God-level Base

Chapter 998: Turn face

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, the three-headed Demon God-level corpse armor suddenly appeared, opening the incomparably powerful defensive enchantment, acting as a physical shield to block in front of him.

The [Nine Stars Blue Hou Robe] shined, and three blue stars appeared directly, opening the incomparably powerful star enchantment.

The terrifying torrent formed by the explosion of the Hundred Night Spider statue instantly engulfed Shu Feng and his party.

The defensive barriers of the Demon God-level powerhouses one after another collapsed, being swallowed by the terrifying torrent, and their souls collapsed and shattered.

Under the impact of the terrifying torrent, the golden sacred mountain that King Juning had transformed had numerous wounds. The huge golden sacred mountain split into two and cracked directly.

The Three Dark King’s basalt enchantment collapsed directly, the demon-level basalt heavy shield was also torn apart, the body guard barrier was also penetrated, and the barely healed body cracked again, and blood was splashed.

The mountains in front of the Little Shadow Snake Emperor also collapsed and shattered directly, the heavy shield of the Demon God level was torn apart, and the body split at once, turning into two broken shadows, struggling frantically.

The real dragon enchantment in front of Xiao Jiaohuang collapsed, with countless wounds on his body, and countless holes in the real dragon armor on his body.

The three-headed Demon God-level corpse armor in front of Shu Feng collapsed one by one.

The three blue stars surrounding Shu Feng also collapsed and shattered. The [Nine Star Blue Robe] on Shu Feng's body was dim, with many more holes, and many more wounds on his body.

Within the space of the base, the bodies of giant monsters exploded, and after the five monsters were crushed, Shu Feng barely survived the torrent of the hundred night spider statues.

Shu Feng condensed all his breath and fell to the ground at once. Under the secret power of the weird master, his soul breath disappeared completely and turned into a corpse.

"Go to hell!!"

A hideous look flashed in the eyes of the Little Shadow Snake King, and the two-half shadow body quickly merged into one, transforming into a shadow snake with a body length of 100 meters.

One after another, shadowy tentacles burst out from around the bodies of the Three Dark Kings and Little Jiaohuang, stabs frantically towards them.

"Little Shadow Snake King, are you crazy?"

A flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the King of Three Darks, he swallowed a bottle of potion, holding a six-handled demon-level magic knife, and slashed towards the surrounding shadow tentacles.

One after another shadow tentacles collapsed under the sword of the Three Dark Kings.

Little Jiaohuang's eyes flashed with cold light, holding a halberd, and urging Xuanming Demon Water to brush the shadow tentacles, and those shadow tentacles were immediately wiped out by Xuanming Demon Water.

"Crazy? No, I'm so sober! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Both of you have become my sharpening stones, let me go one step further! This medicine garden is no longer dangerous, so please die. !!!"

The Little Shadow Snake Emperor smiled leisurely, swallowing a bottle of potion in one bite, and the power of countless shadows churned. His breath returned to its peak state in an instant.

A remnant bowl the size of a palm emerged above the head of the Little Shadow Snake Emperor, and bursts of twisted shadows gleamed. At this moment, with the help of the power of the Secret Treasure, he directly possessed a terrifying power comparable to that of the Demon God.

A strange light appeared in the pupils of the Little Shadow Snake Emperor, and a pair of shadow snake pupils appeared, staring at the Little Flood Emperor and the Three Dark Kings.

Ten miles around was shrouded in shadow instantly, forming a shadow world.

Countless shadow tentacles are like poisonous dragons, madly stabbing towards the little dragon king and the three dark kings.

"Little Emperor Jiao, move your hole cards!! Otherwise we all have to die here!!"

The Three Dark King's complexion changed drastically, and he swung his knife crazily to cut it down, and the terrifying light of the knife cut towards the shadow tentacles.

As soon as those shadow tentacles were cut off by the Three Dark Kings, they quickly regenerated and attacked the Three Dark King frantically.

Little Jiaohuang said with a bitter expression: "I encountered a big horror before, and all my hole cards are used to save my life!!"

"It's useless! Don't struggle anymore! Let's do this, I will give you a chance to survive. As long as you kneel down and swear allegiance to me for ten thousand years, I will kill you."

"Ten thousand years is just a blink of an eye to me. You are all geniuses with the potential of advanced demon gods. Once advanced demon gods, life span is as high as hundreds of millions of years. Why bother to die here in vain?"

A seductive voice filled the shadows, weakening the fighting spirit of the two powerhouses, the Three Dark Kings and the Little Flood Emperor.

"Little Shadow Snake King, you chose a good time. But you chose the wrong opponent!!"

The terrified Three Dark King suddenly recovered his calm, and with a wave of his hand, a broken picture appeared.

From the broken picture, a pure white ice and snow true dragon emerged directly, bursting out a terrifying aura, opened its mouth, and a group of true white dragon breath flew out directly, blowing straight towards the little shadow snake king.

Where the white true dragon's breath passed, everything in the shadow world was frozen and turned into a large piece of ice.

Little Shadow Snake King's face changed abruptly, and he exclaimed in horror: "Stop it!! Three Dark Kings, stop it!! I know it's wrong!! Give me a chance!"

In the next moment, the white real dragon breathes the dragon's breath and froze the Little Shadow Snake Emperor directly, turning it into a huge ice sculpture.

"Go to hell!"

The fierce light in the eyes of the King of Three Darks flashed away, holding the six-handed Demon God's long sword madly and repeatedly, slashing fiercely on the body of the Little Shadow Snake Emperor, directly slicing the Little Shadow Snake Emperor into countless pieces.

After the Three Dark Kings killed the Little Shadow Snake Emperor, his gaze fell on the little Jiaohuang, and there was vaguely murderous intent in his eyes. As long as Xiao Jiaohuang is killed again, he can swallow this medicine garden alone.

A peerless genius like the Three Dark King once advanced to the Demon God's cultivation, the resources needed were more than a thousand times that of the ordinary Demon God. Even so, that piece of the medicine garden was enough for him to keep in retreat and cultivate hard, all the way to the middle demon god, and at the same time, he was able to recruit countless subordinates.

Little Jiaohuang took the initiative to step back and said, "I only need one-eighth of this medicine garden!"

The murderous intent in the eyes of the Three Dark Kings quickly converged: "Okay!!!"

If it had to be forced, the Three Dark Kings currently didn't want to tear his face with a genius like Xiao Jiaohuang.

"Why don't you kill each other? You are united!! It's not giving me face!!"

A flat voice came from the side, and countless shadow tentacles burst out from above the earth, piercing like lightning on the strong demon gods who have not fallen, and penetrated the strong demon gods one by one, forming a gourd string.

Shu Feng held the holy blue demon sword with a direct wave, and a blue sword light slashed on the bodies of the strong demon gods, dividing the strong demon gods into two, cut into two halves, and the soul was directly shredded.

"who are you?"

The King of Three Darks stared at Shu Feng, a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

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