Chapter 131-Awakened Corpse King

Compared with the blasting fire worm, the blasting female worm is much more difficult to deal with.

Although the blasting female reproduces much slower, it is itself a commander-level upgraded beast. Once it finds danger, it will immediately recall the blasting fire worm that has exited from its body.

A commander-level blasting female insect and hundreds of soldiers-level blasting fire worms that can explode at any time, even a high-ranking general or a commander may take themselves in.

Both the Explosive Mother and the Explosive Firefly are very difficult opponents.

In addition to the Explosive Mother and the Explosive Firefly, another upgraded beast that attracted Tang Yao’s attention was more than 200 yellow and black upgraded locusts in the sky.

These locusts have become more than 10 times larger than they were before upgrade. A pair of winged instigators, their mouthparts shining with cold light, are united one by one.

The attack of the upgraded locust is also very single, using its mouthparts to bite, and then eat it.

The single strength of upgraded locust is not strong, but once it is scaled up, it is a nightmare existence.

As long as the number of upgraded locusts is large enough, even God of War or king-level zombies and upgraded beasts can gnaw you away.

Tang Yao shook his head.

It seems that the zombie on the opposite side is hanging!

Although among the zombies there are also upgraded zombies similar to giant claws, rippers, and practitioners, they still have relatively few attack methods.

But it is also bad, there are more zombies.

The outcome of this battle is really hard to say.

However, even if the zombie withstood the upgraded beast’s attack this time, what about next time?

As long as the Tiger King does not die, it can summon upgraded beasts to attack the city again.

However, it is difficult for the King of Zombies to gather more zombies.

After all, there are much more upgraded beasts than zombies on the Australian continent.

Soon, the zombies and the upgraded beasts began to fight fiercely.

In the beginning, the violent fire worms exploded frequently. Although not many zombies were killed directly, many corpse soldiers were bombed with missing arms and legs, and their combat effectiveness dropped very seriously.

Taking this opportunity, the more than 200 locusts swarmed up and launched a crazy attack on the injured zombies.

The zombies roared and fought back, and the locusts bite desperately.

As the locusts were killed and fell from the air, the zombies also turned into bones without a trace of flesh and blood.

In other directions, the war is also going on, and it has been heated up from the beginning.

The roar of zombies and the roar of upgraded beasts are endless.

The Tiger King and the Corpse King didn’t make any moves, they both stood in the air and watched quietly.

Tang Yao looked at it with relish and kept nodding.

Kill, kill more!

It is best if the zombie wins and the upgraded beast retreats.

In this way, when the corpse king returns to the city, I will go to the battlefield to pick up bargains.


Meidi is very!

After watching for a while, Tang Yao’s heart suddenly moved, and he cast his gaze on the quiet city.

Shaking his head, Tang Yao sighed.

The zombies in the city should have been mobilized by the corpse king, and now, there should be an empty city there.

If there is no corpse king, you can go in and harvest a wave.

But there is a corpse king, it is estimated that the good things are in its Interspatial Ring, and then there is nothing good to go in.


Forget it, let’s stay here and watch the show!

The battle was fierce, and within half an hour, both the zombies and upgraded beasts had suffered more than one-third of the casualties.

The corpse king stared at the battle on the ground with cold eyes and frowned.

If this continues, absolutely not!

In this Australian continent, there are fewer and fewer people in our clan, and it is too difficult to supplement.

The Tiger King must be killed to avoid future troubles.

Otherwise, even if it can defeat the Tiger King this time, next time it gathers upgraded beasts, my sons will not be able to withstand their attack.

Thinking of this, the dead king’s heart moved, and a long-handled great axe appeared in his hand.

Afterwards, the corpse king rushed to the tiger king.

Although the Tiger King is also watching the battle, his defense against the Corpse King has never diminished.


Seeing that the corpse king came over, the tiger king roared and went up to fight.

In an instant, the corpse king and the tiger king fought together.

Tiger King didn’t use weapons, not that he couldn’t use them, but upgraded beasts are used to using their own body as weapons.

Once the weapon is used, the combat effectiveness may not be as good as not being used.

After collision, the violent collision sounded all over the world.

The corpse king and the tiger king are similar in combat power, and they fought equally well for a while.

After seeing the long-handled battle axe in the hands of the King Corpse, Tang Yao couldn’t help but frowned.

This weapon has a high probability of being flowed out of human society.

Another half hour passed, and the losses of the zombies and upgraded beasts had already passed halfway.

The battle between King Corpse and King Tiger also lasted a full half an hour.

At this moment, Tang Yao suddenly felt a vague mental energy fluctuation.

Tang Yao’s heart was shocked.

Talent ability!

If Tang Yao was not an awakened one, he wouldn’t feel it at all.

Just like when Tang Yao killed Ye Ge Xier, he used the charm ability, but Yuan Zhan and the others didn’t notice it at all.

Tang Yaomeng raised his head, and the corner of his eyes swept toward the battle between King Corpse and King Tiger.

Tang Yao didn’t dare to look directly at the battle between King Corpse King and King Tiger. A strong man of this level had extremely keen senses.

If Tang Yao looked at them directly, he might be sensed by them, and that would be dangerous.

The moment Tang Yao perceives the fluctuation of Mental Energy, the Zombie King slashed on the Tiger King’s long-handled battle axe, and a huge pure fireball suddenly condensed.

The Tiger King didn’t expect the Zombie King to have a talented ability, so he raised his left front paw to take the Zombie King’s this strike.

When Tiger King noticed the fireball appeared, his eyes were horrified, but it was too late to escape.

This strike of the corpse king is centered on the left front paw of the tiger king.


At the moment of the hit, the corpse king detonated a fireball.

Under the control of the corpse king, the pure flames in the fireball burst out instantly, all swept towards the tiger king.

The flesh and claws of the tiger king’s left front leg exploded in an instant, and the flesh and blood flew across.

The flesh and blood still attached to the bones was quickly burned by the flame and turned into blood-red smoke.


The Tiger King let out a miserable cry and backed away quickly.

At this time, all the flesh on the left front leg of the Tiger King had disappeared, leaving only the charred bones.

Although as long as there is sufficient energy to replenish, the left front leg with the bones will slowly recover, but at this time the Tiger King’s combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

The corpse king didn’t pause. After detonating the fireball, he chased the tiger king and launched a crazy attack.

The corpse king looked cold and arrogant, and his eyes looked at the tiger king with a trace of disdain.

The tiger king kept dodge in the air, the tiger head, tiger tail and the other three claws did not dare to resist at all, for fear that the corpse king would once again explode his talents and hurt it more severely.

Tiger King was angry and panicked, but helpless.

The Tiger King wanted to escape, but the Dead King didn’t give it a chance at all.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao felt cold.

The palace of this corpse king is too deep.

In order to confuse the Tiger King, the Zombie King sacrificed a large number of his subordinates, and after fighting the Tiger King for half an hour, it broke out suddenly.

Of course, the effect is also very good.

The Tiger King was directly crippled by the Zombie King’s talents. As long as the Zombie King bites, it is really possible to kill the Tiger King.

Unexpectedly, this corpse king actually awakened a talent ability, and it was still a fire-type talent ability with powerful attack power.

It was really the first time I saw the corpse king who had awakened his talented ability.

Just when the corpse king pursued the victory and wanted to kill the tiger king in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, a series of loud noises came from the mountains north of the city.

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