God-level Base

Chapter 887: Weird dragon

The weird black liquid and the weird magic light are intertwined, constantly offsetting and disappearing, and bursts of black smoke rise up, and the two forces can't hold back!

"Break it for me!"

A flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the mysterious black robe man, and the black magic sword in his hand was like lightning, slashing fiercely on the stone house.

Boom! !

That stone house burst into a brilliant magic light, and a terrifying counter-shock force spread out, spitting out a mouthful of blood from the mysterious black-robed man, and was directly shocked to a hundred meters away.

The weird and dirty black liquid fell on the stone house.


Countless cracks appeared in that stone house.

The black-robed man whispered: "Sure enough, the seal arranged by the Holy Blue Devil Sword is not so easy to break!"

"However, there are so many materials here, and the Holy Blue Demon Sword has disappeared for many years. The seal laid out is no longer the tyrannical one it used to be. In this world, only true demon can be immortal!"

A complex color flashed in the eyes of the black-robed man, took out another crystal tube, and poured it down.

From the crystal tube, a strange liquid that was as dark as ink poured out, turning into a black mist and tumbling, rushing towards the corpse of the strong man in the village.

Where the black mist passed, all the bodies of the strong were eroded and turned into nutrients for the weird liquid.

After a dozen breaths, that strange liquid immediately turned into a black torrent and rushed towards the stone house.

The stone house once again bloomed with incomparable magic light, resisting the erosion of the weird liquid, and bursts of black mist rose up.

Just persisted for ten breaths, those weird liquids passed through the magic light barrier of the stone house as if they had life, and fell on the body of the stone house.

The cracks on the stone house suddenly began to spread quickly in all directions.

Boom! !

After more than a dozen breaths, the stone house finally fell apart and turned into countless pieces scattered on the ground.

The surrounding space was distorted.

In the next moment, a huge pit with a diameter of thousands of miles appeared. In that huge pit, a head of more than 100,000 meters in length hovered, with countless distorted faces all over the body, and each face was like a scale, and The real dragon has a kind of terrifying dragon that looks at each other.

On the back of that terrifying dragon, there was a huge wound. Drops of black liquid dripped from the wound, turning into strange and incomparable black air, and scattered on the ground.

Countless blue chains pierced into the terrifying dragon from all directions, suppressing his death seal in that huge pit.

A weird, distorted, and terrifying breath that seemed to assimilate everything came out of the body of that terrifying dragon.

"Weird dragon!! The former master of this world was able to use the power of the world to evolve again and become a terrifying existence with the power of the Demon God Realm. It is a pity that he does not have the secret method of the Demon God level, and he did not step out of it. I was suppressed by the Holy Blue Demon Sword in one step!"

The black-robed man looked at the terrifying dragon below, a complex light flashed in his eyes, and he sighed slightly.

It is too difficult to advance to the Demon God Realm. Even in the Void Demon Realm, there may not be one who can advance to the Demon God among the million half-step Demon God Realm powerhouses.

In other small worlds, it is even more difficult to advance to the Demon God Realm.

The sons of destiny in many worlds, the peerless overlords of an era, ended up reaching a limit far beyond the reach of ordinary half-step demon gods like weird dragons. They can be called quasi demon gods, and then they are difficult to advance and eventually die of old age.

The same is true for this weird dragon! If he had already advanced to the Demon God, the Holy Blue Demon Sword without a master would definitely not be able to suppress him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The body of that weird dragon trembled, the huge wounds on his body began to heal a little bit, and the blue chains around his body also kept trembling.

A terrifying breath spread from the body of the weird dragon, a huge heartbeat sounded, and circles of weird and incomparable ripples spread in all directions.

"This is the realm of the quasi-devil god! His heartbeat can actually resonate with my heart. Those who are strong in the devil **** realm are many times stronger than him. Devil **** realm! Demon **** realm! When will I be able to do so? Advanced Demon God!"

The black-robed man looked at the weird dragon, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Countless half-step Demon God Realm powerhouses are eager to advance to the Demon God Realm, but for various reasons, the powerhouses who can advance to the Demon God Realm are extremely rare.

Four conditions are indispensable for the inheritance of the secret method of the Demon God, the training resources of the Demon God, the fruit of the Demon God, and the perfect foundation for the advanced Demon God level powerhouse.

Of course, there are endless powerhouses in the Void Demon Realm, and there are also powerhouses who can advance to the Demon God Realm without the need for the Demon God Fruit or Demon God level inheritance secret method. However, those are the sons of some powerful worlds, and there are horrible existences whose luck is against the sky.

"Human, thank you very much!! But you are really strange, as a human, you broke the seal of the weird dragon. From today, this world is the world of our holy race!"

A weird monster with a lion's body, but the upper body is like a long snake. A weird monster with a dragon face and a human face emerged from a burst of blue smoke, and appeared behind the black robe man, revealing an order. A creepy smile.

"You have no use value! You can go to death!"

A weird monster with a beautiful face and a body like a gorilla suddenly appeared behind the black-robed man, with his right hand like a knife, and pierced directly toward the black-robed man's heart.

The weird monster with two faces opened its mouth wide, and its tongue was like a spear, and it shot directly at the black-robed man.

Almost in an instant, the attacks of the two weird monsters immediately blasted the black-robed man.

The black-robed man was torn apart in an instant.

"Phantom! When?"

There was a trace of chill in the strange monster with two faces.

A strange black sword light swept from all directions directly, swallowing the two strange monsters directly.

In the terrifying black sword light, the two weird monsters were torn apart in a moment, turned into terrifying pieces, scattered on the ground, and large swaths of filthy blood scattered on the ground.

The black-robed man walked out from the side and looked at the corpses of the weird monsters, a scornful flash of contempt flashed in his eyes: "These **** really cannot be trusted!"

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