God-level Base

Chapter 842: Gain inheritance

(Ps: The chapter name of the previous chapter is wrong, I can't change it, sorry.)

Shu Feng commanded: "Go and accept the inheritance of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God!"


Huang Lei Wuhen replied decisively, strode into the inheritance square and sat cross-legged, running part of the secret method passed down by Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God.

From the thunder jade stele, a beam of light directly shone down and fell on Huang Lei Wuhen's body.

Countless thunder lights gleamed, and the complete secret method turned into countless thunder and lightning, all of which were directly absorbed by the wild thunder without a trace.

Huang Lei Wuhen spurred the inheritance secret method of the Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God at once, and countless thunder lights shone, blasting crazily from all directions, blasting on his body.

That Huang Lei Wuhen but easy operation secret method absorbs the power of those thunder and lightning.

Shu Feng said silently in his heart: "Sure enough, it is not the person chosen by the Huangtianye Thunder Demon. There is basically a dead end if you want to obtain the inheritance. Only the descendants of the Huangtianye Thunder Demon or the people he chooses can obtain the inheritance.

Huang Tianye Thunder Demon left the inheritance, and naturally set various restrictions.

No matter how careful the Black Wing Bone Demon Lord is, it is impossible to truly obtain the complete inheritance of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God.

The inheritance of demon-level powerhouses is very precious even in the central demon realm where the seven true demons suppress everything. Many high-ranking demon kings have to take refuge in the big powers for a set of inheritance of the demon **** level, and serve for those big powers.

Click! !

A day later, after completing all the inheritance of that Thunder Jade Monument, it suddenly split, turning into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

A Thunder Token fell from the sky and landed in Huang Lei Wuhen's hands.

Huang Lei Wuhen came to Shu Feng respectfully and said: "My lord, I have obtained the inheritance of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God! This thunder token is the center of this deserted Thunder City! This deserted Thunder City already belongs to you Up!"

"Huang Lei Wuhen has become stronger again!"

When Shu Feng thought, the message of Huang Lei Wuhen immediately appeared.

"There is no trace of thunder."

"Higher Demon King!"

"Hold power and lightning!"

"The Godhead 18."

"God traits: defense, agility, strength, physique, spirit, and intelligence are fixed by 3000%, and the power of lightning spells is increased by 5000%. Divine resistance +18, weak immunity and other divine power lethal spells."

"Strength 550,000, Agility 650,000, Defense 450,000, Physical 550,000, Intelligence 450,000, Spirit 550,000, Demon King 300 million."

"The charm is 100,000, and the soul is 18 points."

When Huang Lei Wuhen just recovered, his godhead was only 17 points, but now it is as high as 18 points. Obviously, he has obtained huge benefits from the inheritance of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes and said: "Central analyzer, give me an analysis of the techniques of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God immediately, and see if I have the possibility of cultivation!"

The light shining in the central analyzer began to quickly analyze the secret method inherited from Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God from Huang Lei Wuhen.

"If the host wants to practice the secret inheritance method of the Wild Tianye Thunder Demon, he must abolish all his skills and transform his body into a special thunder body that is compatible with thunder and lightning. If you want to advance to the Demon God, you must also obtain the Demon Fruit with the Thunder attribute!"

A line of information is fed back from the central analyzer.

"Devil fruit?"

Shu Feng was carefully browsing the inheritance of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God, and finally saw the introduction of Demon Fruit.

Demon fruit is a special product of the Void Demon Realm, which was born from precious and precious fruit trees of the Demon God.

A demon fruit tree will bear a demon fruit in ten million years.

Basically, more than 90% of the Demon Gods in the Void Demon World need the assistance of the Demon God Fruit to complete the transformation when they transform from a half-step Demon God to a Demon God.

In the floating continent where the Holy Source Demon Kingdom is located, there is no Demon God Fruit at all, and naturally it is impossible to give birth to a Demon God level powerhouse.

Of course, the Void Demon Realm is vast and boundless, and some people can also directly advance to become a Demon God without using Demon Fruit! But such strong people are rare.

When the seven true demons were in the advanced Demon God Realm, each of them used the top Demon God Fruit to transform. Most of the powers of the imaginary world are transformed by using the top-level demon fruit.

The devil fruit is also divided into three, six or nine grades, and the demon fruit that has been fruited for 10 million years is an ordinary demon fruit. The Demon Fruit that has been fruited over 50 million years is an Intermediate Demon Fruit. The demon fruit that has been fruited over 100 million years is a high-level demon fruit. The Demon Fruit that has been fruited over a billion years is the top Demon Fruit.

It is very difficult for a strong man like the Holy Source Demon God to obtain an ordinary Demon Fruit. As for those top-level demon fruits, only the real demon kingdom ruled by the seven true demons and some great abilities can be possessed.

"It's hard for me to cultivate to the pinnacle of the lower demon king. Only one step is away to advance to the middle demon king. It would be too bad for me to abolish my skills and re-cultivation!!"

"Can you absorb the essence of the secret method of the Demon God of Wild Sky and Night Thunder and deduce the secret method of the Supreme Demon Advanced Demon God?"

Shu Feng frowned slightly and said to the central analyzer.

The middle demon king is already among the masters in the imaginary world. In order to get this far, Shu Feng did not know how much effort and effort he put in. If it is not a last resort, he is unwilling to take the effort to rebuild.

Countless lights burst out from the central analyzer, and the deduction began quickly.

A push progress bar appeared at once, and the long push progress bar was desperately slow.

"It is estimated that the deduction will be completed in ten million years! Collecting various cultivation cheats and enriching the base database can reduce the time consumed. The ancient demon cultivation cheats and the cultivation secrets of the demon-level strong can greatly reduce the time.

A line of information emerges at once.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised a slight smile: "The secret method of the Demon God level is really not that simple to perform! But I can collect ancient magic secrets. This is not difficult to do."

As long as Shu Feng kills some of the ancient magic powers in the imaginary world, the cultivation secrets of those ancient demons will come out. Of course, Shu Feng can also kill the powerhouses of the Demon God level and rob them of their cultivation secrets through the base space.

But that Demon God level powerhouse is too terrifying, a single finger can suppress Shu Feng. He is undoubtedly seeking his own death when he hunts the powerhouse of Demon God level.

After Huang Lei Wuhen became the master of Huang Tian Lei City, Huang Tian Lei City also fell under Shu Feng's control.

This deserted thunder city itself is an extremely powerful secret treasure, which can be called a quasi-devil-level secret treasure. The main function of this ridiculous Thunder City is to assist the cultivation of the strong with the thunder attribute, and to store the devil-level potion thunder longevity grass in the potion garden.

That devil-level potion, Thunder Longevity Grass, can give the strong who practice the secret method of the Demon God’s inheritance a reborn change and have a longer life.

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