God-level Base

Chapter 849: Anti-kill

"Within the sphere of influence of the Golden Throat Divine Emperor, not only humans, but even the humanoid king of Ethereal Demon have suffered discrimination. I have obviously disguised myself so as not to cause trouble!! But I still can't hide!! "

Shu Feng sighed slightly, bursts of fierce light burst into his eyes, suddenly violent, appeared behind the double-headed ogre like a ghost, and slammed into the body of the double-headed ogre.

A terrifying black flame broke out directly, covering the double-headed ogre king directly.

"No!! Save me!! Save me!! Lion Head and Scorpion Heart King!!!"

As soon as the double-headed ogre king was enveloped in the black magic flames, he immediately let out a scream of terrible screams, and blasted Shu Feng with his backhand punch.

Shu Feng smiled and shook his body slightly, avoiding the attack of the double-headed ogre, appeared in front of him, shrouded in the terrifying magic flame with a punch, and rushed into the double-headed ogre. Of the body.

The scream of the double-headed ogre king was directly swallowed by the black inflammation, and his body was burned to ashes inch by inch.


The Lion Head and the Scorpion Heart King roared, gave up attacking the Amano Demon King, and slammed his backhand towards Shu Feng.

Countless devilish energy was tumbling, and a terrifying demon lion head appeared, opened its blood basin, and bit it directly towards Shu Feng.

"You go to die for me too!"

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, a fist enveloped the terrifying black inflammation, and a blow hit the demon lion's head.

The terrifying demon lion head instantly collapsed, and the lion head and the scorpion heart king was directly shocked by a fist, spewing countless demon blood, and the terrifying demon flame enveloped him like a shadow, burning him screaming and screaming again and again.

"The Spear of Demon Flame!"

A series of terrifying magic flames gathered together to form a spear of magic flames, stabs madly towards the lion head and scorpion heart king.

Shu Feng didn't want to provoke the lion head and scorpion heart kings, but now that he has done his hands, it is the best policy to kill them all.


Accompanied by a scream, a statue of three meters tall, holding a giant tortoise shield, with a tortoise head, covered with a carapace, the middle phantom king jumped off a high platform and lifted the giant The shield stood in front of the lion head and scorpion heart king.

Boom! !

With a terrifying loud noise, the black flame demon spear blasted on the giant tortoise shield, and the terrifying black flame instantly erupted, directly involving the middle demon king who had jumped out. Burning frantically.

The Void King screamed: "Stop! The Storm Demon, I am the Turtle Thunder Demon, the guardian of the Void Mothership, and a subordinate of the Banleyka Demon Lord! If you shoot at me, the Banleyka Demon Lord will not let go. Pass yours!!!"

"Why didn't I see your guards show up when I was attacked? Now that you dare to come out and pull the side frame, then you will die for me!!"

There was a murderous flash in Shu Feng's eyes, and he glanced at the rest of the Void Mothership's Void Demon King coldly.

There was a chill in the hearts of the several Void Demon Kings who had planned to move forward, and they retired directly.

"Inferior humanoid!! Let go of my subordinates!! Otherwise, you will die!!"

A terrifying aura of a high-ranking demon king suddenly emerged from a high platform, and a nine-headed phantom appeared directly as if the nine-headed Sky-Swallowing Dog that could devour the world.

Among the phantoms of the nine sky-swallowing dogs, Banlieka's eyes flashed fiercely, and one claw controlled the terrifying devilish energy of the upper demon king's rank directly towards Shu Feng.

"The Demon King Banlieka has taken action!"

"That humanoid demon king is dead!"

"Even if he doesn't die, he will become a slave. His luck is so bad that he got on this Void Mothership!"


In that bar, the eyes of the rest of the Void Demon Kings flashed jokes, watching this scene quietly.

Although the Holy Source Demon Kingdom is one of the kingdoms of the Golden Maw Divine Emperor, it is only his kingdom after all. Discrimination against races is not too serious. It's just that the Demon King Banleyka is an ardent admirer of the Golden Throat, and his discrimination against humans is the most serious one.

The seven gods suppressed the virtual world, and they were invincible. They are in the Void Realm, and I don't know how many worshipers there are. In the kingdom of true demons directly under the Golden Throat Divine Emperor, the human races are all lowly slaves, and the humanoid powerhouses of virtual demons are also discriminated against, making it difficult to advance to high positions.

"you wanna die!"

A fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and the summoning technique was activated at once.

A summoning circle appeared directly, and the ten-meter-tall scaly violent ape demon directly appeared, roared, and blasted directly at the nine-headed sky-swallowing dog in the sky with a frightening whirlpool of magical power.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the scaly violent ape demon bleeds through seven holes, cracks all over his body, and his right fist cracks, obviously falling into the wind.

In the shadow behind the demon lord Banlieka, the tentacles of the shadow erupted silently and entangled him fiercely.

"Split me!"

Demon King Banlieka roared, and the terrifying power of the Demon King burst out instantly, directly shattering those shadowy tentacles.

At this moment, a dark cursed spear with a weird aura blasted on Demon King Banlieka's body like a ghost.

One after another, the creepy and strange curses directly surfaced on the demon lord Banlieka, causing him to fall into various negative states such as dizziness, nausea, and headaches.

The figure of the dark **** also appeared in front of many demon kings and joined the scaly violent ape demon in the battle to besie the demon king Banlieka.

The wild thunder demon clan of Huang Lei Wuhen is chased by demon-level powerhouses. The Black Wing Bone Demon King is the veteran of the Holy Source Demon Kingdom, and these two cards are not a last resort, and Shu Feng will never be easily dispatched.

Once Shu Feng used these two hole cards, it meant that he had to kill everyone present.

Only the dead can truly keep secrets!

"The high-ranking demon king and the gods of powerful divine power series!!!"

"What is the origin of the strong man of the ghost and demons? There are two strong men guarding it?"

"Could it be that he is the heir of a strong half-step demon god?"


When the Void Kings who were onlookers saw this scene, everyone's eyes flashed with shock.

The upper demon king is already a master who can dominate one side in the imaginary world. The power of that powerful divine power series is far superior to ordinary high-ranking demon kings. Such Shu Feng guarded by the two powerhouses suddenly became mysterious in the eyes of the King of Void Demon.

A look of shock flashed in the eyes of Demon King Mandolen: "It's amazing! I didn't expect this friend I made temporarily to be so powerful! I have two strong guards!!"

"Storm Demon Lord, I am the Demon Lord of Smokey Moon City. I didn't mean to confuse you in the battle, but I also ask you to calm down! After all, the Demon Lord Banlieka is a member of the Golden Maw Demon Kingdom and the guardian of our Void Mothership . If you kill him, you will be in big trouble!"

The Demon King of Yanyue City stood in the distance, releasing the terrifying aura of the high-ranking Demon King indifferently.

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