Since memories can be forged, and forged memories can also be erased, is it possible to erase a piece of the other party’s own memory?

It should be possible, but I can’t do it temporarily.

If I can’t perceive the other’s memory, I can’t selectively erase the memory I want to erase.

The memory of the other party is not like my forged memory. With my mental energy aura, I can easily find it.

This is also a development direction of the charm ability.

If one day I can perceive the memory of my opponent, I can try it.

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