God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 415: 1 echo 0 respond

"Shengzhi, why didn't I receive the invitation letter?"

Hearing that, Qi Shengzhi was slightly puzzled, "Chairman, according to reason, it should not be possible. Even if I received the invitation letter, you will receive it."

At this time, Qi Shengzhi understood the reason for the slight dissatisfaction of his chairman. It turned out that he did not receive the invitation letter.

Chairman Meng thought for a moment, then picked up the phone on his desk, "Xiao Li, come in."

Assistant Xiao Li came in and said respectfully: "Chairman, are you looking for me?"

"Little Li, have I received an invitation letter from Xudong Mining Group, inviting me to participate in their group headquarters relocation celebration."

Seeing his own chairman asked, Xiao Li hesitated and appeared a little nervous. Chairman Meng immediately understood what was going on and snorted in dissatisfaction. Suddenly, Xiao Li’s cold sweat came down, and there was obviously on his forehead. Dense beads of sweat.

I didn’t dare to wipe off his cold sweat. Xiao Li immediately said in panic: “Chairman, I’m wrong. I didn’t notify you after receiving your invitation letter. Throw it in the trash can."


Meng Gang was very angry. Qi Shengzhi saw it and hurriedly closed the game. "Chairman, you want to participate in the celebration of Xudong Mining Group. Even if the invitation letter is lost, it does not matter. After booking the ticket, I will call you."

That's the only way to go, and then join Qi Shengzhi to participate.

After thinking about it, Meng Gang waved his hand and said, "Xiao Li, remember, you must not make such a mistake next time, just forget it this time."

Xiao Li quickly wiped off his cold sweat, and then quietly let out a sigh of relief before exiting Meng Gang's office.

After leaving the office, he slapped himself fiercely and slapped him firmly. It seems that Xiao Li hated him to death, and at the same time, he raised Xudong Mining Group to a very high level. Important position.

In fact, Xiao Li cannot be completely blamed.

As the chairman of the Jingcheng Iron and Steel Group, in the eyes of general mining company bosses, that is an unattainable existence. In the past, mining companies often invited Meng Gang to participate in celebrations, etc. However, Meng Gang held his own identity, that is not Will go.

Because this has always been the case, this time I received the invitation letter from Xudong Mining Group, Xiao Li handled it as usual, thinking that even if he reported to Meng Gang, the chairman would not go, so he simply did not report, and directly invited The letter was thrown into the trash can.

No matter what I thought, this move immediately made a big mistake, and Meng Gang was almost furious.

How can Xudong Mining Group be comparable to ordinary mining companies? Other iron ore mining companies are generally flattering or begging Beijing Iron and Steel Group. As the chairman of the board, Meng Gang can naturally put on airs and maintain his identity.

Xudong Mining Group not only develops rapidly and is large in scale, it belongs to the largest iron ore mining company in China, and their iron ore is of good quality, which is completely sought-after in the domestic market. I want the iron ore of Xudong Mining Company. , No problem, take out your skills and means, you can count as you grab it.

Even a super-large steel company like Jingcheng Iron and Steel Group can only think of ways to get iron ore from Xudong Mining Group. For Xudong Mining Group, Meng Gang is too late to flatter himself, and how can he put on airs.


Xinghua Iron and Steel Group.

This is also a very large steel company, absolutely ranked in the top ten in the country, and belongs to one of the top ten domestic steel companies. As the vice president of this company, Zhou Xianbo naturally also received an invitation to participate in the celebration of Xudong Mining Group.

Zhou Xianbo must go to the celebration of Xudong Mining. No, he came to the office of Chairman Sun Changjun and asked for instructions: "Chairman, the day after tomorrow is the celebration of Xudong Mining Group. I plan to take a few days off to attend. "

There was an invitation letter from Xudong Mining Group on Sun Changjun’s big desk, and he smiled indifferently: “Zhou, it’s just a celebration of a mining company. You don’t have to go there in person. Send someone below to represent it. Go there, and it's almost the same."

Xinghua Iron and Steel Group's iron ore mainly relies on imports. It has a five-million-ton iron ore purchase contract with Xudong Mining Group. It is estimated that Sun Changjun has not realized the extraordinary features of these iron ore.

As the vice president, Zhou Xianbo went deeper into the grassroots level and knew more about these iron ore. Seeing Sun Changjun saying this, he felt a little anxious.

"Chairman, this is Xudong Mining Group, how can it be comparable to an ordinary mining group."

"Oh, is there anything special about it?" Sun Changjun was slightly puzzled.

Zhou Xianbo said, "Chairman, the reputation here is great. Xudong Mining Group is not only large in scale, but also has a strong momentum of development. The key is that their iron ore quality is very good, even the imported iron ore cannot match them. Iron ore."

"Oh, iron ore is so good!" Sun Changjun was slightly surprised.

Zhou Xianbo said: "This is not the most critical thing. The most important thing is that according to reliable sources, all the vice presidents of Donghai Iron and Steel Group have participated in the celebration of Xudong Mining Group since Chang Jianliang and Meng Gang and Qi of Jingcheng Iron and Steel Group Shengzhi and others also all participated. Needless to say, the people from Wujiang Iron and Steel Group, they..."

With that said, Sun Changjun was slightly shocked. He didn't think that there was such a big movement. The CEOs of a group of iron and steel groups responded so enthusiastically. So, Sun Changjun picked up this invitation letter that he hadn't liked at all, and decided after looking at it.

"In this case, we Xinghua Iron and Steel Group will also join in, you and I will go together and book my ticket."

Zhou Xianbo said happily: "Okay, no problem!"

As soon as the invitation letter of Xudong Mining Group was sent out, after arriving at the major steel groups, the response was great and the response was enthusiastic. Xudong Mining Group showed an amazing appeal.

Liaohe Iron and Steel Group...

Anshan Iron and Steel Group...


Wujiang City.

In the big villa, the family finished dinner and Wang Yuelan went back to her study to study. The high school study is not easy, especially for top students like Wang Yuelan. The main task every day is to study, study, and study again.

In the living room, Wang Xudong and his mother Yang Hong are sitting on the sofa. The babysitter is in the dining room to clean up the dishes. He will leave for Donghai City tomorrow. It is estimated that he will live in Donghai City frequently in the future. Wang Xudong will ask his mother for advice.

Just in time, Yang Hong also asked, "Xudong, the company headquarters has moved to Donghai City. You go to Donghai City this time, and come back in a few days?"

Now that I have already talked about this topic, Wang Xudong said directly: "Mom, I don't know when I will come back. My plan is to live in Donghai City in the future. I bought a big villa there. I plan to be there in the future. settle."

Donghai City is a good place, much larger and more prosperous than Wujiang City. Even Yang Hong knows that after arriving there, Wang Xudong's development is more promising, and Xudong Mining Group has more room for development.

Yang Hong agreed: "Xudong, it's okay to go to Donghai City. It's better to settle down there. After you and Xiaotong get married, you will live in Donghai City and live in the big villa you bought."

"Yeah." Wang Xudong nodded, with the same intention in his heart, and asked: "Mom, in that case, how about you and Yuelan also move to Donghai City with me?"

After that, Wang Xudong was a little nervous, and looked at his mother with a slight worry. Wang Xudong was worried that his mother would not leave his homeland and would not go to Donghai City with him.

Sure enough, Yang Hong said: "Xudong, I am older, I am in my 50s, and I don’t want to move. I just live in Wujiang City. If I miss my neighbors in the neighborhood, I can also go to Wangjiaping Town for a string. Stop by, chat with the old neighbors, and pull the chores."

This is what it is doing now. When the weather is good, or when he is interested, Yang Hong will go to Wangjiaping Town. It’s only 30 to 40 minutes’ drive from here to town, which is very convenient.

Wang Xudong persuaded: "Mom, in the future, Xiaotong and I will live in Donghai City. You live here. I want you to do that?"

Yang Hong smiled and said: "Smelly boy, this is to persuade me to go to Donghai City with you. Okay, I will live here. I don't want to move, don't persuade me."

Wang Xudong knew his mother. Since he said that, it would be useless to persuade him. He sighed softly in his heart.

Upon seeing it, Yang Hong said: "Smelly boy, sigh, it's not that you won't see me in the future. If you want to take a look, you can bring Xiaotong back for a few days."

"Yeah." It seems that this can only be done.

Yang Hong said, "Yuelan will live with me. I won't be lonely with this girl by my side. Besides, Yuelan is in high school and has heavy learning tasks. Don't change schools all the time."

Since his mother doesn't want to go to Donghai City for the time being, it is okay for his sister to live in Wujiang City. Wang Xudong nodded in agreement.

At the same time, I thought ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It seems that I still have to say hello to Hu Jianbo. In terms of safety, please pay more attention to the police. In addition, I will ask a few more bodyguards to be responsible for the safety of this big villa. There will be no major problems.


Jiangnan Province, the provincial capital airport.

A large passenger plane is parked there. Unlike ordinary passenger planes, this seems to be a chartered plane. The boarding guests have not come yet, but the crew are already making some preparations.

Outside the airport.

A fleet of vehicles is driving towards the airport. The long fleet consists of at least 20 or 30 cars. Many of them are rare luxury cars. The emergence of this fleet attracted many people. vision.

Passengers who were entering and leaving the airport stopped one after another when they saw this convoy. Some even said, "Who are these people, such a big movement, it looks so good!"


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