God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 381: 1 total of 7

Jiangnan Province. Fastest update

Wang Xudong and the others ran out of western food together and drank a bottle of red wine. Even the two ladies drank a small glass each. The rest was basically shared by Liu Yu and Wang Xudong.

When he finished drinking the first bottle, Wang Xudong also said, do you want another bottle? There are still two bottles in the trunk of the off-road vehicle. Where do you know, Liu Yu cherishes this kind of red wine very much, and he is reluctant to drink it again. The bottles are enough, save those two bottles for next time.

A bottle of red wine was basically drunk by two people. The two ladies only drank a little, which was basically enough. Wang Xudong did not force it.

After drinking this bottle of red wine, everyone ate Western food, Wang Xudong first got up and said: "Go, let's go to Shanhe Heavy Industry Group and take a look at our United Mining Truck."

At this time, this batch of joint mining vehicles is estimated to be dismantled and loaded, and will be transported to the Doulishan mining area tonight.

In fact, transportation is more convenient at night, and there are fewer cars on the road. Big guys like the transportation combined mining truck use that kind of long, large trailer. If it is during peak hours and there are a lot of vehicles on the road, it is really inconvenient and it may easily cause traffic jams.

Liu Yuxingzhi was also not bad, and stood up and said, "Brother Dong, then we will go to Shanhe Heavy Industry Group."

A group of four went down the second floor and exited this western restaurant. At the entrance of the restaurant, there was a two-person car parked, a Mercedes-Benz off-road of more than two million yuan, and the other one was even more powerful, a Lamborghini supercar. Value of eight or nine million.

It is estimated that there will be no more than five such supercars in the entire Jiangnan Province, and there is one parked at the entrance of this western restaurant. Many people are watching there, and some even taking photos there.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yu smiled triumphantly, "Brother Dong, this supercar is really cool. Driving this supercar, I feel the envy of the eyes around me, that feeling is great!"

After speaking, he said gratefully: "Brother Dong, thank you for sending me this supercar."

Last time I participated in the auto show in Donghai City, I bought two supercars. Wang Xudong’s one is even more powerful. There are only 20 cars in the world. The price is more than 20 million that most people can’t imagine. Wang Xudong’s one. Currently parked in the large underground parking lot of International Finance.

Liu Yu is still studying in Jiangnan Province because he has not graduated yet, so his supercar was shipped back from Donghai City.

I remember that the first time I drove this supercar to campus, Liu Yu still remembers the sensation, especially some people who are familiar with Liu Yu, who couldn't believe it.

Liu Yu has always been relatively low-key on campus, and has never shown off like some second generations. On the contrary, even if someone asks, Liu Yu is more ambiguous. People who are familiar don’t know Liu Yu’s prominent family background, but I think Liu Yu's family conditions are better.

Anyway, he is about to graduate, so let's be high-profile. With this kind of thinking, Liu Yu has become a celebrity in the school within a short time, especially his supercar, which has become the focus of the school.

No matter where you go to the school, there are always some girls who take the initiative to talk to Liu Yu. If this were in the past, it was simply impossible.

Liu Yu enjoys this feeling very much. Of course, it's just enjoyment. He didn't have any substantive interactions with the girls who took the initiative to strike up a conversation. Liu Yu knew that most of the girls were attracted by their luxury cars, not by them. He Liu Yu himself.

At the entrance of this western restaurant, Liu Yu was able to become the focus. Liu Yu smiled triumphantly, then took out the car key, raised it, and the person next to the supercar looked envied and took the initiative to move away. Liu Yu took his girlfriend with him. , Got on the car in the eager eyes of everyone.

Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong got on his off-road vehicle, and a man next to him actively said: "Dude, your off-road vehicle is domineering. It's my favorite."

Wang Xudong just smiled slightly, then got in the car and closed the door. The off-road vehicle started to drive onto the main road in front of the western restaurant. Liu Yu drove his supercar to keep up. Two cars, one after the other, headed for Shanhe Heavy Industry Group. Away.

I have been to Sunward Heavy Industries many times, and every time he comes, Wang Xudong usually calls He Yehui. The two were also on the phone in the morning. At this time, He Yehui must be in the factory. Wang Xudong did not call to inform him, but went directly to the door of Shanhe Heavy Industry.

Factory guards are generally sharp-eyed. After Wang Xudong has been here a few times, these guards remembered Wang Xudong's car, and when they saw the off-road vehicle, they immediately let it go.

Two cars, one after the other, drove into the factory area, and stopped in front of the factory office building. After getting off the car, Liu Yu, who came here for the first time, said, "Brother Dong, the conditions here are good. Look, This factory area is really big enough, one factory after another, it's big enough, it's spectacular!"

The hardware conditions of Sunward Heavy Industry are still very good. The area is really not small. Now it is bigger. With the purchase of a large piece of land next to it, the factory area has almost doubled. There, several new large factories have begun to take shape. In its rudimentary form, two buildings have entered the capping stage.

Generally speaking, the construction of large factory buildings is relatively fast. There are standard steel structures. Even large factories can be built in one or two months, and then the construction of water and electricity lines in the factory buildings, or The central air-conditioning system was completed, and a large factory building was basically completed.

Wang Xudong said: "It's good here. When you enter the big factory building, you will feel even better when you see those big guys."

Sunward Heavy Industries used to focus on mining machinery, but now it focuses on all kinds of construction machinery, not only joint mining trucks, 300-ton large mining trucks, but also various excavators, cranes, cement tankers, mixer trucks, etc. .

Among them, many of them are a full set of design drawings and manufacturing processes directly from the "God-level big mine owner" system, such as combined mining trucks, 300-ton mining trucks, large forklifts, excavators, etc. There are six types in total. .

Because of these technical foundations, coupled with relatively sufficient funds, and He Yehui's outstanding leadership and management capabilities, the development of Sunward Heavy Industry Group is really thriving.

Liu Yu said in amazement: "Brother Dong, it's no wonder that this building is so big, there are such big guys inside, I want to take a look at these big guys."

In his mind, Liu Yu remembered the two Big Mac combined mining vehicles that he had seen in the Doulishan mining area last time. He was very happy and wanted to see what other big guys besides the combined mining vehicles were.

Wang Xudong is familiar with this place, and he estimated that at this time, He Yehui should be in the No. 1 assembly shop, where the combined mining truck and the 300-ton mining truck were assembled.

While walking, Wang Xudong took out the phone, "Yehui, let's go to the No. 1 assembly shop."

He Yehui responded quickly and immediately said happily: "Boss, you are here! I will come out to greet you immediately."

After hanging up the phone, He Yehui ran over almost all the way with joy, "Boss, you came just right, you can take a look at our United Mining Truck."

There are a total of seven joint mining vehicles, all of which have been tested and tested. Three of them have been disassembled and are being loaded in the workshop. The other four have not been disassembled. They are in the No. 1 assembly workshop and will be disassembled from tomorrow. Solution, and then shipped to Australia.

Wang Xudong gave a brief introduction to let everyone know each other, and then waved: "Go, let's take a look at our United Mining Vehicle."

There are a total of seven cars, and it is exciting to think about it. At this moment, Wang Xudong's heart is also slightly excited, with a strong pace, walking in the forefront, and everyone is following behind.

As soon as I walked into the large factory building of the No. 1 Assembly Workshop, I first saw the four joint mining vehicles, each of which was so huge and so visually impactful that everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

Liu Yu said loudly: "Brother Dong, there are four in total, my God!"

The last time I saw two combined mining vehicles in the Doulishan mining area, Liu Yu was inexplicably shocked. This time, I saw four of them at once.

He Yehui said: "No, there are seven vehicles in total. We have already dismantled three other vehicles and are loading them to the Doulishan mining area tonight."

Really, there are really three more!

Liu Yu saw that three vehicles had been dismantled, some of them had been installed on large trailers, and some were being installed on large trailers. Those large trailers that had been installed were covered tightly with large tarps and were about to drive out of No. 1. Assembly plant.

Not only the United Mining Vehicle, but also the 300-ton large mining vehicle. Those large mining vehicles that are not much smaller than the United Mining Vehicle also caught everyone's attention...


Jiangnan Province, military division.

In the large office, the three major generals, with gleaming gold stars on their shoulders, are drinking tea and chatting, and they seem to know each other better.

One of them is Major General Deng Youjian, commander of the Jiangnan Provincial Military Division, and the other two are from the capital, Major General Yang Ming and Major General Hu Fangnian.

There is no fourth person, and the topics they talked about are relatively secret. Deng Youjian said: "Lao Yang, our new infantry fighting vehicle, I heard that the material problem has been solved and it will be finalized."

Major General Yang Ming said with joy and emotion: "The development of this infantry fighting vehicle is not smooth. The main reason is the material problem. Now it is all right, the material is no problem, and the finalization is fast."

Major General Deng Youjian said: "Lao Yang, can you tell me how this material problem was solved, relying on imported materials ~www.NovelMTL.com~ or which domestic scientific research institution has done a great job?"

In Yang Ming's mind, the words "super high-strength steel" came to mind, and he couldn't help saying: "Commander Deng, you would never think of it. The one who helped us solve this material problem is your private special steel company in Jiangnan Province. , Sanlian Special Steel Group."

Sanlian Special Steel Group!

Deng Youjian felt that this company itself is very strange, and it seems that he has never heard of it. Private steel companies in Jiangnan Province are so awesome!

Deng Youjian looked shocked and looked at Yang Ming blankly.

To meet Deng Youjian's gaze, Yang Ming nodded affirmatively, even Hu Fangnian next to him.


The third one is sent!

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(Today’s update ends here, thank you!) (To be continued...) rw

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