God-level Base

Chapter 833: Black Wing Bone Demon King

Ten thousand miles to the northwest of the Holy Source Demon Kingdom, there is a vast mountain range called the Alien Demon Mountain Range, which is also the wild of the Nether Demon Realm, full of weirdness and danger.

However, there are no precious specialties in this different magic mountain range, nor has it attracted too many virtual magic powerhouses to explore.

Shu Feng walked cautiously in a forest in the strange magic mountain range alone.

Suddenly, a strange voice came from all directions, accompanied by a gust of fragrant breeze, a stunningly beautiful woman dressed in a white dress, with a beautiful appearance, walked towards Shu Feng from behind a big tree.

"This son, his concubine's name is Qinghuan! I admire the son's character, and I am willing to become the best of Qin and Jin with him."

The stunning beauty smiled charmingly and moved her body, exuding a fascinating breath.

"You are so ugly!! Ugly rejection!!"

Shu Feng frowned slightly, cast the magic eye technique at once, and two mysterious spell marks appeared on his pupils.

In the next moment, the stunningly beautiful woman wearing a white coat instantly turned into a tumor-covered, human form, but the front was covered with cracked jagged, creepy horror monsters.

This is the temptation demon in the different demon mountain range. He can transform into the most beautiful creature in the hearts of various powerhouses, seduce the opponent, and then swallow the opponent directly and tear it into pieces when the opponent is most relaxed.

Even the lower Void Kings sometimes get hits, and once they get hit, they will only have a dead end.

Seeing that the temptation was unsuccessful, the terrifying temptation suddenly violently rushed towards Shu Feng like lightning.


A sneer flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and the shadow power was activated at once, and countless shadow tentacles burst out from the earth, piercing through the temptation demon like lightning.

The terrifying power of the shadow instantly blasted into the body of the temptation demon, blasting the temptation demon directly to pieces, turning it into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

"Fortunately, the danger of the alien mountain range is still relatively small. It is no wonder that the scaly violent ape devil and the winged ghost devil have selected the treasure in this place."

The place where the Winged Demon King chose to treasure their treasures naturally cannot be too dangerous, nor can it be a place without danger.

A place like the Alien Mountain Range is the most suitable. There is a certain degree of danger here, and the entry of ordinary demon kings and lower demon kings into the different demon mountains is definitely a situation of nine deaths. However, there are no terrifying monsters that threaten the middle and upper demon kings.

There are no incomparable treasures of heaven and earth in this different magic mountain range. The strong seldom come here, and it is most suitable for hiding the treasures of the strong.

"found it!!"

Shu Feng quickly came to a valley, chanting a mysterious mantra, pointing towards a mountain wall.

A black light shone, and the mountain wall made a slight ripple.

Shu Feng entered directly into the mountain wall, and a huge space appeared in front of him, and the space was filled with all kinds of virtual demon crystals and all kinds of precious cultivation resources.

"Yes, there are more resources than Gulunduo World Netherworld Battlefield Treasure. Unfortunately, the source energy treasures are a bit less. But it doesn't matter. With these resources, plus the treasure of the Winged Demon King, I can be perfect. The advanced middle-ranked devil!!!"

Shu Feng looked at the treasure of the scaly violent ape demon, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

In fact, when the imaginary pillar of the basalt world was cut off, Shu Feng was already able to advance to the middle rank demon king. It's just that he wants to lay a stronger foundation and perfect advancement, so he needs more resources.

After all, Shu Feng's goal in the future is to evolve into an existence above the power, and every evolution he needs more resources than the ordinary King of Void Demon.

A slight ripple flickered, and as soon as Shu Feng left the treasury of the scaly violent ape demon king, he saw a three-eyed black crow with three eyes and glanced at him.

"Three-eyed black crow! Investigation monster!! This one is a demon king-level three-eyed black crow!! In the entire Saint Source Demon Kingdom, only the direct forces under the Saint Source Demon God have such a terrifying monster!!"

"The powerhouses of the Saint Source Demon Kingdom are doing things in this alien demon mountain range!"

When Shu Feng saw the three-eyed black crow, his brows wrinkled slightly, his figure shook, and it turned into a black light and flew towards the outside of the strange magic mountain range.

The power of the Holy Source Demon Kingdom is like a cloud, and the Lord of the Holy Source Demon God is a terrifying demon god. In addition, there are four and a half-step Demon God series powerhouse support.

For no reason, Shu Feng was unwilling to set up such an enemy.

In a very secret valley.

There are more than a dozen imaginary kings exuding a frightening atmosphere and hundreds of imaginary grand dukes.

A statue of ten meters tall, shrouded in a black carapace, full of sharp barbs, a pair of bone wings grow behind it, exuding a pair of bone wings, and a fierce face like a demon, the King of Void Demon wrinkles slightly: "Someone unexpectedly!!"

"Master Black Wing Bone Demon King! His subordinates are willing to go and kill that person!"

A ox-headed human body, with a pair of black wings behind it, the Ethereal Demon King stepped forward respectfully.

The Black Wing Bone Demon King is the top high-ranking demon king in the Holy Source Demon Kingdom, second only to the four half-step Demon God Realm powerhouses, and his subordinates are like clouds. The False Demon King with a pair of black wings on the back of the bull head is one of the four middle demon kings under his command, the Winged Bull Demon King.

The Black Wing Bone Demon said indifferently: "Wing Bull Demon King, Black Cable Demon King, you two go and kill that guy!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

The two middle-ranked demon kings responded, turning into two black rays of light, flying out in the direction of Shu Feng.

"Having been chasing, is this eyeing me?"

Shu Feng galloped all the way, his gaze swept over the Demon King Grade Three-Eyed Mo Crow behind him, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and a shadow jump disappeared from the place.

The three-eyed Mo Crow was startled, and his gaze swept around.

Shu Feng directly emerged from the shadow behind the Three-Eyed Mo Crow like a ghost, holding the [Punch of Modan] like lightning, and directly penetrated the body of the Three-Eyed Mo Crow, and a terrifying force of God-killing erupted at once. , Penetrates the spirit of the three-eyed black crow and directly kills him.

"Something sordid, dare to kill the demon king of our holy source demon kingdom! You are really guilty, don't kneel down and wait for it to happen!!"

A roar of incomparable rage came from the void, and the fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Demon King Wing Niu, and he slashed directly with a huge magic sword in his hand.

The endless power of imaginary demon boiled, surrounded on that demon sword, condensed to form a hundred-meter-long terrifying sword light, and cut it directly towards Shu Feng.

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