God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 332: Do I have 1 point to pretend

Obviously, Lin Yunwen’s reaction was a bit big. He pointed to Wang Xudong, Chen Sanlian, and Ding Huixian, and said in an excited and hasty tone: "You...you are making a fake, it is impossible. It is absolutely impossible to have such stainless steel materials. Not to mention our domestic, even foreign countries can not have it. ┡Small Δ said *ん"

Lin Yunwen is an excellent aviation motivation expert. He is not a layman for materials. On the contrary, he has a good understanding of materials, especially metal materials, and has a good level. He also knows the current level and status of metal materials at home and abroad.

It is precisely because of his good knowledge in the field of materials that Lin Yunwen can reasonably and scientifically use various materials, especially metal materials, in the design of aviation motives.

This introduction to grade stainless steel is more detailed, not only the introduction of corrosion resistance, but also the introduction of its mechanical properties and processing properties.

Seeing that the mechanical properties of this stainless steel material are so excellent, especially in terms of fatigue strength, yield strength, tensile strength, etc., it is almost not inferior to high-strength steel. Immediately, Lin Yunwen realized that there was absolutely no such stainless steel material.

Lin Yunwen determined that Sanlian Special Steel must be counterfeiting, and it boasted more severely. It was originally with great hope. He didn't think about it, and the hope was lost. It is conceivable that Lin Yunwen's reaction was huge.

Xu Jiaxiang quickly asked with concern: "Lao Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Yunwen said angrily: "Old Xu, take a look, take a closer look, you are an expert in metal materials, do you think it is possible to have this kind of stainless steel in our country?"

Xu Jiaxiang frowned, looking carefully, turning page by page, and his face became more solemn as he looked at it, and when he reached the back, his brows became even Chuan-shaped.

Wang Xudong guessed why Lin Yunwen's reaction was so big. Wang Xudong laughed, Chen Sanlian laughed too, Ding Hui first shook his head, thinking in his heart, if this stainless steel material was not smelted by himself, it would be hard for him to believe it. .

After reading this introduction material carefully, Xu Jiaxiang said solemnly: "Old Ding, what's going on?"

Ding Huixian slowly said: "Old Xu, I know you may not believe it, but the facts are indeed like this. We have indeed successfully smelted this stainless steel material. The data in this introduction is not fake at all, it is absolutely true. !"

Lin Yunwen was anxious, his chest was ups and downs, and said loudly: "At this time, you have to lie to me, you are definitely a fake, it is impossible to have such a stainless steel material."

Xu Jiaxiang and Ding Hui were multi-faceted friends at first, knowing that Ding Huixian should not be able to tell lies, Xu Jiaxiang asked seriously again: "Old Ding, does this stainless steel material really exist?"

Ding Hui nodded affirmatively.

Wang Xudong said: "Two experts, our Sanlian Special Steel has indeed smelted this very remarkable stainless steel material. We have samples in the laboratory. If you don’t believe it, let’s go and take a look. You can even make it yourself. Experiment to check whether the stainless steel material is fake."

When Wang Xudong said this, Xu Jiaxiang nodded and agreed with this. It is a mule or a horse. You will know it after pulling it out for a walk. What's more, Xu Jiaxiang is an expert in metal materials. After looking at the samples and doing some experiments, it is even more important. It's clear.

Lin Yunwen didn't believe it at first, but when Wang Xudong had said this, he believed some more, and hesitated: "Ms. Wang, are you telling the truth?"

Wang Xudong smiled and said: "Expert Lin, if you don't believe it, you can leave now, but don't regret it. There is no regret medicine in the world."

Feeling Wang Xudong's strong self-confidence, Lin Yunwen was a little bit convinced, and even wondered if he had reacted a little bit more aggressively and was a bit too impulsive.

Lin Yunwen smiled uneasily, and said apologetically: "Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry just now. I reacted a little bit more seriously. You guys laughed."

Lin Yunwen was able to bend and stretch. Realizing his impulse just now, he apologized in front of everyone. Wang Xudong nodded and waved: "Let's go, let's go to the laboratory."

Under the leadership of Ding Huixian, everyone quickly came to the laboratory. Ding Hui first picked up a stainless steel bar and introduced: "Old Xu, expert Lin, this is the grade stainless steel we smelt. This is a bar, and there are some plates here."

This is grade stainless steel!

Suddenly, Lin Yunwen and Xu Jiaxiang, both of them, picked up a bar and looked at it seriously and carefully. Xu Jiaxiang deserves to be an expert in metal materials. After such a look, he immediately nodded, because Xu Jiaxiang looked at it. Come out, this kind of stainless steel material is indeed different from the general stainless steel material, it seems more pure.

Lin Yunwen also seemed to feel that it was different from the stainless steel materials he usually dealt with, and asked: "Lao Xu, have you discovered anything?"

Xu Jiaxiang nodded and said: "It really feels different. If you want to be sure, you need to do a metallographic analysis first to take a look at the microstructure of this stainless steel material."

Metallographic analysis can be done in the laboratory. Ding Hui first said loudly: "Xiao Liu, do a metallographic analysis immediately. We need to see the results again."

"Okay, no problem." Xiao Liu replied loudly, and then began to take samples and start metallographic analysis.

While Xiao Liu was doing metallographic analysis, Ding Huixian began to introduce this grade of stainless steel in more detail. Although there are still some doubts in his mind, seeing Ding Huixian's serious introduction, it is not like bragging, Lin Yunwen And Xu Jiaxiang glanced at each other quietly.

Xu Jiaxiang even said: "Lao Ding, if your introduction is true and there is no exaggeration, then this stainless steel material is amazing. It will be the world's best stainless steel material with the highest technological content. It will also be very extensive. This will be a milestone in the history of the world's metal materials exhibition."

Ding Huixian's introduction was naturally not exaggerated.

Before long, Xiao Liu finished his metallographic analysis and shouted loudly: "Expert Ding, it's done, everyone can come and take a look at this microstructure."

Everyone walked over together. After magnifying tens of thousands of times under an electron microscope, the microstructure of this stainless steel material was clearly visible.

It can be seen that the microstructure of this stainless steel material is very symmetrical, very clean, with almost no impurities, no cracks, etc.

Under an electron microscope, the microstructure of general metal materials is generally not very uniform after being magnified tens of thousands of times, and there are some inclusions, some tiny cracks, etc. The existence of these things will affect this The performance and strength of metal materials.

And the stainless steel material in front of us has almost no such things, the structure is very uniform, it looks very beautiful, clean, there are no impurities, no tiny cracks and so on.

"My God, it's incredible!"

When dealing with metal materials all the year round, Xu Jiaxiang naturally saw the extraordinary at a glance, and immediately exclaimed, even excited, in a slightly trembling tone: "Lao Lin, it seems that you blamed other people, they didn’t. Fraud, not bragging."

Just looking at the metallographic analysis, Lin Yunwen knew that he was really wrong just now. Lin Yunwen was full of apologies, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Chen, I was really impulsive just now."

Wang Xudong smiled generously, and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's trivial, don't take it to heart."

Wang Xudong knew that Lin Yunwen estimated that the pressure was too great, and he would have the unusual reaction just now. It is estimated that he has been looking for a good stainless steel material, and hopes to fail again and again. Just now, he took out such a good stainless steel at first glance. Lin Yunwen couldn't believe the materials.

"Expert Lin, do you want to conduct a mechanical performance test?" Wang Xudong asked with a smile.

Since this stainless steel material is so good, Lin Yunwen wants to see it with his own eyes, and Xu Jiaxiang is the same. The two nodded almost at the same time, "It would be better to witness the mechanical strength of this stainless steel material with your own eyes."

As a result, a series of mechanical performance tests were started. As soon as the results of each test came out, there was always an exclamation sound. The exclamation was not from Xu Jiaxiang or Lin Yunwen. The two were really shocked. Up.

With the progress of one experiment, the two became more and more shocked, and even to the final numbness, the two never thought that such a good stainless steel material was born in our country.

Witnessing the completion of this series of experiments with his own eyes, the flush of excitement on their faces has not faded, and Lin Wenyun is even more pleased and excited.

No, I held Wang Xudong's hand tightly and said loudly: "Mr. Wang, thank you so much. We will be able to successfully develop this model of aviation motive in the future, and you must contribute it!"

With such a good stainless steel material, Lin Yunwen has successfully solved half of the two major material problems, and half of it.

While happy, Lin Yunwen also told the truth, his face changed, and he sighed slightly, "Unfortunately, there is still a big problem. The problem of superalloy materials has not been solved. If the problem of superalloy materials can be solved, I It is certain that this aviation motive will be successfully developed soon."

Wang Xudong asked: "Expert Lin, can you tell us about the superalloy material? Maybe, our Sanlian Special Steel can solve it for you, old Chen, right?"

Sanlian Special Steel has just been established ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It needs to be famous. If it can solve the key material problem of the national key model aviation motive, then the reputation will not be said. Maybe it can be registered in the upper level. This is only good for the future exhibition of Sanlian Special Steel.

Chen Sanlian was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself that it is great that Sanlian Special Steel can smelt this grade of stainless steel. Where else can we smelt any superalloy materials. However, Chen Sanlian thought again and thought about the quality of this grade of stainless steel. Wang Xudong took out the whole set of smelting methods, and suddenly, Chen Sanlian nodded vigorously and said loudly: "Yes, our Sanlian special steel has this technical strength, and what kind of superalloys are a piece of cake."

Bull, you are still bullish!

Wang Xudong said in his heart that he was a little bit pretending, but he didn't expect Lao Chen to be so arrogant at such an age.

Seeing Wang Xudong looking at him like this, Chen Sanlian thought to himself, am I pretending to be a little bit forced.


(To be continued.)

Today is the second update! (To be continued.)

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