God-level Base

Chapter 805: Scaly Ape Demon King

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, a section of the city wall of the Demon Suppression Fortress collapsed directly under the bombardment of the black beam of light, turning into countless fragments and splashing around.

"Archbishop Lovsky, hurry, hurry up and ask my lord to descend upon the angels and suppress these imaginary kings!!"

General Lolfo's face changed drastically, and he yelled to Archbishop Lovsky next to him.

The horror of those Void Kings was far beyond the imagination of General Lolfo, and the defense of the Demon Town Fortress was shattered by the blow of the Void King.

Without the support of the gods, there is no chance of victory in this battle.

Archbishop Lovesky said with a bitter expression: "My lord is fighting with other evil gods! There is no power to help us!!"

General Lolfo looked at Archbishop Nice, the **** of war on the other side.

Niss smiled bitterly: "My lord is also fighting with other evil gods!"

A look of despair flashed in General Lolfo's eyes: "It's over!!"

The five imaginary kings furiously attacked and the Demon Suppression Fortress was easily destroyed. Countless phantoms seized the opportunity to rush into the Summon Demon Fortress and slaughtered the elites in the Summon Fortress madly.

The Suppression Demon Fortress immediately fell, and the terrifying army of Void Demon took the opportunity to flood into the Lieyang Empire.

The Kingdom of Bo'an is a middle kingdom in the world of Gurendo.

At this time, in the capital of Bo'an Kingdom, a gate of illusion appeared directly, and a steady stream of illusion came out from it, madly massacring everything around it.

"The taste of the gods is really delicious!"

A man with a twisted face, bulging blue veins, and a black magic horn on his forehead, the King of Void Demon grabbed a deer-headed deity corpse and chewed it.

With the demonization of the Heretic God Continent of the Gulundo World, the two righteous gods among the five righteous gods, the Sun God and the God of War, are constrained by the Scarlet Eye and the poisonous Scorpio. Those who are hidden in the entire Gulundo World The virtual demons all shot one after another.

One city after another has been taken down, opening the door of the illusory devil, and even being polluted to become the devil's land.

The demons danced in the entire Gulundo world, and countless humans suffered heavy casualties.

In the battlefield where the sun **** and other gods were fighting together, Shu Feng cooperated with the dark **** and other strong men to kill one evil **** after another.

A total of eighteen evil gods died tragically under the siege of strong men such as Shufeng and the God of Darkness.

The remaining seventeen evil gods were hugged together, desperately resisting Shu Feng's and his party's attack.

"Tyrannosaurus Devil!! If you don't make a move, we will withdraw!!"

A middle divine power grade evil **** with three skulls opened his mouth and let out a sharp roar.

The combination of the three middle-level divine power gods such as the Dark God and Shu Feng is too cruel. Continue to fight, the seventeen evil gods will definitely be killed one by one by the four of Shu Feng.

A hint of retreat flashed in the eyes of the other evil gods. They are not the subordinates of the Tyrannosaurus Demon, nor will they fight desperately for the Tyrannosaurus Demon. It is quite normal for them to flee when they see the situation.

"Don't worry, he is coming!!"

The voice of the Tyrannosaurus Demon came from the void.

In the next moment, the monstrous magic cloud churned from a distance.

A statue of ten meters tall, covered with a layer of black scale armor, exuding fierce scale armor, the Demon King of the Ape, galloping from a distance.

"Scaly Ape Demon King!!"

Shu Feng looked at the scaly violent ape demon, and his face changed suddenly.

The Scaly Squad Ape Demon is a high-ranking demon, and its combat power is far superior to the six righteous gods of Gulunduo. At the beginning, he was on the battlefield of Void Demon, with a pair of iron fists blasting and killing many gods in the world of Gulunduo.

"Ant, go to death!!"

The scaly violent ape demon's eyes were cold, and he blasted out a punch, instantly drew the vitality of the world a hundred miles around, turned into a terrifying fist, and blasted directly towards the thunder **** Andino.

"not good!!"

Thunder God Andino's face suddenly changed, he burned his supernatural power madly, and while opening a lightning barrier, he fled madly into the distance.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the Thunder God of Andino's lightning barrier instantly collapsed, and he himself fell directly into the sea, spouting a mouthful of blood, and was seriously injured.

"So strong!! However, it is not irresistible! This is the weakening of the Heart of the World!"

Shu Feng glanced at the Demon King Scaly Ape, and quickly guessed his combat power.

The reason why the three high-ranking demon kings who invaded the world of Grundor stayed on the battlefield of illusions because of the weakening of the heart of the world. The scaly violent ape king dared to break into the world of Gulunduo, quite an adventure.

The scaly violent ape demon appeared on the battlefield almost in an instant.

The Beast of Steel waved its white sickle and slashed towards the Scaly Ape Demon King like lightning.

The **** of the ocean burned his divine power frantically, and a series of tree-like lightning slashed fiercely.

The God of Darkness burns divine power, a spear of the Dark Curse, pierced silently from a strange corner.

"A group of inferior world trash!! Want to besie me? It depends on whether you have that kind of ability!!"

The scaly violent ape demon smiled swiftly, spurred his magic fist, and blasted the steel beast's white sickle with a domineering blow.

Boom! !

The beast of steel was directly shocked by the overbearing and terrifying force, and the body's body armor had numerous cracks, except that the white sickle was intact.

"Huh? This sickle is a bit weird!!"

The scaly violent ape demon looked at the wound that emerged from his right fist, and an unexpected color flashed in his eyes. Originally, he thought that this punch could smash the white sickle of the steel beast.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The tree-shaped lightning smashed on the scale-armored Storm Ape Demon King's body, and a circle of black Demon King's membrane appeared on his body, which easily blocked the tree-shaped lightning.

"All the attacks are still you, the God of Darkness is the most threatening to me!! It seems that you guy has recovered his full strength!!"

The scaly violent ape demon king turned his gaze, and blasted out with an extremely domineering punch, and his right fist turned into a terrifying magic vortex, directly involving the dark cursed spear, completely shattered and annihilated.

"So, God of Darkness, go to death for me!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the scaly violent ape demon king, and he rushed towards the **** of darkness incomparably domineering.

"You guys, are you still watching the battle? If that's the case, I will escape! Otherwise, I will also take refuge in the Void Clan and let the world of Gulunduo directly perish!!"

The dark god's complexion changed drastically, his figure retreated violently, and he performed divine skills. Dark lights flooded from all directions, blasting directly towards the scaled-clad violent ape demon king.

In every dark light, there are all kinds of weird curses.

That kind of curse can't even be exempt from the gods, once hit, even the scaled violent ape devil will have a headache.

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