God-level Base

Chapter 840: Mutation

The [Contract Talisman Tree] began to burn crazily, and pieces of Contract Talisman Leaf disappeared in the flames.

"My lord!! Why?"

"Damn it, Black Wing Bone Devil, you betrayed me!!"


The face of the strong under the Black Wing Bone Demon King changed drastically, and the body and soul collapsed one by one with the burning of the contract rune leaf, screaming bitterly.

"Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God’s inheritance is too precious! You are still alive, I don’t worry. Moreover, the [Contract Talisman Tree] may not be able to truly control your life and death. I know that there are several precious treasures that can crack [Contract Talisman Tree] 】’S contract!"

The Black Wing Bone Demon smiled indifferently, with five fingers, and the extremely sharp bone spurs pierced his subordinates like lightning.

A king of imaginary demon, the great duke of imaginary demon, died tragically under the attack of the black wing bone demon king.

At this moment, King Bibo, the king of the lower imaginary demon, suddenly exploded with the terrifying aura of the peak of the middle demon, turning into a bibo and fleeing madly into the distance.

"Sure enough, a **** rat got in here! But after all, the rat is just a rat, and it's hard to see! The grip of the Bone King!"

The Black Wing Bone Devil smiled sullenly, spurring the devil's power crazily, and countless curse imprints appeared, turning into a claw engraved with countless mysterious curse imprints, and grabbed it directly at King Bibo.

The devilish energy was tumbling, and King Bibo seemed to be entangled by countless invisible shackles, and a round shape appeared at once.

"Black Wing Bone Demon King, I have left clues outside. Once you kill me, someone will betray you to the Holy Source Demon God and spread the news of the inheritance of the Wild Sky and Night Thunder Demon God!! Let you die without a place to be buried! !"

A flash of cold light flashed in King Bibo's eyes, and he roared, madly urging the power of the Demon King, turning it into a 100-meter-long Bibo knife, shrouded in the terrifying waves, and blasted directly towards the terrifying devil claws.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I get the inheritance of the Demon God of Wild Sky and Night Thunder, the world is so big, I can stand on it wherever I go!!"

The devil's claws transformed by the Black Wing Bone Demon directly squeezed, crushed the Bibo knife directly, and squeezed it on Bibo King's body.

"Do not!"

King Bibo screamed, and there were more terrifying blood holes in his body, and he was caught in his body by that terrifying devil's claws, screaming bitterly.

A stream of black aura gushed from the devil's claws, blasted into King Bibo's body, madly destroying his body and soul.

With a successful blow, the Black Wing Bone Demon King appeared in one shot, five fingers pressed on King Bibo's body, and countless sharp magic thorns burst out instantly, piercing King Bibo's body, and hit King Bibo again.

"And I don't have to kill you! Sealing you is also a good choice!"

A black spell suddenly appeared on King Bibo's body, surrounded by countless mysterious and unpredictable curse marks, entwining him tightly.

"Do not!"

King Bibo screamed, a look of despair flashed in his eyes, and was immediately involved in the black spell, and finally the whole person was sucked into the black spell.

Shu Feng hid in the center of the shadow slightly: "The Black Wing Bone Demon is really vicious and cautious!"

Two heavy pupils appeared in the eyes of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, looking around, and at the same time performing various investigation secrets, a trace of strange and incomparable ripples rippling towards the surroundings.

Shu Feng's upper shadow manipulation is the top concealment ability. The Black Wing Bone Demon's various secret methods of investigation have not found his existence.

With a wave of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, a dragon head golem with a height of ten meters, a dragon head, full of sharp thorns, and a large knife appeared.

The Black Wing Bone Demon said: "Keep this place! Anyone who comes here will be killed!"

Compared to the imaginary kings of imaginary demon, the black wing bone demon is more willing to believe in the golem he has refined. That dragon head golem possesses the terrifying power of a median demon king and can resist many threats.

The Dragon Head Demon said: "Yes! Master!"

A scorching color flashed in the eyes of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, striding into the square of inheritance.

In the thunder jade stele above the inheritance square, countless thunder lights shone, and a light of inheritance fell from the sky, shining on the body of the Black Wing Bone Demon King.

"This is the inheritance of Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God, great!!"

A frenzy flashed in the eyes of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes tightly, and starting to practice frantically.

From the thunder jade stele, waves of thunder light blasted on the body of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, which was quickly absorbed by him and transformed into his own power.

Countless thunder rays were shining, and one after another thunder pattern appeared on the forehead of the Black Wing Bone Demon King.

Shu Feng was hiding in the shadows, looking at the Black Wing Bone Demon King who was accepting the inheritance, and was about to do it, suddenly a thought came into his heart: "Will Huang Tianye Thunder Demon easily leave his inheritance to outsiders?"

"not good!!"

The Black Wing Bone Demon King suddenly opened his eyes, and a series of terrifying thunder and lightning erupted from his body, shaking him constantly, and spraying a mouthful of blood.

From the thunder jade stele, a series of terrifying thunder and lightning blasted crazily, constantly bombarding the Black Wing Bone Demon King, making his soul tremble and painful.

The power of countless thunder and lightning exploded in the body of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, making this cunning, vicious, and extremely powerful high-ranking Ethereal King miserable! !

"Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God’s inheritance is only true! But once the thunder of inheritance is absorbed for cultivation, it will conflict with his own power! Although the Black Wing Bone Demon Lord is cautious, he is still bewildered by greed. Huang Tianye The layout of the Thunder Devil’s trap is really secret!"

"Now is the best time to shoot!!"

Shu Feng jumped out of the shadows, like a ghost, appeared behind the dragon head golem, and the [Punch of Modan] in his hand penetrated the heart of the dragon head golem like lightning.

Boom! !

With a terrifying loud noise, the dragon head golem directly collapsed.

Ripples gleamed, and the scaly violent ape demon king and the **** of darkness directly emerged from the void.

The scaly violent ape demon screamed, frantically mobilized the power of the virtual demon, and blasted out with a punch, and a dark fist that contained the power of the demon directly blasted towards the black wing bone demon.

The Dark God burns his divine power madly, silently releases a dark curse spear, and blasts towards the Black Wing Bone Demon King very strangely.

"not good!!"

The Black Wing Bone Demon King just took out the [Mine Suction Box], and faced the attack of the two powerful men, his complexion suddenly changed, frantically urging the Demon King's power to try to evade.

The Black Wing Bone Demon King just urged the power of the Demon King, he sensed the power of thunder and lightning in his body to riot, making his body painful and stiff.

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