Chapter 136 Intermediate Corpse King Appears

Seeing the state of the Red Maple Demon King, the pale-faced Corpse King’s eyes lit up.

In fact, the Corpse King consumed 60% of Mental Energy, a bit earlier than the Red Maple Demon King, but it abruptly held back the backlash.

After Mental Energy consumed 70%, the corpse king finally waited for the turning point of the battle.

This time, the corpse king was not taking the attack of the Red Maple Demon King, but dodged and avoided the attack.

Immediately, the corpse king’s figure moved extremely fast and went straight to the torso of the Red Maple Demon King.

After avoiding the attacks of the Red Maple Demon King several times in a row, the Corpse King finally came to the front of the Red Maple Demon King’s torso.


The Corpse King yelled violently, raised the long-handled battle axe in both hands, and slashed it at the Red Maple Demon King.

At the same time, the corpse king’s heart moved and once again mobilized 10% Mental Energy, covering the axe blade of the battle ax with a layer of extremely condensed flame.


The axe of the corpse king slashed directly into the thick torso of the red maple demon king, and the huge axe was completely submerged in it.

In an instant, the light green blood of the Red Maple Demon King poured out from the wound on his torso.

Afterwards, the king of corpses drew out his battle axe and retreated quickly.


The condensed flame remaining in the torso of the Red Maple Demon King exploded, exploding the wound on the torso of the Red Maple Demon King to a deeper hole, and the light green blood spattered frantically.


The Red Maple Demon King, who had never made a sound, finally instinctively aroused a roar from the severe pain.

After the roar, the Red Maple Demon King, whose consciousness had already sinked, launched a frantic attack again.

At this time, the corpse king had a splitting headache, and he endured the more severe pain caused by the backlash, just like just now, constantly dodge, approach, and attack.

However, the corpse king did not use the talent ability anymore.

Although the Red Maple Demon King’s offense has become more fierce, the unruly attacks have never been able to hurt the Corpse King.

On the contrary, it was the King of Corpse, who successfully attacked again and again, and kept leaving huge scars on the torso of the Red Maple Demon King.

More and more wounds, blood loss faster and faster, Red Maple Demon King’s breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Soon, the attack from the Red Maple Demon King could no longer threaten the Corpse King.

The flame at the top of the thick branches is gradually fading. When the flame disappears, it means the Death of the Red Maple Demon King.

The corpse king is still constantly attacking, accelerating the death speed of the Red Maple Demon King.

Both the Tiger King and Tang Yao were waiting, but the Tiger King was waiting in the open, while Tang Yao was waiting in secret.


A little bit of time passed, and suddenly, the thick branch of the Red Maple Demon King fell weakly to the ground, smashing the ground into a long gully.

At the top of the branches, a faint flame is constantly swaying, which may be extinguished at any time.

Upon seeing this, the corpse king is overjoyed!

After landing, the corpse king did not go to collect the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King for the first time, but smiled coldly and looked at the Tiger King who was rushing at extremely fast speed.



The Corpse King let out two huge roars, and then slowly walked towards the Red Maple Demon King who was about to die.

But just after two steps, the dead king frowned and stopped.

Looking up, the corpse king looked in the direction of the city.

In order to stop the Tiger King at this moment, the Zombie King prepared 6 senior zombie leaders there in advance.

But now, none of them appeared.

In mid-air, the Tiger King was still approaching extremely fast.

Before the Tiger King approached, the Corpse King had no time to kill the Red Maple Demon King and take away the essence of life.

Before he could think about it, the corpse king immediately lifted into the air to face the tiger king.

Prior to the battle between the Corpse King and the Red Maple Demon King, the Corpse King was basically unharmed, but Mental Energy consumed too much.

The corpse king was forced to endure the severe pain of the backlash, lacking energy, and feeling a little dizzy, and his combat effectiveness was also affected, and he was on par with the tiger king.

The previously reserved backhand did not appear, and the disrupted Zombie King’s plan made the Zombie King’s face ugly, and his heart was abnormally angry.


The sluggish corpse king, one who didn’t pay attention, was slapped by the tiger king’s claw on his chest, leaving five deep claw marks, and dark green blood flowed out.

The severe pain on the body suddenly hit, causing the dead king to suddenly startled.

After a while, the corpse king whose mind was awake suddenly changed his face.

While fighting, the corpse king constantly scanned the surroundings with the corner of his eye.

At the moment, the corpse king was a little frightened.

Can quietly solve the 6 high-level zombie leaders I reserved, at least the king-level powerhouse.

From the beginning to the end, this strong man did not appear, and he must have wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

At this time, I am in a very bad state.

If there is only Tiger King, I can still fight for it.

But at this time, there is still an opponent hidden in the dark, and it is impossible to get the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King.


Let’s go!

Otherwise, not only will you not get the essence of life, but you may also take your life into it.

I will leave directly and let the Tiger King stay here.

The Tiger King didn’t know that there were hidden powerhouses, and he would definitely not let go of the essence of life.

The purpose of the hidden powerhouse must be the essence of life. They compete with each other and have no time to take care of me, so I can leave safely.

However, after paying so much, I made a wedding dress for someone else!

I’m unwilling!

Damn it’s bastard!




After the corpse king roared for a few times, he repelled the tiger king with one move, then turned around and smashed through the air at an extremely fast speed.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao nodded secretly.

The corpse king is cautious and decisive enough.

It must be that the leader of the 6 high-level zombies did not appear, making it feel the crisis.

The inexplicable crisis made it fear, and even the essence of life that was about to be obtained was not needed, and it ran away.

Seeing the corpse king ran away, the tiger king was a little confused.

what’s the situation?

Why did you run away while hitting?

The life essence of the Red Maple Demon King is gone?

The Tiger King frowned, and the sudden departure of the Corpse King gave it a sense of crisis.

The Tiger King glanced around and found nothing.

Taking a deep breath, the Tiger King planned to collect the essence of life as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible.

The Tiger King walked two steps towards the Red Maple Demon King, suddenly stopped, turned around quickly, and looked at a bush on the right back.

In the grass in the distance, Tang Yao, who was hidden, had already stood up at this time.

Tang Yao was wearing wide black clothes, and a powerful zombie aura exuded.

After the Tiger King sensed the breath, his pupils shrank and his eyes were a little panicked.

Intermediate corpse king!

How could there be an intermediate corpse king here?

Damn it!

An intermediate-level corpse king, whose strength is above us, but also hides himself, sitting on the benefits of the fisherman, so he is really cautious.

Tang Yao, who was transformed into an intermediate corpse king, walked towards the tiger king step by step.

Tang Yao didn’t speak, and as he walked, he looked at the Tiger King indifferently.

The look was like looking at a dying person.

The Tiger King was frightened by Tang Yao’s heart, and he couldn’t help taking a step backwards.

After the Tiger King stepped back, he got closer to the Red Maple Demon King.

Tiger King’s move seemed to anger the approaching Intermediate Corpse King.


The Intermediate Corpse King let out a low roar, and his eyes on the Tiger King became more and more cold.

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