God-level Base

Chapter 862: Suppress the Flying Ape King

The Black Forest Village is located on the Black Forest Mountain in the Dark Demon Mountain Range.

The Black Forest Mountain is thousands of meters high, and the terrain is extremely steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Master of the Black Forest Village, the Flying Ape King, is a rank demon soldier, one of the most terrifying masters in the Northern Territory!

The Black Forest Village is located on the main road of communication between the Heavenly Blade Empire and the Western Regions. The Flying Ape King often went down the mountain to rob those wealthy merchants who traveled between the two countries, and took the initiative to intervene in business and trade, earning a lot of money, rich in the enemy's country, and naturally had no interest in joining the four empires.

Even if the Flying Ape King is a rank demon soldier, after he joins the four empires, if he wants to become a nobleman, he also needs to make meritorious deeds.

It is precisely because of this that some unruly rank magic soldiers like to create a force by themselves. If it can develop to a certain level, it can even evolve into small countries.

"Yes! The terrain is steep! Easy to defend and hard to attack!"

At the foot of the Black Forest Mountain, Shu Feng looked far above, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Behind Shu Feng, followed by nearly ninety elite cavalry.

Shu Feng said: "After I send the signal! You guys will attack again!"

Tian Dan said: "Yes! Young Master!"

Shu Feng jumped, his whole body shining with flames, holding the saint flame tyrant sword, like a flame god, flew towards the black forest mountain cottage.

"Ye Xuankong is here! The Flying Ape King can dare to come out for a fight!"

Shu Feng screamed, his voice agitated directly on the Black Forest Mountain.

"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!"

"Let the arrow!! Let the arrow!!"


On the Black Forest Mountain, the arrows rained down for an instant, and the densely packed Demon Breaking Crossbow arrows that could damage the Ninth-Rank Demon Soldiers shot toward Shu Feng like raindrops.

Countless rolling stones and woods directly rolled down from the black forest mountain and swept towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng drove the flames and flew directly into the void. He swung the Saint Flame Tyrant's sword and slashed directly. The terrifying flames tumbling, pulling the vitality of the world for dozens of miles, turning into a flame blade that is ten meters long. Slashed on an arrow tower in the Black Forest Mountain.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, countless flames tumbling, that arrow tower was directly swallowed by the flames, and the terrifying flames spread rapidly in all directions.

"Rank Magic Soldier!! He is a Rank Magic Soldier!!"

"Let's release the arrow!! Continue to release the arrow!!"


From the Black Forest Mountain, there were horrified shouts.

The rank magic soldier is a terrifying powerhouse of the **** level. In the magic soldier world, only the rank magic soldier can fly in the void. They are also symbols of strength and terror.

The densely packed Demon Breaking Crossbow Arrows are still shooting towards Shu Feng continuously.

Those demon-breaking crossbow arrows are threatening even to high-level magic soldiers, and can consume their power.

"court death!"

The fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he swung the Saint Flame Tyrant's sword to pull the vitality of the heaven and the earth, turning into a series of terrifying flames, shrouded in the Black Forest Mountain.

The terrifying flame spread all the way, igniting countless buildings on the Black Forest Mountain, and bursts of terrible screams continued to be heard from all over the Black Forest Mountain.

Under the terrifying flames, the soldiers on the Black Forest finally collapsed and fled frantically towards the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, from the flames of the Black Forest Mountain, a terrifying aura of the lower demon envoy rose up, and a sharp and incomparable flying demon spear shrouded in the hurricane, driving the terrifying wind towards Shu. The wind pierced directly.

The Flying Ape King, a lower demon soldier, allowed his subordinates to die tragically, and then at this most critical moment, he launched a mortal blow to Shu Feng.

"The timing is good! It's a pity, you are too weak!"

Shu Feng laughed, his eyes flashed, and the flames tumbling all over his body, he swept the terrifying flames with a single blade, and directly cut it down.

Boom! !

The flames and winds of two terrifying magic soldiers burst out at once, and the terrifying shock wave surged in all directions.

Countless trees and gravel on the Black Forest Mountain sputtered in all directions.

The Flying Ape King fell directly from the sky like defeat, and hit the mountain wall fiercely, spouting a mouthful of blood, his eyes flashed with incredulity: "How is it possible? You are also the lower demon soldier. , How could it be so strong?"

"I, Ye Xuankong, is a real genius! How can you imagine how powerful I am? The Flying Ape King, either surrender to me or die! Choose one yourself!"

Shu Feng stood proudly in the void, overlooking the Flying Ape King indifferently.

"Ye Xuankong, wait for you to become the master of a country and then come and say something like this to me!"

A hurricane encircled the Flying Ape King's body, and the flying magic spear encircled his body, turning into a pair of wind wings, curling him towards the distance and fleeing frantically.


Shu Feng smiled indifferently, and his body instantly became blurred.

In almost an instant, Shu Feng immediately appeared before the hurricane transformed by the Flying Ape King, and slashed it down.

A lightning-fast flame blade light instantly slashed on the Flying Ape King, splitting the Flying Ape King into two, splashing blood.

"Do not!!"

An unbelievable color flashed in the eyes of the Flying Ape King, and his soul collapsed immediately, and he lost his breath.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the body of the Flying Ape King directly into the space of the base.

The Flying Ape King is the lower demon soldier. Once he is resurrected, Shu Feng can have an extra powerful subordinate, and many things can be left to him.

"The Flying Ape King has been defeated in my hands! Those who surrender will not die!"

Shu Feng turned into a flame, flew to the Black Forest Mountain, and shouted sharply.

The terrifying sound waves rippled over the Black Forest Mountain.

Nearly ninety elite fighters in the desolate city began to climb the mountain to receive the fruits of victory.

"I surrender!!"

"Don't kill me! I surrender!"


The soldiers on the Black Forest trembling under the pressure of Shu Feng chose to surrender.

The elite fighters of the Desolate City rushed into the Black Forest Mountain to accept the surrender of the Black Forest Mountain soldiers.

A scorching color flashed in Tian Dan's eyes: "You deserve to be the young master! It's so strong! The Heilin Mountain was flattened by him! We will definitely get more glory!"

The Black Forest Mountain was a powerful force that the Earth Rock Blade family was unwilling to provoke. If the Dadi Yandao family wants to go to the Western Regions to do business, they also have to pay a huge sum of money to the Black Forest Mountain.

Now Shu Feng had already captured the Black Forest Mountain Village and replaced it, which meant that he had an extremely stable base area and a steady stream of financial resources.

Only those elite fighters in the desolate city are eligible to continue to use potions and magic metal to cultivate and evolve!

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