God-level Base

Chapter 856: Magic Soldier World

"Supreme Demon Body pushes 95% of evolution!"

Shu Feng glanced at the evolution of the supreme monster, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared: "Sure enough, coming to the Ice Prison Demon Shrine is the right choice!"

Although the Dark Snow Demon God did not pass on the Demon God level inheritance of the Ice Prison Demon God Palace to Shu Feng, his library also has countless powerful secret methods, and there are many ancient demon cultivation secret methods, plus many half-step Demon God level. , Demon-level powerhouse breakthrough and metamorphosis notes experience, so that Shu Feng's evolution of the supreme demon directly soared.

With the assistance of the various ancient demon cultivation classics, the base space was based on the Demon God-level inheritance secret method of the Wild Sky and Night Thunder Demon God, and only then deduced the supreme demon body to 95%.

If there is no Demon God level inheritance of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God, it is impossible to deduce that supreme demon body secret method to more than 50%.

"For the remaining 5%, it is too difficult for the Demon God level inheritance to deduct Consummation."

Shu Feng has mastered the various top ancient magic cultivation secrets in the Ice Prison Demon God's Palace. There are not many ancient magic cultivation secrets in the Ice Prison Demon God's Palace, I am afraid there are not many in the Ice Prison Continent.

"I want to complete the deduction of these 5% supreme monsters. Either go to the Central Demon Realm, where there are terrible dangers, and there are also unlimited opportunities."

"However, with insufficient strength, I still can't set foot in the Central Demon Realm!"

There was a slight movement in Shu Feng's heart, and the horrible existence that shook his soul collapsed with a "hehe" hidden in the darkness, shrouded in a layer of shadow in his heart.

"It's time to perform the task! The top priority is to improve my spirit! Ordinary demon is not my goal! My goal should be power or even true demon! Otherwise, it will not be enough to counter him!"

When Shu Feng thought of himself in the True Demon Realm, a trace of fighting spirit surged in his heart, and he left the library directly to search for the Dark Snow Demon God.

Inside an exquisite and elegant Crystal Palace.

"Shu Feng, do you really want to go to the Demon Soldier World? I want to remind you that the Extreme Flame Demon Shrine has also been eyeing the Demon Soldier World. The Red Flame Eagle King and several high-ranking demon kings have already taken the lead in entering the Demon Soldier World. Soldier world."

"Blood Ice King and Black Ice King have also entered the world of magic soldiers. Together with the indigenous people of the world of magic soldiers, the situation is very chaotic. Maybe once you pass, you have not waited for you to pass the period of weakness, you have been killed! "

"Those who attacked the powerful world and died in the period of weakness are countless. There are even demon-level powerhouses. Have you considered it?"

The Dark Snow Demon God sat on a crystal sofa, looked at Shu Feng quietly, and analyzed the pros and cons to him clearly. He was quite satisfied with Shu Feng, a direct disciple.

Those geniuses who can complete the transformation with 10,000 points of holy soul in the spiritual saint advanced semi-god realm, even in the central demon realm, only those huge forces in the kingdom of the seven true demons can be cultivated.

Geniuses born from the lower realms like Shu Feng are also found in the Netherworld Realm, but the number is very rare. Once discovered, even the powerhouses of the Demon God Realm are willing to accept them as personal disciples. Such geniuses have a higher chance of advancing to the Demon God.

A look of surprise flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "The Red Flame Eagle King has also sneaked into the world of magic soldiers! That would be great! I can intercept him in the world of magic soldiers!"

Dark Snow Demon God Liu's eyebrows raised slightly: "Shu Feng, don't be too swollen! The Chiyan Eagle King is the top high-ranking demon king! He is the most promising powerhouse in the Supreme Flame Demon God's Palace to advance to the half-step demon god. His cultivating talent is terrifying. In addition, he has other powerful people from the Flame Demon Temple to help him, and he is definitely a very difficult enemy in the world of magic soldiers."

Shu Feng said: "Yes! Master! By the way, should the Blood Ice King and Black Ice King stay in the Demon Soldier World, or let them come back?"

Dark Snow Demon God whitened Shu Feng and said, "You can figure it out by yourself!"

Both the Blood Ice King and the Black Ice King are strong in the Half-Step Demon God Realm, and their cultivation talents are also extremely sky-defying. They are all the destiny children of a small world, and in the end they were still surrendered by the holy source ice demon **** and became his followers. But their cultivation talent and strength should never be underestimated.

Shu Feng actually wanted to kill the Blood Ice King and Black Ice King, and he was a little overwhelmed. After all, he is just a middle-ranked demon! And he hasn't cultivated to the peak of the middle demon king.

In the mansion of the desolate city in the northern region of the magic soldier world.

"Get out!! Get out of me!!"

Accompanied by a somewhat violent voice, countless porcelains fell in the room, and the air was filled with a strong smell of medicine.

Several beautiful and beautiful maids fled from the room in embarrassment.

"Why? Why is this? Me, the most outstanding genius of the Earth Rocksword family!! Why did I fall to this point!!"

A young man with long black hair and a handsome face flashed a twist in his eyes as he roared ferociously.

Suddenly, the young man's complexion changed drastically, he coughed, and a large amount of blood was coughed up directly, staining the bed sheet red.

"Little Lord!!"

A tall, valiant-looking middle-aged man stepped into the room and looked at the black-haired young man, a complex color flashed in his eyes.

The black-haired young man in front of him was originally the most talented existence of the Earth Rock Sword family, Ye Xuankong, and he hoped to inherit the position of the Marquis of the Earth Sword Sword family and the strongest magic soldier Earth Sword inherited by the family.

But half a year ago, the strongest genius of the Earth Rock Blade family suddenly contracted a strange disease, his strength plummeted, and he lay on the hospital bed all year round. Has been completely abandoned by the Earth Rock Blade family.

The black-haired young man said: "Tian Dan, what's the matter, say!"

Tian Dan said: "Three days ago! Young Master Ye Nan has been officially confirmed to be the son of the prince, in charge of the Earth Rock Sword."

"Haha!! Father, father!! You really are partial to Ye Nan!! I have been in the deserted city for five years, killing monsters and countless weird things! You didn't make me the son of the world, in charge of the rock sword. I am just sick. In half a year, you let him become the son of the elder and take charge of the rock sword. You are really a good father!!"

Ye Xuankong laughed sadly, his eyes were full of mockery, he suddenly opened his mouth and coughed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and scattered on the earth.

"Little Lord!!"

Tian Dan hurriedly stepped forward to support Ye Xuankong.

Ye Xuankong waved his hand and said, "Tian Dan, you can withdraw! I want to be quiet!!"

"Yes! Young Master!"

Tian Dan sighed and left directly from the room.

"I am not reconciled!!! I am really not reconciled!!!"

Ye Xuankong lay on the hospital bed, coughing up blood again and again, a touch of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and finally no breath.

A hint of ripples shone, and Shu Feng suddenly appeared on the head of Ye's suspended bed.

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