God-level Base

Chapter 869: Siskin behind

Precisely because of this, the upper frost demon sword will be enshrined in the kingdom's sword room, and it will be provided by other strong people who practice the frost demon sword exercise method, and will only be dispatched at the most critical time.

"The sword is a good sword! Unfortunately, there is no one who can control this good sword!"

The one-eyed magic eagle looked at the upper frost sword, a scorching color flashed in his eyes, a shot shook Aurora Knife Yuwu away, and bursts of terrifying hurricanes surrounded him.

In an instant, the one-eyed magic eagle immediately turned into a terrifying hurricane, appeared behind the king of Nashuang country, and shot through the head of the king of Nashuang country.

A wave of terrifying wind blades erupted in the body of the king of the cream kingdom, cutting him directly into countless pieces.

"Do not!!"

Aurora Swordsman Youwu screamed, his eyes crimson, and he madly attacked the one-eyed magic eagle.

Although the king of Nashuang Kingdom was obsessed with female sex, his plaything was disheartened. But it was the life-saver of Aurora Swordsman Youwu, and he helped Aurora Swordsman Youwu, who had only been a seventh-grade magic soldier, to avenge his blood.

Aurora Swordsman Youwu regards King Frost as his father. Now that King Frost is killed, he naturally drives him crazy.

"The king of the Frost Kingdom is dead, and the entire country will be in our bag! Join us! We can create a huge empire in the twelve countries of the Western Regions. At that time, we will all be the great nobles of this empire. !"

The long spear in the blood spear demon's hand pierced like lightning, driving waves of terrifying blood, turning into whirlpools, blocking the front of Aurora Swordsman Youwu, loudly.

"Go away!"

Aurora Swordsman Youwu roared, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a terrifying sword light and blood spear demon fighting together.

"It's mine to take the Frost Sword!"

A scorching color flashed in the eyes of the one-eyed magic eagle, and he stretched out his hand to hold the high-level magic soldier holding the frost magic sword.

Ice and snow curses emerged one by one, and countless icy auras poured out from the Frost Demon Sword, directly icing the one-eyed Demon Eagle's right hand.

The one-eyed magic eagle frantically mobilized the power of the magic soldier, shattered the ice and snow in his right hand, and poured it into the frost magic sword, but received no response.

"Sure enough, the upper demon soldiers can only be controlled by those who practice special training methods!!"

The one-eyed magic eagle sighed slightly, took out a sealed sword case, and sealed the Frost Demon Sword directly inside the sword case.

Even though the one-eyed magic eagle with the Frost Demon Sword cannot be used by the upper rank, as long as he obtains the Frost Demon Sword training method, he will be able to cultivate a group of magic soldiers who can use the Frost Demon Sword and enhance the foundation of the new kingdom.

The royal family of the four empires is profound, and there are many high-ranking magic soldiers hidden. Many of the assassins who went to assassinate them died tragically under the attack of various high-level magic soldiers.

"For Your Majesty!!"

Aurora Swordsman Youwu flashed a fierce light in his eyes, and he uttered a roar up to the sky, and the whole person's vitality was poured into the magic weapon Aurora Magic Sword in his hand.

In an instant, the Aurora Demon Sword turned into a terrifying blade of light and slashed towards the Blood Spear Demon.

"Burning lives!! Damn, you lunatic!!"

The blood spear demon's face changed drastically, and he was forced to burn his life. The magic spear in his hand pierced a **** vortex, blocking him.

That horror and domineering sword light smashed through the **** vortex, shattered the defense of the blood gun demon, and slashed on his body.

Countless blood spurted out, the left arm of the blood gun demon burst open in an instant, and the terrifying pieces of flesh and blood sputtered in all directions.

The blood spear demon spouted a mouthful of blood, his face became extremely pale, and the blood demon spear of the middle demon soldier in his hand had countless cracks.

"Your Majesty! The minister did not break his oath!"

Aurora Swordsman Youwu appeared in the void, his entire body began to collapse and shattered, and the Aurora Magic Sword in his hand also turned into countless pieces and scattered around.

Burning life into the magic soldier can burst out terrifying power. Of course, once life is burned, not only will his lifespan be impaired, the magic soldier will also be impaired, or even collapse.

Therefore, demon envoys of comparable strength will basically not fight to the death. Otherwise, losing to both ends is the only ending.

"Damn!!! Damn!!! Damn bastard!!!"

The blood spear demon spurted blood again and again, roared frantically, venting the anger in his heart. Aurora Swordsman Youwu's knife directly hit his origin. He needs at least thirty years of training before he can recover from his injuries. If there is not enough healing potions, he is afraid that it will take longer.

The corner of the one-eyed demon's eagle mouth raised slightly and revealed a smile: "Blood Spear Demon! You will cultivate for a while. Starting from today, the Frost Nation will be my country!"

A scorching color flashed in the eyes of the Blood Spear Demon: "Yes! Your Majesty One-eyed Demon Eagle, from today onwards, you are the king of the Frost Nation!"

Although Nashuang is the weakest country among the twelve countries in the Western Regions, it covers an area of ​​more than 30 million square kilometers, has a population of one billion, and is rich in resources.

Once the one-eyed magic eagle becomes the king of Frost Nation, the Blood Spear Demon will no longer have to worry about resources.

The reason why Nashuang Nation was unable to give birth to a high-ranking magic soldier was not because of insufficient resources, but the fact that Nashuang Nation's royal family had no real genius for cultivation.

Taking the strength of the middle demon soldier of the Frost Kingdom King also consumed the original power of the upper demon soldier to take the Frost Demon Sword, as well as countless geniuses and treasures forcibly upgraded.

The reason why the twelve kingdoms of the Western Regions have held powerful powers in the past, and the middle-ranked magic soldier has never been cut off, because they have the upper-ranked magic soldier.

"It's a pity that Han'er is not here! Otherwise, let him inherit the Frost Demon Sword! Only our father and son can truly master the Frost Nation!"

When the one-eyed magic eagle thought of Qu Han who had died, his eyes immediately surged with murderous intent. He has more than a hundred children, but Qu Han is the only one who can become a rank magic soldier.

If Qu Han inherits the Frost Demon Sword in the future, even if he destroys his lone eagle spear and rebuilds it, he can still cultivate to the middle position of the Frost Demon Sword with the enhancement of the Frost Demon Sword. Two middle-ranked magic soldiers are enough to master the Nation Shuang.

"No, taking Frost Nation is not your thing! It's my prey! After your mission is completed, you can all die!"

An extremely terrifying flame sword light appeared out of the sky, and directly slashed towards a lower demon soldier.

The speed of the flame blade light was extremely fast. The lower demon soldier had just seen the blade light, and was immediately beheaded by that terrifying blade light.

The four lower-level magic soldiers, the Flying Ape King, the sawtooth butcher, the magic bow, and the blood beast, slew out from the side, and slayed together with the two lower-level magic soldiers under the command of the one-eyed magic eagle.

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