Chapter 139 I Didn’t Offend This Girl

In the canteen, 32 trainees are sitting on both sides.

Hao Jing stood in the middle of the canteen and waved, an instrument appeared on the ground.

This instrument has a square shape, a metal base, and four semi-transparent round frosted glass connected on all sides. There are dozens of small holes evenly distributed in the internal test of each frosted glass, and there is no seal on the top of the instrument.

Hao Jing glanced at everyone and said, “Let’s get started!”

After speaking, Hao Jing sat on a chair next to her.

At this time, an old student with a grade of 3 star warlord stood up and walked to the side of the instrument a little proudly.

This student waved his hand, and a large number of left ears of zombies and upgraded beasts and specific limbs of upgraded beasts without ears appeared and fell into the inside of the instrument.

Subsequently, the trainee took a step towards retreated.

After 3 seconds, the instrument runs automatically.

The small holes in the frosted glass on all sides of the instrument shot out red lasers, forming a laser net.

The laser net moves up and down to detect every item in the instrument.

After 5 seconds, the laser disappears, and the test ends.

At the end of the moment, on the top of the frosted glass on all sides, there was a small hole emitting a ray of light.

The four rays of light gathered together to form a light curtain directly above the instrument.

On the light curtain, there are a few lines of large characters from top to bottom.

Primary Corpse Beast Soldier: 825

Intermediate Corpse Beast Soldier: 232

Senior Corpse Beast Soldier: 61

Primary Zombie Upgraded Beast Command: 15

Intermediate Zombie Upgraded Beast Command: 5

Advanced Zombie Upgraded Beast Command: 0

No repetition!

Reward for exploits: 6595 points

Seeing this, Tang Yao also understood the function of this instrument.

Detect the level and number of the limbs put in it, and check whether there are more than two limbs from the same creature.

After the detection is over, the rewarded combat exploits are calculated according to the settings.

Tang Yao had seen similar equipment in the black market in Ningcheng Base, but it was not as advanced as this.

After checking the results, Hao Jing nodded and said, “Take it away.”

After speaking, Hao Jing operated a few times on the tactical watch, and distributed the rewards for that student’s military exploits to his account through the system.

After the student put the contents of the instrument into the Interspatial Ring, he turned and returned to his own seat with a smile on his face.

6,595 points of merit, a lot.

This student predicted that he could almost rank in the top ten, or even the top five, of the gains of the 32 students present.

Immediately afterwards, another student came up.

Turning his head, Tang Yao looked at Yuan Zhan who was aside, and asked, “Senior Brother Yuan, how is the reward for military merit calculated?”

Yuan Zhan smiled and said: “The soldier-level zombie and upgraded beast vouchers, from elementary to advanced, are worth 1, 5 and 10 points respectively. Commander-level zombie and upgraded beast vouchers, from elementary to advanced, are worth 100 points respectively. , 500 points and 1000 points of combat merit. Multiply the merit points of each level value by the number of the corresponding level, and then add them together, the result will come out.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao wanted to smoke himself.

Damn it!

Why should I take away the 6 high-level zombie leaders reserved by the corpse king in advance?

Isn’t it good to kill them?

6000 points!

That’s it!

With a sigh, Tang Yao said, “That’s it! It seems that the commander-level certificate is more valuable. However, the reward is a little bit less! He is a 3-star warrior, right? Killed more than 1,100 zombies and upgraded beasts. Awarded less than 7000 points of combat exploits.”

Yuan Zhanbai glanced at Tang Yao and said, “Fart! Nearly 6,600 points are a lot of military exploits, save a little, enough for him to cultivation in the training camp for three months. You think everyone is like you, as soon as you arrive at the training camp. Can you get tens of thousands of combat exploits?”

Tang Yao smiled and stopped talking, secretly calculating how much merit he could get.

A student went up for the test, and the test was carried out very quickly, and each student’s time was within 20 seconds.

In less than 10 minutes, all 30 trainees were tested.

The one who has gained the most exploits is a 5-star warrior, and his exploits are worth 10,000.

Two people remained undetected, one was Tang Yao and the other was Yuan Zhan.

Tang Yao is not in a hurry, but Yuan Zhan wants to be the finale.

Anyway, I can’t hide the matter of killing the 5 people of Zaluyev. Yuan Zhan doesn’t mind being high-profile and showing off by the way.

Tang Yao also saw Yuan Zhan’s mind, got up directly and came to the instrument.

Tang Yao waved his hand, a large number of vouchers appeared and fell into the instrument, filling the instrument with more than half of it.

Immediately, Tang Yao took a step back and waited quietly.

Upon seeing this, everyone looked at Tang Yao in disbelief.

This amount is too much!

Generally, the students at the general level have more than 1,000 certificates.

Tang Yao is good. The proof he showed must be more than 4,000!

Everyone looked at Tang Yao with a bit of suspiciousness.

This kid, wouldn’t it be that he robbed other students?

With Tang Yao’s strength, there was really no pressure to rob some fighter-level students.

The students present were also robbed, but none of them did it by Tang Yao.

It is possible that Tang Yao robbed students from other bases.

It must be so!

This guy is crazy enough!

He even went to other areas to rob students from other bases.

He is not afraid to run into zombies and upgraded beasts above the junior commander halfway, and throw his life there.

Not only the students thought so, but even Hao Jing guessed Tang Yao like that.

Hao Jing’s head hurts a bit.

The matter of the two students who died in the battle has not been resolved yet.

If Tang Yao really robbed another soldier-level student, based on the number of vouchers he took out, there must be not one or two students robbed by him.

Don’t know if Tang Yao killed anyone?

Although the training camp does not prohibit students from fighting with each other, if they kill people for no reason, they will be punished heavily.

Especially in order to snatch other people’s trophies and kill people, once they are found out, they will undoubtedly die.

You can snatch, but you can’t kill. This is the bottom line of the training camp.

Of course, if you are sure not to be found out, the training camp can’t do anything to you.

Tang Yao is really not a fuel-efficient waiter.

Depend on!

I really want to kick this guy out of the training camp!

Thinking of this, Hao Jing looked at Tang Yao with malicious intent.

Feeling Hao Jing’s gaze, Tang Yao turned his head to look, and was taken aback.

Tang Yao is a little confused!

I didn’t offend this girl?

What’s wrong?

After thinking about it, Tang Yao somewhat understood why Hao Jing looked at him like this.

Rolling his eyes speechlessly, Tang Yao clicked a few times on the tactical watch and sent a video to Hao Jing.

After receiving it, Hao Jing glanced at Tang Yao suspiciously, then clicked on the video and watched it.

Just then, the test results on the instrument came out.

Primary Corpse Beast Soldier: 2895

Intermediate Corpse Beast Soldier: 958

Senior Corpse Beast Soldier: 307

Primary Zombie Upgraded Beast Command: 55

Intermediate Zombie Upgraded Beast Command: 17

Advanced Zombie Upgraded Beast Command: 8

No repetition!

Reward for exploits: 32755 points

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