God-level Base

Chapter 899: mural

Walking along that entrance, passing through a passage made of sapphire, a wide square immediately appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

There are murals on both sides of the wide square.

Before Shu Feng came to a mural, he took a closer look.

On the first mural are carved countless weird monsters and humans, and those humans are reduced to food for those weird monsters like ants.

On the second mural, a magic sword that was broken in half and lost its hilt came from the sky and fell on a hillside.

On the third mural, a human man picked up the broken sword.

On the fourth mural, the human man killed countless weird monsters, and behind him were eight human warriors holding different magic soldiers.

On the fifth mural, the human man was fighting with a weird dragon whose scales were a face.

"These five murals should be the origin of the Holy Blue Demon Sword! The original owner of the Demon Soldier World was not a human being. After the Holy Blue Demon Sword came, the Holy Blue Emperor got it and killed countless weird monsters. That one Demon Dragon should be it. The world’s most powerful weird monster, weird dragon!! A terrifying monster of the quasi-devil rank."

"However, the Holy Blue Demon Sword is not a secret treasure born in this world. It can suppress the weird dragon. It is definitely not an ordinary demon-level secret treasure. Maybe it is a great-power-level secret treasure!!"

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes.

The world of magic soldiers can give birth to terrifying monsters of the quasi-devil-level like the weird dragon. The heart of the world is very powerful. When the Demon God of Windfang came to this world, he suffered a great loss and was seriously injured.

Shu Feng sighed slightly: "However, it may also be the secret treasure of the middle demon **** or the upper demon **** level. I still don't know much about the demon **** realm!"

Each of the powerhouses of the Demon God Realm is incredibly powerful, and can become the master of a floating continent in the Void Demon Realm. The Lord of the Holy Source Demon Kingdom, the Holy Source Demon God, is just an ordinary Demon God Realm powerhouse.

The Windfang Demon God who invaded the Demon Soldier World was just an ordinary Demon God, and was heavily restricted by the world's heart of the Demon Soldier World. But in the face of the siege of the four top demon soldiers in the world, he was only severely wounded and left.

The four top sacred demon soldiers, including the Sword Saint, were all seriously injured, hiding in secret places one by one to recuperate.

However, in any case, the Holy Blue Demon Sword entered the world of demon soldiers, limited by the heart of the world, and could still kill the quasi-devil-level terrifying monster and weird dragon. He is definitely a terrifying secret treasure that surpasses ordinary demon-level secret treasures.

"No wonder the Windfang Demon God, the Demon God, personally went down to compete for the Holy Blue Demon Sword. If I had won the Holy Blue Demon Sword, I would definitely not be able to let people know it. Otherwise, the Demon God level powerhouses would grab my magic sword."

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he continued to walk towards the inside of that temple.

Passing through a long corridor, an extremely wide square immediately appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

In the center of the wide square, there is a sacred mountain that is 1000 meters high and constructed of sapphire. On the top of the sacred mountain, there are several remnants of monuments.

In the center of the remnant monument, there is a blue magic sword that is blue all over and exudes a trace of sacredness, vastness, and greatness.

"Holy Blue Demon Sword! A Demon God-level Demon Sword!"

When Shu Feng saw the blue magic sword, his eyes flashed with extremely bright light, staring at the magic sword firmly. He instinctively sensed that the magic sword was the legendary Saint Blue Demon Sword, after all, the Saint Demon Soldier Saint Flame Sword in his body was constantly trembling.

In the world of magic soldiers, the magic metal is the power of the holy blue magic sword to escape, and it is born when mixed with the extraordinary power of the magic soldier world.

It can be said that all demon soldiers are the heirs of the Holy Blue Demon Sword. Unless the Saint Flame Sword can advance to the Demon God level artifact, any demon soldier in the Demon World will be vulnerable to the Holy Blue Demon Sword.

"The Sword Emperor, the Sword Saint, the Halberd Emperor, and the Spear Demon, all four of them are here!"

Shu Feng's gaze flicked under the sacred mountain, and he saw the four emperors, the strongest of the four empires!

Around the four emperors are surrounded by seven or eight high-level magic soldiers.

Below the holy mountain, in addition to the four emperors, there are three groups of people.

There are seven people in the group, headed by a tall and thin old man dressed in white.

There are eight people in the group, headed by a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and extraordinary temperament.

In the last wave, there were nine people headed by a handsome young man.

The seven forces confronted each other, and under that sacred mountain, no one dared to move. They are not stupid, once someone forcibly takes the Holy Blue Devil Sword, they will definitely be attacked by everyone else.

Even if a powerhouse of the rank of the Four Emperors is attacked by everyone, and if he is a little careless, he is besieged by everyone, there is only one dead end.

"Ye Xuankong! You are not dead? Great!"

When the Sirius Marshal standing next to the Halberd saw Shu Feng, his eyes brightened and he held the Sirius Halberd to mobilize the power of the demon soldiers, and a terrifying Sirius phantom suddenly appeared behind him, turning into a peerless ferocious wolf. , Pounced directly towards Shu Feng.

The seven holy demon soldiers in the world of demon soldiers are at the foot of the holy blue demon sword. Marshal Sirius knew that he was unable to compete for the holy blue demon sword, so he might as well kill Shu Feng and seize the holy gold stone in Shu Feng's hands.

Baima Qiangshuai sneered in his heart: "What an idiot! Since Ye Xuankong dared to come here, he would naturally rely on it a bit!! By the side of the emperor, there are indeed some guys with muscles in their brains."

The powerhouses of the seven major forces looked towards this side indifferently, and no one discouraged them.

The Holy Blue Demon Sword is very important, and one less person will be less accidental.

The seven forces came along, but they did not kill those high-level magic soldiers who tried to fish in troubled waters.

In the shadow behind Shu Feng, the Heavenly Hook Emperor suddenly appeared, swinging the Holy Demon Soldier's Heavenly Hook, and the terrifying and strange vines erupted directly, piercing directly towards Marshal Sirius like lightning.

"The Emperor Hook!! Why are you here?"

Marshal Sirius' face changed drastically, and the Sirius Halberd in his hand suddenly changed direction, slashing madly towards the mysterious vines around him.

when! when! when! when!

That weird vine was like a top high-ranking demon soldier, Marshal Sirius's Sirius Halberd was cut continuously, only able to retreat barely.

Suddenly, a thick vine suddenly cracked, and countless small needle-in vines burst out directly, and madly pierced Marshal Sirius's body.

"Do not!!"

A look of despair flashed in Marshal Sirius' eyes, and he screamed, and his body was immediately drained of all the blood and became a corpse.

The strength of the Sky Hook Emperor was far superior to Marshal Sirius. He attacked again and killed Marshal Sirius in one fell swoop.

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