Chapter 129 Director Duan, Domineering!

Looking at Tang Yao’s puzzled expression, Yuan Zhan smiled.

As if seeing through Tang Yao’s thoughts, Yuan Zhan said: “Don’t think about it, I don’t have a big background. What we rely on is the identity of training camp students. When the training camp was established, the museum owner said, training. Matters between camp students will be resolved within the training camp.”

“For the first ten years, no one dared to disobey the will of the owner of the museum. But as time passed, and the owner didn’t bother much about the training camp, some people started to make small moves.”

“Until 5 years ago, a direct child from the Euro Union family was crippled in the process of competing with the training camp students at the same time. At that time, the head of the family found a man to avenge his own son. Opportunity, take away the student who maimed his son and brutally kill him.”

“At the time, the director in charge of the training camp was named Duan Hanjiang, a pinnacle of God of War. Of course, now he has surpassed God of War, and he doesn’t show up very much. Although he is still the director of the training camp. Position, but the training camp is in charge of Deputy Director Liang Shaohui.”

“When Director Duan learned of this, he immediately rushed to the Wudu base where the family headquarters is located. When Director Duan arrived, he asked the Juntian Wuguan in the Wudu base to help monitor every direct member of the family.”

“Then Director Duan only did one thing, kill! Regardless of men, women, young or old, from War Disciple to God of War, as long as the direct line members of that family leave the base, Director Duan didn’t let it go, and killed them all.”

“At that time, things were very troublesome. People from the Euro Alliance and the Wudu base came forward and found Director Duan several times to discuss a solution. Director Duan ignored him and continued to kill. The family members who killed, including the collateral Inside, no one dared to leave the base.”

“Later, the only strong man in that family who surpassed God of War came forward. But he did not dare to kill Director Duan directly, but found the owner of the museum. The owner of the museum is grateful for that strong man’s contribution to mankind, Song Speak up.”

“After that person returned to the clan, he cleaned all of the head of the family and paid a huge amount of compensation. After that, no one dared to intervene in the internal affairs of the training camp, even some. I don’t dare to make small movements again.”

“So, Junior Brother, just put your heart in your stomach. As long as you don’t take it for no reason, even if you slaughter all the students in the training camp, it’s okay. Zaluyev was really scared and scared us. .”

Hearing this, Tang Yao felt relieved a lot.

After all, being stared at is also a hassle.

However, it’s okay in the training camp, but what about leaving the training camp once you finish?

It is estimated that you can only ask for more blessings.

However, to me, this is nothing.

Out of the genius training camp, then I will enter the God of War training camp.

When I come out of the God of War training camp, it’s not always certain who kills who!

Tang Yao secretly sighed, Director Duan, domineering!

Say nothing, just kill!

Those who could not do him were killed by him!

If you can kill him, don’t dare to do it!

Cow fork!

However, this incident involved three powerhouses who surpassed God of War.

It seems that there are a lot of powerhouses at this level!

Tang Yao asked, “Senior Brother Yuan, how many powerhouses surpassing God of War in total?”

Yuan Zhan shook his head and said, “I don’t know how much it is. It has been 118 years since the catastrophe, and the number of people accumulated should be quite large, but not too many. On the face of it, there are 4 people in Juntian Martial Arts Hall. , The director of the museum, the three major inspection envoys, and the director of Duan.”

Tang Yao asked suspiciously: “Inspector?”

This is the first time that Tang Yao has heard of this position.

Yuan Zhan said: “The rank of the inspector is higher than the general curator of the major bases first-level, and he is responsible for patrolling the major bases. The main responsibility is to deal with the zombies and upgraded beasts above the king level. At the same time, the right of the inspector Great, it has the right to remove everyone under the general curator in the martial arts hall, and also has the right to recommend the removal of the general curator.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Senior Brother Yuan, you know a lot!”

“My uncle is God of War in Juntian Martial Arts Hall. He has no children. He likes to chat with me about the martial arts hall when he has nothing to do. Otherwise, at my level, it is impossible to know this.”

“Senior Brother Yuan, your uncle is God of War, and you said you have no support.”

“There is no strong man behind God of War who sits behind him, what a backer!”

Tang Yao gave a thumbs up and smiled: “Okay, you cow! Juntian Martial Arts Hall has 4 powerhouses surpassing God of War. If you count this, the world’s three major countries, two major alliances, and three martial arts centers will surpass Doesn’t the number of God of War powerhouses exceed 30! With the addition of some other forces that surpass God of War powerhouses, the number is close to 50?”

Yuan Zhan shook his head and said: “Our Juntian Martial Arts Hall has the world’s number one power, Ying Jun, and is considered the number one power in the world. There are not as many other powers as our Martial Arts Hall surpassing God of War. At least. , It’s like this on the bright side.”

“Just like Xia Guo, on the bright side, there is only one strong man who surpasses God of War, that is, the leader of Longwei, Ji Tianhong. Now, on the bright side, there are more than 20 people in the world. According to my uncle’s guess, the whole world Beyond the number of God of War powerhouses, plus the hidden ones, it’s probably around 30 people.”

“After all, it is too difficult to break through to God of War. Moreover, after so many years, some powerhouses who surpass God of War have fallen. It is a lot to accumulate to 30 people.”

After listening, Tang Yao nodded secretly.

Uncle Yuan Zhan’s speculation should be basically accurate.

Immediately, Tang Yao’s heart was tight.

The 30 powerhouses beyond God of War have yet to solve the zombies and upgraded beasts.

It can be seen that there are many zombies and upgraded beasts beyond the king level.

What’s more, there are still three great powerhouses: the corpse emperor, the beast emperor and the sea emperor.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao smiled self-deprecatingly.

That level is too far away from me.

Don’t worry about eating radish!

Let the big guys stand up first!

Later, Tang Yao asked: “Senior Yuan, there is less than a day before the end of the training. What are your plans next?”

“Go back and fight while walking! Now, I am a moving treasure house, and both of us have gained in my possession. Go back and be safe. What about you, what do you plan to do?”

“I plan to fight another wave and go back later.”

Yuan Zhan said anxiously: “Junior brother, we have gained a lot now, don’t take too much risk. You kid, you said before that you want to do a big vote, be careful not to get yourself in.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Brother, don’t worry, I’m very sorry. Time is running out, I will leave first. Brother, let’s see you at noon tomorrow!”

After speaking, Tang Yao waved his hand, turned and left.

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