Chapter 127

After thinking about it, Zaluyev quickened his pace.

What Zaluyev wanted was not a sneak attack, but a surprise shot at close range.

Yuan Zhan and Tang Yao found out that there was nothing wrong with them, as long as they didn’t arouse their suspicion.

Seeing Zaluyev quickened his pace, the four Yegoshir followed closely.

Soon, Yuan Zhan also saw 5 people from Zaluyev.

While chatting, Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan looked at the five Zaluyev.

The two looked relaxed, nothing unusual.

Seeing this, Zaluyev’s five people were secretly overjoyed.

Seeing Zaluyev’s people approaching, Yuan Zhan smiled and asked, “Brother Zalu, why are you back?”

When speaking, Yuan Zhan glanced at Zaluyev’s wrist without a trace.

Zaluyev smiled and said: “Junior Brother Yuan, we have carefully considered that the efficiency of hunting in the wilderness is still too low. Now, it is less than 24 hours before the end of the training, excluding the time required to return to the assembly point. , Time is tighter.”

“The semi-annually training is the best opportunity to obtain military exploits. We have not gained much now. If it ends like this, we will not be reconciled. Therefore, after discussing it, we plan to find a small city to meet. luck.”

Yuan Zhan gave Zaluyev a thumbs up and said admiringly: “The scale of the city is much larger than the small town, and it is much more dangerous. Brother Zallu is so courageous, Yuan Zhan admires him. Brother came back and looked for it. Are we trying to get us into the group?”

Zaluyev nodded and said: “Yes, the danger of the city is not comparable to that of a small town. We are 5 people, and our strength is still weak. Therefore, I want to invite Junior Brother Yuan and Junior Brother Tang to go together. In this way, it is safe. The higher the sex, the greater the certainty, and the gains will not be small.”

Upon hearing this, both Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan showed interest.

Seeing that Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan were bewildered, the five members of Zaluyev were secretly delighted.

Zaluyev continued: “If the two are interested, let’s discuss the distribution of the spoils.”

Tang Yao nodded in agreement.

Yuan Zhan smiled and said, “Presumably Brother Zhalu already has a plan in his mind, so please tell me about it.”

At this time, without waiting for Zaluyev to talk about the distribution plan, Yegoshir said happily: “It’s great, with the two joining us, we are bound to have great gains this time.”

With that, Yegoshir took the other three people a few steps forward.

The four Yegoshir walked to Zaloyev’s side. Ye Geshir was facing Tang Yao, and the remaining three stood on both sides, faintly surrounding Tang Yao and Yuan Zhanhal.

Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan both smiled and nodded to the four Ye Ge Xier.

Zaluyev also smiled at the four Yegoshir, and then said to Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan: “Well, for me…”

Halfway through Zaluyev’s speech, a long knife flashing cold suddenly appeared in his hand.

Zaluyev smiled grimly, raised his long knife, and slashed towards Yuan Zhan’s head with all his strength.

Since deciding to take action against Yuan Zhan and Tang Yao, Zaluyev has never thought of showing mercy to his men.

The previous remarks were just for his own team members to listen to, and they were arrogant.

However, the smile on Zaluyev’s face solidified shortly afterwards.

Because, before Zaluyev could attack Yuan Zhan, a black hole appeared in front of him.


With a smile on his face, Yuan Zhan pulled the trigger with his left hand without hesitation.

Zaluyev was shocked and immediately blocked the bullet with the long knife in his hand.

Although the gun could not hurt the Practitioner of the general level, the distance was too far. Yuan Zhan used a sniper rifle again, and the bullets were also burst bullets.

Moreover, the location where the bullet was shot was still on Zaluyev’s face.

Once hit, even if it won’t be hurt, in order to protect his eyes, Zahluyev must close his eyes.

A brief loss of vision is fatal for a general-level battle.

Therefore, Zaluyev had to give up the opportunity to attack and use a long knife to block the bullet.

Yuan Zhan smiled coldly, he had already guessed Zaluyev’s reaction.

At the moment when the bullet was shot, a mace suddenly appeared in Yuan Zhan’s right hand.

Without a pause, Yuan Zhan raised the mace in his hand and slammed it down on the head of Zaluyev.

At the same time, Yuan Zhan threw the sniper rifle in his left hand aside.

After knocking the bullet into the air, Zaluyev saw the mace not far from the top of his head.

A trace of panic flashed in Zaluyev’s eyes, and he tried his best to dodge to one side.

Zaluyev’s head avoided Yuan Zhan’s stick, but his shoulders did not hide.

One of Yuan Zhan’s stick directly hit Zaluyev’s right shoulder.

This stick first smashed Zaluyev’s shoulder to a bloody flesh, and then smashed his shoulder bones into pieces. The spikes on the stick continued to cut Zaluyev’s flesh.

In the end, as Yuan Zhan’s stick fell, he directly smashed Zaluyev’s right arm to the root, splashing flesh and blood.


Zaluyev let out a sorrowful cry, then fell to the ground.

At the same time Yuan Zhan launched the attack, two short guns appeared in Tang Yao’s hands.

Tang Yao didn’t hesitate, and pierced the head of Ye Ge Xier and a 9-star soldier in front of him.

At the moment of launching the attack, Tang Yao’s heart moved and activated the charm ability at Ye Ge Xier.

At this time, more than an hour had passed since Tang Yao’s mental energy consumption reached the critical point, and Tang Yao’s mental energy had recovered to more than 50%.

It is enough to launch an instant-effect charm ability against Ye Ge Xier, who is a 2-star warlord, without side effects.



With a weapon in his hand, Ye Gexiel, whose eyes were blurred, didn’t hide, but was pierced by Tang Yaoyi’s spear thrust.

The other 9-star soldier wanted to hide, but he couldn’t avoid Tang Yao’s sudden attack.

Upon seeing this, the remaining two 9-star soldiers hurriedly jumped aside, looking at Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan with horror.

Tang Yao didn’t pause. After pulling out the short spear from the heads of Ye Ge Xier, he immediately killed the remaining two 9-star soldiers.

Both of them had seen Tang Yao’s sturdy record on the opposing platform, and they didn’t dare to have a hint of care, and joined hands to fight Tang Yao.

Zaluyev fell to the ground, his face was gray, and his heart was cold.

Seeing Yuan Zhan going to continue to take action, Zaluyev ignored the bleeding wounds and quickly shouted: “Wait! Yuan Zhan, how did you discover my intentions?”

Yuan Zhan smiled coldly and said, “Zaluyev, you put away all your tactical watches. Are you afraid that the training camp will find you after you kill us?”

Zaluyev gave a wry smile.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Zhan and Tang Yao had already seen through the calculations of a few of their own.

Immediately, a light flashed in Zaluyev’s hand, and a tactical watch appeared.

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