God-level Base

Chapter 890: Kill the weird monster

The passionate son exclaimed: "What a beauty!"

"Yeah!! She is three points more beautiful than my Tian Meier!"

The old man from Poison Mountain exclaimed. Surrounded by poisonous mist on his right hand, a high-ranking demon soldier's poisonous wand, intertwined with countless poison patterns and engraved with three poisonous curses, emerged directly, pointing towards the beauty.

A black poisonous mist sprayed out from the poisonous magic wand, sweeping towards the stunning beauty.

"Do not!!"

A look of despair flashed in the beautiful eyes of that stunning beauty, and was directly dissolved in the poisonous mist.

At the moment that stunning beauty was dissolved, a weird, distorted, mist-like human face monster suddenly appeared, and let out a weird cry: "Damn human bitch, how did you find me? My hiding is obvious. Perfect!"

The old man of Dushan said indifferently: "I really don't know you are hiding in it! I only know that everyone on this island is untrustworthy. It seems I guessed it right!"

"You are ten times more cruel than us weird monsters. You monster!"

The mist-like strange monster screamed screamingly, dissolving inch by inch in the poisonous mist, turning into a pool of pus and falling on the ground.

In that thick fog, there was a sudden tumbling.

One was fifty meters tall and had a huge one-eyed. The body was made up of dozens of human-level magic soldiers to make a strange monster constructed by dense fog walk out of it, and the huge one-eyed locked Shu Feng and his party at once.

"You sordid humans, dare to kill my children. You all deserve to die!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the weird monster, opened its mouth, and a creepy and distorted human face appeared in the mouth, dense and sharp fog thorns, which pierced Shu Feng's line like lightning.

"The weird monster of the upper demon envoy rank! Let's go together and kill him!"

The old man of Poison Mountain screamed, holding a poisonous magic wand with a finger, a black poisonous mist swept out, turning into a huge poisonous snake, swallowing the sharp mist thorns one by one.

As soon as those sharp fog thorns were swallowed, they immediately turned into groups of weird monsters struggling in the poisonous fog, making waves of screams, and then turning into puddles of water and falling to the ground.

The sentimental son smiled, and the upper demon soldier Huadie fan in his hand waved, and countless flower butterflies danced lightly, intertwined with those sharp fog thorns.

Those fog thorns were thrown by the flower butterfly, and immediately withered and disappeared very strangely, but the flower butterfly grew stronger.

Those weird fog thorns were blocked by the old Poison Mountain and the passionate son. Leng Ying was surrounded by the hurricane, holding a magic spear and appeared in front of the weird monster like lightning, and stabbed him into his body with waves of terror. An incomparable wind of destruction erupted.

Wind blades broke out from the body of the weird monster and sputtered in all directions. Drops of black misty blood dripped from the body of the weird monster and fell on the ground, contaminating the earth. .

"Four high-ranking magic soldiers!!"

That weird monster is a terrifying existence comparable to a top-level high-level magic soldier. Even the high-level magic soldier has swallowed one. Facing the four high-ranking magic soldiers at once, he couldn't help but feel a trace of chill in his heart.

Countless mists churned, and that very strange monster turned into nine groups of mist and flew directly in different directions. In terms of his ability to escape, he is also one of the best among the weird monsters of the higher demon envoy rank.

"too late!"

Shu Feng waved the saint flame tyrant's sword, and a hundred-meter-long flame dragon appeared directly, swallowing the nine groups of mist, and swallowing five groups of mist in one breath.

The poisonous snake of Old Poison Mountain opened his mouth and swallowed a cloud of mist directly.

The strange flower butterfly of the passionate son directly flew, enveloping a cloud of mist.

The magic spear in Leng Ying's hand turned into an extremely terrifying storm, engulfing two clouds of mist in it.

"Do not!!"

"I curse you!"


Waves of horrifying screams emerged from the fog, and eventually turned into pieces of charred corpses and fell to the ground.

"Source energy +30 billion, powerful divine power +19, divine soul +19."

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile: "Yes! With these three guys, hunting these high-level magic soldiers makes it easier to kill the strange monsters of the order."

Suddenly, a wave of terrifying power of the high-ranking demon king appeared from a distance.

Shu Feng's eyes lit up: "Higher Demon King? Someone has revealed his identity! Just so, go and kill him!"

In this world of demon soldiers, there have been a lot of powerhouses from the Extreme Flame Demon Temple. In addition, there are the Black Ice King and the Blood Ice King who are hostile to Shu Feng's Ice Prison Demon Temple powerhouse.

Shu Feng always felt that the dead enemy was the best enemy. If he can preemptively, he doesn't mind taking the initiative to get rid of all those who are hostile to him.

"Someone is fighting over there! Maybe there is a clue to the Holy Blue Devil Sword, I'll go one step ahead!"

Shu Feng's figure shook, like a flame, flying towards the place where the upper demon king's breath burst.

"Ye Xuankong is so impulsive! Let's go!"

The old man at Dushan sighed slightly, and a glint flashed in his eyes, and a cloud of black mist appeared under his feet, and he couldn't wait to fly in that direction.

"Ye Xuankong is the emperor of the United Empire of the Western Regions. He has countless classics and must know some secrets about the Holy Blue Devil Sword! He must not be taken out of sight!"

A strange light flashed in the amorous son's eyes, and flowers and butterflies appeared under his feet, graceful as an immortal, flying in the direction of Shu Feng.

Leng Ying turned into a hurricane and quickly came to Shu Feng's side.

"Found it, it's the Black Ice King!!"

Shu Feng stood quietly on a big tree and looked into the distance.

I saw that the Black Ice King had already revealed his true body, manipulating strips of black smoke, and was fighting with a real dragon head, ten meters tall, six arms long, and a strange monster with eyes full of eyes on his chest.

"Damn it! You **** natives! Damn it all!"

The Black Ice King's eyes were red, and an incomparably angry flame flashed in his eyes. For thousands of years, his deity has been hidden in the world of magic soldiers for submerged cultivation. Only the incarnation walks in the ice prison demon shrine from time to time to confuse other people's sights because of the demon-level secret treasure holy blue demon sword on the holy blue continent.

This time, the weird dragon head attacked and killed the Black Ice King's flesh on the Holy Blue Continent in one fell swoop, and ruined his hope of obtaining the Holy Blue Devil Sword. How could he not hate him?

We must know that in the Void Demon Realm, that demon-level weapon secret treasure is very precious, and a demon-level weapon secret treasure can definitely be exchanged for a demon fruit!

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