God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 344: wild

Seeing this familiar figure, Wang Xudong smiled and stroked it lightly. This is Frank. He hasn't seen him for a few days, and he has grown up a lot.

Frank, who is almost four months old, has entered the fast-growing period. He is considered to be a half-size child. It seems that he is the same size as a normal medium-sized dog. When he is fully grown up, he is taller and more powerful than a normal medium-sized dog. , Frank is a wolf dog, a large dog.

He affectionately licked the back of Wang Xudong's hand, and happily circled Wang Xudong twice, even gently biting Wang Xudong's trousers, and adding Wang Xudong's leather shoes.


Frank yelled at Wang Xudong several times, as if saying, "Master, where have you been, why haven't you seen anyone for a few days? I miss you so much."

Seeing Frank’s cute appearance, Zheng Xiaotong giggled and waved to Frank. Right away, Frank ran to Zheng Xiaotong’s side, circled around twice, and then added Zheng Xiaotong’s feet. .

"Mistress, why don't you come to see me? Do you want me." Frank tilted his head and wagged his tail, looking at Zheng Xiaotong with a pitiful look.

This way, it's so cute and cute!

Zheng Xiaotong squatted down and stroked Frank's smooth fur and said, "Frank, what do we want you to do, Dong Ge and I have gone a long way in the past few days, and we are only back now. I brought you some good things."

After that, I opened the trunk of the off-road vehicle, took out a package of imported high-quality dog ​​food, tore the package, and said to Frank: "Come on, this is for you, eat it."


Frank yelled happily, and then ran into its kennel quickly with this big bag of dog food in his mouth, probably enjoying it slowly.

Liu Yu said enviously: "Brother Dong, I have never had a pet before. Seeing that Frank is so cute, I have the idea of ​​having a pet."

Frank is really cute and very human. Whoever meets who likes it. Of course, this is aimed at acquaintances, strangers, or people who feel dangerous to it, which is very fierce.


Wang Yuelan rushed out of the villa and rushed into Wang Xudong's arms, happily said: "Brother, I took a leave of absence today, and I will welcome you back at home."

Seeing Zheng Xiaotong, Wang Yuelan said, "Sister Xiaotong, you are getting more and more beautiful."

"Yuelan, your mouth is so sweet, this is a gift my sister bought you, do you like it?" Zheng Xiaotong took out a dress that she bought for Wang Yuelan.

"Wow, it's beautiful, I like it!"

Seeing that it was a Chanel dress, and it was the style she liked, Wang Yue's face was very happy, and her mouth became even sweeter, "Sister Xiaotong, you are so kind to me."

This girl!

Zheng Xiaotong smiled happily, with doting in his eyes. He glanced at Wang Yuelan. It is estimated that he loves the house and Wu, and he loves Wang Xudong so much. By the way, he also dotes on Wang Yuelan, just like his own sister.

Hearing the movement, Yang Hong came out with this apron, and said happily: "Xudong is back, Xiaotong, Liu Yu, you are also here, hurry, come in."

It can be seen that Yang Hong is busy in the kitchen, and the water on her hands has not had time to dry. Hearing the movement, there is no time to take off the apron.

Everyone and his party went into the villa happily and sat down in the living room. Wang Xudong said: "Xiaotong, Liu Yu, drink something, I will get it."

Liu Yu got up and said, "Brother Dong, I will come by myself. I am familiar with your family." After that, I was really familiar with the road. I quickly brought a few bottles of drinks. After opening them, I gave everyone a bottle. , This is a matcha drink, which tastes very good.

"Hey, it smells so good!"

As soon as he took a sip of the drink, Liu Yu's nose shook, and then he shouted in surprise like a new big six.

Wang Xudong also smelled it. This is the scent of the food that he is very familiar with. It smells like his mother. Since childhood, he smelled the scent of the food and grew up eating the food his mother made, but today I came back by myself. It is estimated to be much more abundant.

Liu Yu has a special liking for all kinds of delicacies. He is a typical foodie. In Liu Yu’s heart, he has always been obsessed with Yang Hong’s food, otherwise, he would not come back from Donghai city all the way back. Do not return, but followed Wang Xudong back to Wang Xudong's home.

"It smells so good!"

Where can Liu Yu sit still, put down the drink he had only taken a sip, got up and walked towards the restaurant. The large table in the center of the restaurant is already full of sumptuous dishes, at least a dozen kinds, almost full A big table.

Seeing so many dishes with a tempting fragrance, Liu Yu quickly swallowed his mouth water. In his mind, he recalled those unforgettable delicacies from Yang Hong's hands.

In the kitchen, Yang Hong is still busy. It is estimated that there are still dishes left. Next to him, the chef and nanny are helping Yang Hong, and Yang Hong is in charge of the cooking.

Under normal circumstances, Yang Hong rarely cooks. Wang Xudong is afraid that his mother will work hard. Not only did he hire a nanny, he also hired a special chef, and even hired a gardener to take care of the garden of the villa. The professional housekeeping company sent people to clean the villa.

Today is different. Wang Xudong came back from Donghai City. After receiving a call from Wang Xudong in the morning, Yang Hong became busy. By now, the large table of rich dishes is almost finished.

If it wasn't for the fact that the meal had not yet been served and he was a guest, Liu Yu would have tasted it. Fortunately, Liu Yu tried to control himself. He just took a look at the dish and the dish without using his chopsticks.

The matcha tastes good. After drinking a few drinks, Wang Xudong also got up and said, "Xiaotong, I guess the food is almost the same. If you are hungry, let's go to the restaurant for dinner."

This morning, I got up before dawn to catch a plane. I just had a quick breakfast. At this time, Zheng Xiaotong was really hungry.

Zheng Xiaotong also got up and said, "Brother Dong, the aunty's cooking is really good, and it can match the level of a five-star chef."

Wang Xudong said: "If it is delicious, then eat more. The more you eat, the happier my mother will be."

Zheng Xiaotong said deliberately, "Brother Dong, you let people eat so much, you are not afraid that I will be a little fat pig."

Wang Xudong looked at his girlfriend up and down, and saw that his girlfriend was slender and bumpy. He couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Xiaotong, I know you’re the kind that doesn’t get fat when you eat. Besides, it’s a little bit fatter. The fleshy feeling is also good."

When he reached Wang Xudong's ear, Zheng Xiaotong exhaled: "Brother Dong, really, you like girls with a little flesh."

After finishing speaking, he sighed deliberately and exaggeratedly, "It's a pity, people don't get fat no matter how they eat. They have such a figure, and there is no way to grow fleshy.

After speaking, she blinked her big beautiful eyes slyly.


Zheng Xiaotong at this time definitely looks like a little fairy.

Wang Xudong felt very comfortable in his heart, and said with satisfaction: "Xiaotong, I like your figure the most now. The place that should be thin is thin, and the place that should be fat is fat, just right."

This is true. After getting along for a long time, Wang Xudong knows best about Zheng Xiaotong's figure, probably better than Zheng Xiaotong himself.

"Brother Dong, sister, let's have dinner!"

Hearing Liu Yu's shout in the restaurant, the two of them smiled, held hands, and went to the restaurant together, sat down at the table, and saw such a sumptuous meal, Wang Xudong smiled and said: "The New Year has never been so rich, hey, this The most central part of the table is empty. Could it be that there is still a big dish that hasn't come up."

There are a total of 15 dishes on the table. According to the local customs of Wujiang City, the number of dishes is generally even during festivals, major celebrations and so on. Now there are fifteen dishes, and one more is just right. It is an even number.

Wang Yuelan was wearing a new dress. It was the Chanel dress that Zheng Xiaotong bought for her. She went downstairs. It was estimated that she went upstairs to try her dress. Hearing what Wang Xudong said, she immediately said loudly: "Brother, you guys You have a blessing, and there is another big dish, guess what it is."

There is no need to guess, Yang Hong personally came up with a large pot, a large pot full, Wang Xudong quickly picked it up and placed it in the middle of the table.

Liu Yu immediately said loudly: "This is a turtle, and it looks like it is not an ordinary turtle."

Turtle is also called water fish, or turtle. Liu Yu often goes to various high-end restaurants. He is naturally no stranger to soft-shelled turtles, and he doesn't know how many he has eaten. This has also cultivated his eye-catching eyes. At a glance, this turtle is absolutely extraordinary.

After all the dishes were served, Yang Hong sat down and introduced: "This is really not an ordinary turtle. It is wild and natural. This turtle weighs 12 jins. Half of it, the other half is reserved for the soup."

Old turtle soup, especially wild turtle soup, that is delicious!

Hearing Liu Yu swallowed wildly, he almost blurted out and asked, Auntie, when is the old turtle soup boiled, I want to taste it, but fortunately Liu Yu resisted it, but swallowed his saliva without asking.

Wang Xudong said: "Mom, such old turtles are still wild. It's not easy~www.NovelMTL.com~ It's usually hard to buy. How did this come from."

Yang Hong said, "Old Song Tou in Wangjiaping Town, you know, it's the man who often catches wild loach, rice eel, and turtle for a living. He caught it in a reservoir and I found someone to buy it. "

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Wang Xudong suddenly realized.

Yang Hong said, "Come on, everyone eat the food, how does it taste?"

Liu Yu was the first to move his chopsticks and grab a piece of soft-shelled turtle, but instead of eating it by himself, he put it in Zheng Xiaotong's bowl, "Sister, have a taste, it's very helpful."

Then I put another piece into Yang Hong's bowl, "Auntie, you have worked so hard to make so many dishes, you also eat."

"Okay, okay, let's eat together." Seeing that Liu Yu is so sensible, Yang Hong was happy. Everyone moved their chopsticks. Wang Xudong picked up a piece of soft-shelled turtle and put it in his mouth. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. The taste was really different. Oh!


The first one is sent! 8

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