God-level Base

Chapter 837: Annihilate

"It seems that when I explore the secret realm in the future, I won't be able to be so reckless! If I need to be reckless, I should also let my subordinates go up. Demon-level powerhouses are really terrifying!"

Shu Feng hid in the shadows, looking at the place where the Black Flame Demon fell, his heart was slightly stunned. When he seized the treasures of other high-ranking demon kings, he was also so simple and rude, forcibly destroying the various organs that guard the treasures.

Huang Tianye Thunder Demon God has fallen for more than half a million years, and it stands to reason that his cave has been eroded by time, and most of its power has been wiped out.

However, the little remaining power can still severely damage the Black Flame Demon of the upper Demon Lord rank, as can be seen from the strength of the Desolate Heaven and Night Thunder Demon God.


In that crazy fight, one strongman of the Wild Thunder Demon Race was killed by the strong commander of the Black Wing Bone Demon King, and the upper demon king of the Wild Thunder Demon Race headed by him couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Want to withdraw? It's not that simple, you all will die here!! The Bone Emperor's Grip!!"

The Black Wing Bone Demon smiled swiftly, using a secret method, and all mysterious and unpredictable bone curses appeared all over his body. The power of the whole demon king boiled, and it changed into an ancient and mysterious devil claw engraved with countless horror curses and slammed against the upper demon king of the wild thunder demon clan.

"Big Thunder Escape!!"

The upper demon king of the Wild Thunder Demon Race suddenly changed his face, and countless thunder and lightning curses appeared on his body, turning into a thunder light, and fleeing into the distance.

An unpredictable faint light came from the claw of the black wing bone demon king incarnation, towards the thunder light.

The thunder light transformed by the upper demon king of the Wild Thunder Demon Race suddenly trembled, as if tightly bound by countless invisible silk threads, his deity suddenly appeared.

The terrifying demon claw took advantage of the situation, and slammed it on the body of the upper demon king of the Desolate Thunder Demon Race.

A terrifying force of the Demon King instantly exploded, and blasted into the body of the upper demon King of the Wild Thunder Demon Race, causing him to make waves of screams and screams. His body instantly cracked and blood splashed.

One blow severely damaged the upper demon king of the Wild Thunder Demon Race. The Black Wing Bone Demon King suddenly appeared its own deity, and his aura dimmed for a few points. Obviously, the top-notch secret method of attack and killing was also expensive for him.

"That trick to attack and kill the secret is so strong! It can only be hard-wired and cannot escape. In other words, there is no top-level escape secret, you can't escape its attack! The Void Demon Realm is really strong like a cloud, and there are so many terrifying secrets!"

Seeing this scene, Shu Feng felt a little bitter in his heart.

The Black Wing Bone Demon King’s secret technique is terrifyingly powerful, as strong as Shu Feng, it is difficult to escape, only one way. If Shu Feng used the shadow jumping skill to dodge, he would also be directly pulled out of the shadow and fall into the claws of the Black Wing Bone Demon King.

This is the horror of the top secret method of the Netherworld Realm.

Countless sharp bone spurs contained the terrifying power of the demon king. They penetrated the body of the upper demon king of the wild thunder demon tribe, and screamed the demon king of the desolate thunder demon tribe.

"Do it now?"

A thought flashed in Shu Feng's mind, and after weighing it repeatedly, he still chose to give up.

The Black Wing Bone Demon King is extremely powerful, far surpassing the scale-armored violent ape demon and the **** of darkness. Even if the scaly violent ape demon and the **** of darkness join forces, it may not be his opponent.

Numerous bone spurs containing the power of the terrifying demon madly pierced into the body of the upper demon king of the wild thunder demon clan, and blood holes emerged in the body of the upper demon king of the wild thunder demon clan and burst open.

The upper demon king of the Wild Thunder Demon Race was hit hard by this and fought back frantically, but was easily suppressed by the Black Wing Bone Demon King.

The Black Wing Bone Demon madly attacked the upper demon king of the Wild Thunder Demon Race a quarter of an hour before directly blasting him to death.

"Source energy +7 billion, powerful supernatural power +17, divine soul +17."

A line of information emerges directly.

"What's the matter? How did the divinity of this guy's corpse feel that most of it disappeared, even the soul! How did his soul disappear so fast?"

The Black Wing Bone Demon looked at the scarred Demon King of the Wild Thunder Demon Race, frowning slightly, and muttered to himself.

Shu Feng's heart sank slightly: "Oops! The perception of the upper demon is terrible! I can actually feel this change!"

When those high-ranking demon kings were killed, the corpses generally contained terrifying divinity. With the passage of time, the divinity and spirit in their bodies will dissipate, but not so fast.

As soon as the upper demon king of the Wild Thunder Demon Race died, his godhead and spirit disappeared immediately, and the divinity contained in the corpse was drastically reduced. Naturally attracted the attention of the Black Wing Bone Demon King.

The Black Wing Bone Demon King slowly said: "It seems that it is because of the special laws of this world! There are always many incredible places in the ruins of the Demon God level powerhouse!"

The ruins of every Demon God level powerhouse are extremely terrifying, containing all kinds of terrifying murderous intent or all kinds of weirdness.

The Black Wing Bone Demon King is also the first time he has entered the ruins of a Demon God-level powerhouse, and he can only guess like that.

An afterimage flashed slightly, and the Black Wing Bone Demon instantly disappeared from the spot. In an instant, he appeared behind a middle demon king of the wild thunder demon clan, and a claw blasted into the body of the middle demon king.

A series of black bone spurs containing the power of the terrifying demon erupted instantly, directly penetrating the middle demon king of the wild thunder demon clan.

The rest of the Black Wing Bone Demon King instantly stepped forward, using various secret methods of attack and killing, madly blasting towards the middle demon king of the wild thunder demon clan.

The black-winged bone demon's figure is blurred, and once again appears behind a middle demon king of the wild thunder demon clan, a claw blasts into the body of the middle demon king of the wild thunder demon clan, countless bone spurs also erupt from the body of the middle demon king, Stabbed him into a sieve.

After hitting the two middle-ranking demon kings of the wild thunder demon casually, the black wing bone demon shook his body and appeared in front of the sacred castle built by the wild thunder demon god.

"This sacred castle can only be broken open forcibly only by the strong of the Demon God level. Bekaa Devil!! You come to open this castle!"

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the Black Wing Bone Demon and shouted sharply.

"Yes! Your lord!"

A lower imaginary king with two heads and four arms flew to this sacred castle, and received a tube of crimson blood handed to him by the Black Wing Bone Demon King.

Demon King Beka chanted the strange and mysterious mantra at once, and then opened the tube of scarlet blood.

A **** light fell into the sacred castle.

The sacred castle showed countless mysterious curse imprints, and a terrifying thunder light directly smashed, smashing the Devil Bekaa's body fiercely.

In an instant, Devil Bekaa was wiped out, and there was no scum left.

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