Chapter 134

The own branch was cut off again and again, but the two guys in the air had never been able to win, the Red Maple Demon King was very dissatisfied.

Hundreds of branches on the body of the Red Maple Demon King grew wildly, all attacking the King Corpse and King Tiger in the sky.

Upon seeing this, Tiger King immediately flew to the distance.

Tiger King thought very clearly, now it has the weakest strength among the three, and it is unlikely to forcibly capture the essence of the Red Maple Demon King’s life, and it may even take it in by itself.

In this case, the Tiger King intends to watch from the sidelines.

In the end, whether it was the corpse king or the red maple demon king, it would definitely be injured.

At that time, Tiger King has a chance.

Looking at the Tiger King who was going away, the Corpse King frowned in response to the Red Maple Demon King’s attack.

The Tiger King’s strength is damaged and will not head-on.

If I go to chase the Tiger King, there is hope to kill it, but it will not take a short time.

Even if I kill the Tiger King, after returning, I will probably lose the trace of the Red Maple Demon King.

As long as I can’t find the Red Maple Demon King within 3 days, even if I find it later, I won’t be able to get the essence of life.

The Red Maple Demon King with complete consciousness, I am not necessarily an opponent.

The life essence of the Red Maple Demon King is very important to me, and I can’t stop it.

In that case, kill the Red Maple Demon King first and take the essence of life.

Moreover, the consciousness of the Red Maple Demon King was the most chaotic at this time. Although its consciousness was occupied by killing and was very aggressive, it had no rules and was easy to deal with. This was my best chance to kill the Red Maple Demon King.

During my battle with the Red Maple Demon King, Tiger King shouldn’t interfere.

Once I kill the Red Maple Demon King, if the Tiger King wants to snatch the life essence, as long as my back hand can stop him for a while, I can get the life essence.

It was originally prepared for the promotion of the Red Maple Demon King in half a month, but it should be used now.

At that time, even if I am injured, I have the essence of life in my hands, and I can quickly recover from the injury at any time. The Tiger King will definitely not dare to attack me.

That’s it!

Thinking of this, the corpse king waved the long-handled battle axe in his hand, and severely chopped down the branches from the attack.

In an instant, more than 30 branches were cut off.



Afterwards, the corpse king uttered an angry roar, as if being angered in his heart by the attack of the Red Maple Demon King.

The roar was loud and it passed far away.

The Corpse King’s counterattack made the Red Maple Demon King, who was full of killing in his consciousness, even more crazy.

Hundreds of branches of the Red Maple Demon King quickly merged, and finally turned into 3 thick branches, madly attacking the Corpse King.

The Tiger King was watching the battle while secretly recovering from his injuries.

At this moment, Tang Yao, who was lying in the grass in the distance, looked strange.

Depend on!

The two roars of the Corpse King just now were not because of anger at all, but instead of giving orders.

This corpse king is really sinister!

He even left behind in the city!

Actually let the zombies staying in the city come to the edge of the city and hide it.

The zombies staying in the city have the highest level, which is also the high-ranking warrior. It is impossible to affect the battle of the king level.

The high probability is to block and delay for a while.

In this way, the corpse king wanted to kill the Red Maple Demon Queen and dragged the Tiger King with these back hands so that he could collect the essence of life.

It has to be said that this guy has prepared enough and comprehensive calculations.

However, it never thought of it, I just hide it here.

Moreover, buddies can speak zombie!


Just ask if you are afraid?

After thinking about it, Tang Yao smiled brightly.

Those back players, let’s get rid of them!

Otherwise, wouldn’t it prevent the corpse king and tiger king from biting the dog?

The best result was that the Corpse King, Tiger King and Red Maple Demon King all died in battle.

That way, I can make a big deal!

But hope is not great!

Forget it, do everything, let’s obey the fate!

Thinking of this, Tang Yao put the tactical watch in place to continue recording, while he himself slowly moved towards the east side of the city.

After 15 minutes, Tang Yao reached the northeast side of the city.

At this time, Tang Yao could no longer see the battlefield over there, and the Corpse King, Tiger King and Red Maple Demon King over there couldn’t find him either.

After putting on the generous black clothes, Tang Yao activated the corpse transformation skill and instantly transformed into an intermediate corpse king.

Tang Yao concealed his breath very well, without revealing a trace.

Lifting his leg, Tang Yao got out of the lush grass and headed straight for the city.

After entering the city, Tang Yao sprinted towards the southwest.

Soon, Tang Yao came to the southern edge of the city, the closest to the battlefield.

Tang Yao felt while walking cautiously.

After the sixth perception, Tang Yao stopped.

Tang Yao cast his gaze to about 100 meters ahead of the left, where the zombie aura was the strongest.

Tang Yao found a gap nearby and observed the battle situation outside.

The Tiger King is still watching the battle, and the Corpse King and the Red Maple Demon King are still fighting fiercely, with no victory or defeat.



Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao let out the breath of the Intermediate Corpse King a little, while controlling his voice, he let out several low-pitched roars in succession.

While roaring, Tang Yao’s eyes had been watching the reaction of the corpse king.

Seeing that the corpse king did not respond, and was still fighting with the Red Maple Demon King, Tang Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the leaders of the six senior zombies obeyed Tang Yao’s orders and came to Tang Yao quietly.

Tang Yao’s breath is an intermediate-level corpse king, and he has stronger suppression of the leaders of these six high-level zombies. They can only choose to obey Tang Yao’s orders.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao immediately reduced the breath of the Intermediate Corpse King again.

Looking at the leaders of the six senior zombies in front of him, Tang Yao secretly frowned.

6 heads, a little too much.

If you kill it, something may happen, so let’s get rid of it.


After Tang Yao roared lowly, he walked towards the northeast of the city first.

Behind, the leaders of the 6 high-level zombies obeyed Tang Yao’s orders and followed closely.

After leading the 6 high-level zombies to the northeast corner of the city, Tang Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Scared to death daddy!

Fortunately, it was not discovered by the corpse king, otherwise, he would definitely die!




After thinking about it, Tang Yao issued a series of instructions.

After listening to these six senior zombies, they all nodded respectfully to Tang Yao.

After exiting from the northeast corner of the city, these six high-level zombies led all the way east and quickly disappeared from Tang Yao’s sight.

Tang Yao chuckled, his smile full of triumph.

Later, Tang Yao also left the city.

After dissolving the corpse, Tang Yao slowly sneaked back to where the tactical watch was placed.

This time, Tang Yao did not change back to his own clothes.

Maybe it will be available when.

It took Tang Yao more than 40 minutes to go back and forth.

Looking at the battlefield again, Tang Yao found that the battle situation had already tilted.

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