God-level Base

Chapter 827: Slaughter

"How dare to take action against my summoned beast!! You are so brave!!"

A cold voice suddenly appeared behind a **** of [Slaughter of Thirty Six Teeth], a terrifying magic horn instantly penetrated the heart of that god, and countless mysterious magic lights were on the magic horn. Appeared, with one blow, directly blasting and killing the **** of the weak divine power series.

"Shu Feng!! Isn't he a demigod? How could it be possible to kill a **** in a second!!"

As soon as Gabriel sensed the fall of the god, a trace of chill suddenly surged in his heart. Although he is much more powerful than the **** that was killed by Shu Feng's spike, he is also a **** with a weak divine power rating in essence, and it is also possible to be killed by Shu Feng's spike.

As soon as Ahlia saw Shu Feng, her beautiful eyes lit up, and a glimmer of hope surged in her heart: "Shu Feng, it's him!! He is here!!"

Since Shu Feng's rise, I don't know how many powerhouses have lost in his hands. Many god-level powerhouses have also become his subordinates. Ahlia is also full of confidence in Shu Feng.

A ray of ripples shone, and the blue rock directly appeared, and punched into the body of a **** with a weak divine power level. The terrifying petrified light burst out instantly, petrifying the **** with a weak divine power level directly into a statue.

A terrifying force erupted directly, and the statue made by the gods fell apart immediately, turning into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

"You dare to shoot against Brother's summoned beast, you are really looking for your own death!"

Su Mi, who was dressed in a red dress and looked gorgeous, smiled and appeared behind a **** with a weak divine power rating. Countless blood lines pierced through the **** with a weak divine power rating, and his blood was drained directly.

In one encounter, the three gods with weak divine power levels died tragically in the hands of Shu Feng's trio.

"Shu Feng, you are looking for death!!"

A fierce light flashed in Erya's eyes, madly burning divine power, performing divine magic, a twenty-meter long one, surrounded by countless **** breaths, and countless grievances wailed in it. The killer spear directly emerged, turning into a meteor, towards Shu Feng Stabbed.

"Ground stabbing flurry!"

Qing Yan's body burst out with the terrifying aura of the middle demon king's rank, urging the power of the earth, and pressing towards the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The countless sharp ground thorns contained the terrifying power of the demon king, instantly erupting from the ground, directly blasting towards the gods.

The five weak and other divine power gods shook their bodies and avoided them one after another.

The remaining gods of the weak divine power series couldn't reach the point of defense, they were hit by those sharp piercings, and were directly hit hard, splashing divine blood.

The 20-meter-long slaughter gun was also blocked by a sharp thorn, and both collapsed and vanished.

"You all go to die!!"

Su Mi smiled, turned into a blood shadow, and appeared next to a weak divine power series god. Numerous mysterious blood lines broke out directly, piercing the badly injured god, draining his blood and destroying it. Lost his soul.

"Middle Demon King!! Shu Feng actually has two Summoned Beasts of the Middle Demon Lord level!! How could this be?"

Gabriel's eyes flashed with incredible color. Even in the ancient times of Blue Star, the powerhouse of the middle demon king ranks among the top ranks, and the strength is only below the gods of the powerful divine power rank.

"No! I have to go!"

A cold light flashed in Gabriel's eyes, and his figure shook, turning into a white light and rising into the sky.

"Since you are here, don't leave! Gabriel, my old friend, let me see you off!"

A flat voice sounded, and shadowy tentacles emerged from behind Gabriel and swept toward him.

"The light will dispel the shadows!"

Gabriel burned his divine power frantically, and radiant rays of light swept toward those shadow tentacles.

"Light can indeed dispel the shadows. But if the shadows are strong enough, they can also swallow the light!"

A wave of terrifying Demon King's power surged, and the shadow burst out instantly, swallowing and extinguishing the light and divine light, and instantly pierced into Gabriel's body.

The incomparable shadow power madly blasted into Gabriel's body, destroying all his resistance. The divine power of light in his body began to collapse and disintegrate.

Gabriel's face changed drastically, and he begged frantically: "Don't kill me! Shu Feng, I am the God of Light! I can be your servant and serve you as your servant! Contribute to your rule of the world. A strength!!"

"You betrayed our human race, you should kill!"

Shu Feng's eyes were cold, and the magic horn from his right hand penetrated Gabriel's heart instantly, and the terrifying power of the demon broke out instantly, blasting into Gabriel's body, and instantly destroying Gabriel's soul.

"Source energy +50 million, weak supernatural power +5, divine soul +5."


Er Ya, who was fighting with Qingyan and Su Mi, changed his face slightly, screamed, and his body shook, and fled into the distance without reluctance.

The fighting power of Qingyan and Su Mi is comparable to the five righteous gods in the world of Gulunduo. Their fighting power is against the sky, and they continue to fight. Erya and these gods have only one dead end.

"Petrochemical Light!"

Qingyan immediately urged the power of the earth, and the light of petrification spurted out, sweeping towards the gods of the dinosaur tribe.

Where the light of petrification passed, a **** of the dinosaur tribe's weak divine power level was directly eroded and turned into stone statues.

Su Mi's power to mobilize blood, the divine blood in the divine spirit of the dinosaur tribe's weak divine power series is boiling, and the power is disordered, allowing the petrified light to erode and turn into a stone sculpture.

"Everyone can go, only you, must stay!"

Shu Feng glanced at Erya, a shadow jumped and emerged from the shadow behind him, the magic horn of his right hand was enveloped in the terrifying devilish energy, and it pierced directly towards Erya's heart.

Two teeth gritted their teeth and opened a divine power barrier at once.

Shu Feng's magic horn hit the divine power barrier with one blow, easily penetrated the divine power barrier, and pierced Erya's body.

The power of a terrifying Demon King burst out, severely injuring Erya's soul and body.

"Go to hell!!"

Erya was fierce and fierce, desperately burning divine power, and his backhand claws fiercely blasted towards Shu Feng.

boom! !

Erya's attack blasted Shu Feng's body guard barrier, causing a ripple.

"You can resist, it is worthy of being a weak **** who is waiting for the peak of divine power! However, it is still too weak!"

A look of surprise flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and the terrifying power of the Demon King broke out again, blasting into Erya's body, directly shattering his soul.

"Source energy +80 million, weak and other supernatural power +10, divine soul +10."

As soon as Erya died, the remaining four [Killing Tooth] gods had fled hundreds of miles away.

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