God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 412: Nostalgia and reluctance

The information has only a few pages, only some basic information about Wang Xudong, in addition, there are some basic information about Xudong Mining Company. . Fastest update

After reading these things, Masao Kimura groaned for a while, and after thinking about it, he said: Inform Inoue-kun to get in touch with this Wang Xudong.

The Kimura Consortium has a company in Donghae City, and the scale is not small. The person in charge is Junichiro Inoue, a capable officer of Masao Kimura, who is mainly responsible for the business of the Kimura Consortium in China.

The report’s Fuso Humanity: Mr. Kimura, just send Inoue-kun to go, is it too worthy of this Wang Xudong, I think it is enough to send another lower-level person.

This Fuso man is also arrogant enough, thinking that the Kimura Consortium Niucha wants to send a small person to contact Wang Xudong.

Masao Kimura: Just send Inoue-kun, isn’t Huaxia claiming to be a country of etiquette? I’ll be courteous first and then soldiers. If Wang Xudong knows each other, then it’s easy to handle. If you don’t know each other, hum

With a cold snort, Kimura Masao, who has never seen any joy or anger on his face, actually showed a slight anger.

Doulishan mining area.

In the office, Wang Xudong was packing some things by himself. Wang Xudong did not plan to move to Donghai City, but continued to stay in this office, and this office will remain in place.

There are not many things. After Wang Xudong sorted it out, put it in the storage box, then opened the big safe in his office and put these things in this safe.

The things that can be put in this cabinet are very important things. Not only are there many important documents, but also the military password box.

Looking at this box, Wang Xudong smiled slightly. The military's scorching problem has been solved easily by himself. Although it is only a piece of semi-finished armor material, because of the god-level mine master system, based on this piece of armor material, The system has successfully generated a complete set of manufacturing processes.

Wang Xudong is not a professional, but he also knows that what the system generates this time is a brand-new armor material manufacturing process, which is definitely much better than the semi-finished product provided by the military. As for whether it will be better than Citi's armor material Fork, then it is unknown.

It only took 48 hours to optimize the system. Wang Xudong estimated that his armor material would certainly not be bad, and it is estimated to be quite good.

Even Wang Xudong even checked it on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is basically no information on armor materials on the Internet, so there is no comparison and reference. I don’t know whether this armor material is good or not. I don’t know for now. .

The armor materials that caused the military's scorching horror were successfully resolved, Wang Xudong felt relieved, but did not tell the military immediately, but had to wait at least one or two months, or longer.

After looking at this military password box, he put the things he had arranged into the safe. After the safe was locked, Wang Xudong looked at his office.

In two or three days, I will leave here temporarily, and I will focus on Donghai City or Australia in the future. It is estimated that there will be fewer visits here.

This is the place where Wang Xudong struggled and worked hard. It is also the place where he started from scratch. It must be fake not to miss him.

Reluctantly, he looked at his office with emotion, then walked to the large floor-to-ceiling window, opened the curtains, and looked at the huge mining area through the glass.

The entire mining area can really be described as huge, a huge vestibule area, a huge iron ore stacking area, a huge mining area, and a wide mining area road. On these roads, large mining carts, heavy trucks, etc. The vehicle moves from time to time.

Especially in the mining area far away, you can clearly see that five combined mining trucks are busy there. After trucks and trucks of finished iron ore are mined, they are transported from there by large mining trucks.

The daily output of the mining area has also soared to the current hundreds of thousands of tons. Every day one train comes to the mining area to carry away trucks of iron ore.

Those steel companies that have a contract with Xudong Mining Company tried their best to contact the train skins. Almost as soon as the sky was light, a long train came to the mining area with its whistle, and then carried away the iron ore, one by one. When the train arrived, they carried away a train full of iron ore, which was busy from early morning to night.

Wang Xudong's gaze floated involuntarily to the direction of the railway station, which is a typical freight railway station, and the highly automated loading system is loading iron ore onto the trains stopped on the tracks.

A train was obviously full of iron ore, whistling, slowly leaving, and then gradually away.

I looked at all this with great nostalgia, sighed slowly, and thought in my heart, I'm leaving, I'm leaving here, I really feel a little bit reluctant.

Dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the office, pulling Wang Xudong's thoughts back. As soon as he heard the familiar knock on the door, Wang Xudong knew who it was and said loudly: Xu Jie, come in.

It was Xu Jie who knocked on the door and opened the door and said: Dongge, the ticket has been booked, and the plane at 10:15 the day after tomorrow will arrive in Donghai City at noon, just in time for lunch.

Wang Xudong nodded, and slowly said: Xu Jie, I'm leaving, I'm leaving here, I really feel a little bit reluctant.

Xu Jie said: Brother Dong, the mining area is still here, and now the transportation is convenient. When you want to come here to take a look, you can often come back and take a look. In addition, I have been here all the time, and I welcome Dong Ge anytime.

Hearing this, Wang Xudong suddenly felt bright and smiled and said: Yes, when I want to come here in the future, I will come here to take a look.

After that, Wang Xudong said: Xu Jie, how are you preparing? This time, you will also be with us in Donghai City.

Xu Jie said: Dongge, I am ready, and Xie Jing is responsible for all the affairs of the mining area in the few days I left.

Xie Jing is the deputy general manager of the mining area. He has good ability and is Xu Jie's right-hand man. Wang Xudong is also very satisfied with this person.

Nodding his head, the image of Xie Jing appeared in his mind, and when he looked at Xu Jie, he had a little plan in his heart.

Feeling Wang Xu’s gaze, Xu Jie’s heart beat faster for no reason, saying in his heart, could it be

Just thinking about it, Xu Jie didn't dare to think about it. If that was the case, it would be great. He would also be able to enter the International Finance Building and work in a first-class environment like the new headquarters.

In fact, Xu Jie really guessed right. Wang Xudong is already considering the successor to the Doulishan mining area, and he is planning to promote Xu Jie to the deputy general manager of Xudong Mining Group. Liang Hongbo is too busy. With Xu Jie , Two brothers together, it will definitely be much better.

However, this matter is just a thought. It needs a suitable successor. Maybe this Xie Jing can be regarded as one of the candidates for successor.

I took a look at the mining area outside. I don’t know how many days I will be able to come here again, considering I have to leave here temporarily, so Wang Xudong said: Xu Jie, go, accompany me to the mining area for a walk and take a look.

Ok. Xu Jie nodded and followed Wang Xudong out of the office. The two of them walked around the mining area and followed Lin Hu, keeping a certain distance behind them.


Jiangnan Province, the provincial capital airport.

A plane landed at the airport. This was a passenger plane from Donghai City. Among the large group of passengers who got off the plane, three of them seemed a little different.

Dressed in suits and leather shoes, very neat is not the most attractive. There are many people dressed like this, and some business people dress like this.

What is striking is that these three seem to have a group of foreigners, that is, foreigners. Yellow skin, black hair, and foreigners, it is estimated that it is not from Kimchi country but Fusang country.

It should be from Fusang, one of them still has a beard in the center of his upper lip, and one of them speaks the Fusang dialect, which makes it even more certain that the three are Fusang.

Mr. Inoue, this is Jiangnan Province. It takes about two hours to drive to Wujiang City.

Yo West. The leader of Fusang took a look at the time and said: Let’s go to Wujiang City now. Let’s live in Wujiang City first.

The group of three, out of the airport, beckoned for a car outside the airport, and then headed towards Wujiang City

Doulishan mining area.

Accompanied by Xu Jie, Wang Xudong walked around the mining area, looked around, and after he was intrigued, he climbed to the top of Douli Mountain and looked down on the entire mining area.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, Wang Xudong took out his mobile phone and took a few photos to keep in the mobile phone.

Xu Jie, look at our mining area, it’s so big, it’s developing so fast

I think that when I first took over here, it was just a small private mine with a dozen employees and a very small scale. There are many such small mines in the Doulishan area.

Now, all of these small mines are gone. With the development and expansion of the mining area, all these small mines have been flattened, including the Sunjia mine, the largest in the past.

In fact, the conditions in ~www.NovelMTL.com~Douli Mountain are still good. The place is open enough and the terrain in front of the mountain is flat. This flat terrain extends all the way to Wangjiaping Town several kilometers away.

With such good conditions, even if the scale is expanded, there will be enough space. The railway in the mining area is like a dragon leading to the distance, a heavy-duty cement road leading to the mining area from a distance. Compared with the past, this road is deserted. too much.

In the past, a large number of heavy trucks came and went on this highway, but now it is basically difficult to see, because the iron ore in the mining area is no longer transported by heavy trucks, but by train.

On the highway, a convoy of several vehicles was driving towards the mining area. Wang Xudong saw it, and Xu Jie saw it.

Xu Jie even said: Dong Brother, look

Wang Xudong nodded and said happily: Go, let's go down.

Upon seeing this, Xu Jie thought curiously, does Brother Dong know who is here. Thinking like this in my heart, following Wang Xudong, the two walked down the mountain together.

The second update is to be continued. .

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