Chapter 123 Too much loot, so annoying!

After listening to Tang Yao’s words, Yuan Zhan’s expression suddenly realized.

Yuan Zhan said: “No wonder the large group of zombies just rushed over, Dammit, almost scared me to pee at the time. But these zombies were a little abnormal, and they did not attack us for the first time, but launched a fierce attack on the upgraded beast. At that time. , We are being surrounded by the upgraded beast group, if it weren’t for the impact of these zombies, we wouldn’t be able to run out of the chaos. It turns out that those zombies ran from the west side of the town!”

The expressions of the other five people were similar to those of Yuan Zhan, and they had no doubts about Tang Yao’s words.

After Yuan Zhan finished speaking, Tang Yao immediately said, “Hurry up! I saw it just now, and the commander-level zombies have been transferred away. Do you think there will be a corpse king in this town? Hurry up! Once you are caught by the corpse king, it’s over.”

After speaking, Tang Yao ran to the direction away from the town without waiting for a few people to reply.

Hearing that, Yuan Zhan and the five people from the Saint Fort base didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately followed Tang Yao and ran with all their strength.

After running for about ten kilometers, they saw no zombies in the town chasing them out, and everyone was relieved.

Then, several people got into a dense forest.

After killing a few upgraded beasts in the dense forest, a few people gathered together and sat down to rest one after another.

Tang Yao took a look at the time. It was almost 12 noon, and there was still a whole day before the end of the training.

Excluding half a day to return to the assembly area, there is only one afternoon and one night left.

Tang Yao frowned slightly, a bit difficult!

Now the number of my left ear and the specific limbs of some upgraded beasts has exceeded 2,000, so it doesn’t make much sense to get them.

With just over 2,000 combat vouchers, it is estimated that I can’t take them all out.

Tang Yao looked up and saw Yuan Zhan who was eating, his eyes lit up.

Yuan Zhan and several people fought for a long time, and they were all a little hungry, and each took out food and water to eat.

Yuan Zhan felt Tang Yao’s gaze, and after swallowing the food in his mouth, he smiled and said, “Tang Yao, we are pretty destined, so we can still meet here.”

Tang Yao said with a sullen look: “Dage, I would rather not have this kind of fate. I ran for more than two hours before I found this town. After entering the town, only a few corpse soldiers were killed, and I met Something happened, and I almost got my life in.”

Yuan Zhan laughed and said: “Your kid is still less experienced. You will get used to it after several life and death crises. By the way, several people, what are your plans next.”

Tang Yao glanced at the five people from the Saint Fort base, and said unwillingly: “Of course he continued to find the town to fight. The area of ​​the wilderness is too big, and the upgraded beasts are hard to touch, let alone the zombies. It’s still a town. Okay, zombies and upgraded beasts get together, be careful, you can always gain.”

The four-star warrior named Zaloyev from the Saint Fort base was named Zaloyev.

Zaluyev lowered his head, his eyes flickered, and then raised his head and said: “We are going to go back and fight while walking. Although the harvest will be smaller, but fortunately, it is relatively safe. We have many people and big goals. It’s more dangerous in towns.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhan smiled.

Yuan Zhan is belligerent, but he is not stupid.

He understood that these five people wanted to be separated from him.

That’s good, after all, I’m not familiar with it.

Although they are all students from the genius training camp, it is not uncommon for the students to play tricks.

It doesn’t matter if you are separated, you have to be careful of being stabbed in the back when you are fighting in the province.

Tang Yao seemed to agree very much with what Zaluyev said, and nodded, but he was happy in his heart.

Go now!

I just saw that you wanted to part ways, so I said that on purpose.

You are gone, I happened to ask Yuan Dazui about the attack power bonus.

By the way, discuss the spoils with him again.

After a few people chatted for a while, the five people from the Saint Fort base had almost rested, and they got up to leave.

Zaluyev said gratefully to Yuan Zhan: “Junior Brother Yuan, thank you for your help. If it weren’t for you, we would have suffered a heavy loss this time. Back to the training camp, we will definitely come to thank you.”

Yuan Zhan smiled heartily, and said, “They are all seniors, so there is no need to be so polite. However, if seniors and a few seniors want to drink with me, I am very welcome.”

“Definitely, we won’t be drunk or return by then. Goodbye!”

After speaking, Zaluyev nodded to Tang Yao, then turned and left with a few people.

Looking at the backs of the five people going away, Tang Yao asked: “Senior Brother Yuan, why did you mix with them?”

Yuan Zhan said: “I also just arrived in the small town just this morning, and I happened to meet a few of them who were besieged by upgraded beasts. Although I am not familiar with them, I have no grudges, so I went up to help. The students from the Rus Country Most of them are pretty good, and they look much more pleasing to the eye than those guys from Eagle Nation and Euro Union.”

“Originally, they were besieged by an intermediate upgraded beast commander with more than 50 upgraded beasts. The danger was not great. Unexpectedly, there was a senior upgraded beast commander in that small town. After discovering us, he continued to command the upgraded beast. The beast came to besiege us. If it weren’t for the zombie riots in the town, buddies would be hanging out today.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao said with a smile: “Senior Brother Yuan is really warm-hearted. People who are not familiar with it dare to help. If it were me, I would not dare. Junior apprentice admire it!”

“You kid, don’t mock me. If I dare to help, how can I be defenseless.”

“It seems that Senior Brother is not leaking! By the way, Senior Brother, how did you gain?”

Yuan Zhan said with a look of pride: “Not many, and killed more than 1,200 soldiers-level zombies and upgraded beasts, and more than 20 commander-level beasts. I was lucky. The third town I went to had the most The strong ones are the junior commander-level zombies and upgraded beasts. In most of the day, I swept the entire town to one side, killing nearly 800 zombies and upgraded beasts.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao frowned secretly.

This amount is a bit small!

However, after another thought, Tang Yao understood.

The small towns in mainland Australia are far apart, and it takes a lot of time to hurry.

With Yuan Zhan’s strength, facing soldier-level zombies and upgraded beasts, he should be able to slaughter one-on-one.

Although Yuan Zhan needs to be afraid of senior leaders, neither elementary nor intermediate leaders are his opponents.

But once the zombies and upgraded beasts reach the commander level, some younger brothers will follow them more or less.

The squad led by the junior leader should not be difficult for Yuan Zhan, but facing the squad led by the intermediate leader, Yuan Zhan is also in danger. The best way is to walk around.

One is that it is less dangerous, and the other is that it saves time.

Tang Yao shook his head helplessly, Yuan Zhan’s efficiency is not good!

In this case, he can’t give him too many trophies.

If you want to use Yuan Zhan’s hand to hand in more trophies and gain more combat merits, some methods will not work.


Too much loot, so annoying!

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