God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 322: Fame rises

After Wang Xudong's gaze fell on this newspaper, he saw the headline on the newspaper, and he said softly, slightly surprised.

The same is true for Zheng Xiaotong, with a slight surprise on his face. Of course there is a hint of joy in this surprise. This is a China Mining News today. The front page of the newspaper has a more eye-catching headline--" Xudong Mining stands out, winning 45 million tons of iron ore orders."

This is a report about Xudong Mining Company!

China Mining News, as the most influential and professional newspaper in the domestic mining industry, is not easy to get on the front page of this newspaper.

The headline on the front page is a large-scale report on this mining conference with pictures and texts, accounting for more than half of the page. The second most prominent is this report on Xudong Mining Company.

Zheng Xiaotong picked up the newspaper and said in surprise: "Brother Dong, look, this is a report about our company, so happy!"

Wang Xudong took the newspaper happily and read the contents of the newspaper. The more he read it, the happier he became. After reading it, he said with joy: "Xiaotong, this report is well written. With great effort, even we have three big iron mines."

Wang Xudong’s Australian iron ore is far away in western Australia, and its influence is relatively small, especially since not many people know it in China. He did not expect that this reporter not only mentioned this large iron ore in the report, but also mentioned this Iron ore scale, production capacity, iron ore quality, etc.

Of course, the focus of the report is the Doulishan and Huangtang mining areas. The report is completely consistent with the basic situation. For example, the iron ore grade is more than 62, and the total daily production capacity of the two iron mines is more than 60,000 tons. Wang Xudong is very satisfied.

“This is one of the best quality iron ore in the world. Such iron ore is produced in our country, produced in Wujiang City, and produced by Xudong Mining Company.”

Seeing these words, Wang Xudong's heart was filled with joy, like a wave, rushing into his heart, and the whole person was completely immersed in joy and happiness.

There are two main purposes for participating in this mining conference. The first is to promote Xudong Mining and build a reputation. The second is to win a large number of iron ore orders. It now appears that both of these goals have been achieved.

Needless to say, the order of iron ore is an unprecedented 45 million tons, and the publicity is also good. Xudong Mining has completely established a reputation in the industry and is no longer as unknown as before.

Being able to appear on an influential and professional newspaper like China Mining News shows that the reputation has been fully established. In fact, not only China Mining News reported on Xudong Mining, but also some other newspapers and media.

Almost all the senior executives of some relatively powerful domestic steel companies have heard of Xudong Mining, and even some senior steel companies have begun to show unprecedented interest in Xudong Mining.

A large steel company.

Several senior executives of this steel company seem to be having a meeting, and the chairman who sits at the main seat is also placing a copy of today's China Mining News, which seems to have just finished reading.

The chairman said: "Comrades, I did not expect that Xudong Mining has such good iron ore. We will send people to Xudong Mining to contact them and try to purchase their iron ore."

Someone immediately agreed and said: "Zhao Dong was right. The early bird has worms. We must act quickly. Otherwise, it is estimated that the soup will be difficult to drink."

"Well, yes, yes." The others nodded in agreement.

Seeing that everyone has no objections, Comrade Chairman personally ordered, "Vice President Xie, this important task is left to you. You must purchase iron ore from Xudong Mining."

Vice President Xie stood up confidently and replied loudly: "Chairman, there is no problem, I will definitely purchase iron ore back."

In the opinion of this vice president, it is only buying iron ore. He is a buyer, not to mention that he should come to the door himself. Xudong Mining Company has no reason not to sell iron ore to himself.

Is this really the case? That's not necessarily!


Wujiang Iron and Steel Group.

He Xuewen was proud of the spring breeze, because He Xuewen went one step further, rising from chief engineer and deputy general manager to general manager, the second in command of Wujiang Iron and Steel Group, under one person and over ten thousand people.

To be the general manager of Wujiang Iron and Steel Group, He Xuewen knows that he is inseparable from Xudong Mining. If he did not stand up to the public and resolutely use Xudong Mining's iron ore, where would he be today? Inside, He Xuewen is still very grateful.

Up to now, Wujiang Iron and Steel Group has no longer imported iron ore, nor has it purchased iron ore from other mining companies, and all use the iron ore of Xudong Mining Company.

After all the high-quality iron ore is used, the economic benefits are highlighted. Not only the difficulty of smelting is greatly reduced, the smelting cost is also much lower, and the quality of the steel is particularly good. Just a few days ago, He Xuewen also received a Southeast Asian customer .

In some Southeast Asian countries, if they want to import steel, they usually import from Fusang country or kimchi country, because their steel quality is generally better than that of China’s domestic steel. And this Southeast Asian customer found Wujiang Iron and Steel Group and found He Xuewen.

One mouth requires 300,000 tons of steel, which will ruin He Xuewenle. Unexpectedly, one day, Wujiang Iron and Steel Group's steel will be exported to Southeast Asia.

He Xuewen is more than happy to know that this is mainly because the iron ore of Xudong Mining Company is of good quality. Only with such good iron ore can there be first-class quality steel. In my heart, He Xuewen put Xudong Mining Company in To a supreme position.

In the office, He Xuewen was holding a copy of China Mining News and was looking at the newspaper report about Xudong Mining Company. After reading it, He Xuewen thought a lot.

First of all, He Xuewen clearly knows that Xudong Mining Company's reputation has been completely beaten out. In the future, there will only be more and more steel companies that want to purchase Xudong Mining Company’s iron ore. So many steel companies will come all at once. The typical wolf has more meat and less meat.

"No, it seems that we have to sign a long-term agreement with Xudong Mining. Every day, we must ensure that at least 20,000 to 30,000 tons of iron ore can be purchased from Xudong Mining. Otherwise, everyone wants to buy iron from Xudong Mining. Ore, even if Xudong Mining Company wants to sell iron ore to itself, I am afraid it will not be able to take care of it."

Thinking of this in his heart, He Xuewen became more determined, clenched his fists tightly, and said in his heart that when Xudong comes back, I have to go personally and sign a big order with Xudong.


A large domestic steel company.

After reading the China Mining News, the CEO of the steel company picked up the phone and said loudly: "Little Li, where did this Xudong Mining Company come from? It's such an amazing and good iron ore. Our group It takes a lot of purchase..."


Donghai Iron and Steel Group.

Chang Jianliang was also reading today's China Mining News. After reading the report on Xudong Mining Company in the newspaper, he thought with satisfaction that Xudong is really good. In just nine or ten months, he actually did this. The scale and reputation are getting bigger and bigger.

It seems that the biggest purchase target of our Donghai Iron and Steel Group in the future is Xudong Mining Company, not the foreign mining giants.

I am always stuck by foreign mining giants. To be honest, Chang Jianliang, like the bosses of other steel companies, is dissatisfied and unhappy. Now that he has a better choice, Chang Jianliang will naturally choose to have a good relationship with him. , Xudong Mining Company that he is familiar with.

After this mining conference, the reputation of Xudong Mining Company has skyrocketed. In the domestic iron ore industry, it can be regarded as a complete start to its reputation.

In the past, Xudong Mining Company's reputation was limited to Wujiang City. Now, it is beginning to spread across the country and gradually increase its influence, especially among major steel companies and major iron ore mining companies. Increase.


Century Royal Hotel, a high-level business meeting room.

Whether it is several senior executives of the property management company responsible for the property management of the International Finance Building or the senior management staff of Century Royal Hotel, everyone has been notified and come here for a meeting.

As executives, you have heard some rumors and know that you have changed to a new owner. Starting from today, you will work under the new owner. After guessing this point~www.NovelMTL.com~ everyone dare not take the slightest care, because of this. It’s your job, and I arrived in this meeting room on time.

After sitting in the meeting room, even if everyone is acquainted with each other, they don't dare to chat freely. At most, they can communicate quietly in a low voice.

In the conference room, it was relatively quiet, and everyone was waiting patiently for the arrival of the new boss. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Liang Hongbo entered the conference room on time.

Everyone's eyes swept across Liang Hongbo's body, and there was a slight shock in their eyes. Everyone never thought that the new boss was so young, it was so young.

In fact, this is not the new boss, but the general manager of Xudong Mining. The real boss is Wang Xudong. Liang Hongbo convened a meeting according to Wang Xudong's will. As the general manager of Xudong Mining Company, these people will all work under Liang Hongbo's management.

Liang Hongbo walked in and ignored the surprise on everyone’s faces. Instead, he announced in a loud voice that the International Finance Building has been acquired by his own boss, asking everyone to do things seriously as before. In addition, he also announced some rules and regulations. system.

Liang Hongbo talked eloquently for more than half an hour, and the surprise on everyone's face did not fade, on the contrary, it became thicker.

After listening for a long time, everyone understood thoroughly. The President Liang in front of him is not the real boss yet, and everyone is curious about who the real boss is.

When Liang Hongbo finished speaking, some of these people raised their hands and said, "Mr. Liang, can we meet the new boss?"

Liang Hongbo smiled slightly, knowing in his heart that everyone must be very curious about the new boss in their hearts. After a little thought, they said: "Well, this request can be considered. Everyone, wait, I'll call for instructions."


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